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[Spoiler] First rodeo: Jalepeno takes the bull by the horns.

Turn 43

Yell0w's borders popped, so I wasn't able to get any closer, just make contact.

Info from graphs, etc.

Does not have contact with TBS; currently in GK-religion-agrarianism; looks to be rival best MFG; low power devil.

City management:
Paradigm - switched deer to oasis, which means I'll actually get to COL in 6 turns, letting overflow from the settler go into a governor's mansion.

Synergies - decided to go with a settler next, as I 'm feeling the pressure to claim land.

Collaboration - forgot to grab a screenshot, but last turn of working an unimproved tile for awhile. Will work 2x FP farms + pig mine at size three, then add the wine and more farms/mines afterwards.

My large workforce + army is starting to cost a pretty penny:

Exploration continues:


-WK got a tech in 4 turns: my best guess is AH
-HK's 3rd city grew to size 2

Turn 44

Ok, I've got two settlers in the process so it's time to figure out where theyr'e going. First one has to go by the gold, but where?

Green or yellow dot could make a great national epic city, which would make green better (not going to work many tiles). Green also leaves more room for a filler city to between it and the barb city. However, it has a ton of overlap with Collaboration, and gold is second ring. Red dot uses the land better but corn is second ring, and rice is 3rd ring. Yellow is quite nice, but it doesn't leave much space for a filler city. My preferred spot would actually be where the deer is, but that seems like a waste (with ivory uncovered, hunting might not be too far in the distance after all). Thoughts Q?

The NE seems much more simpler:

Plains hill, oodles of hills to work, 2 farms from capital plus banana (plus rice eventually...) to feed the miners, minimizes overlap with Yell0w, etc. I really need to have something up there and quick to keep my capital from being on the front lines. Q, do you see any other spots up here that might work better?


-Still love food, and 3 workers mining should help fix the MFG soon. GNP is going to be down for awhile as it'll be a long time before I get an academy.
-WK's 2nd city grew to size 4
-Yell0w's capital and 2nd city both grew
-TBS grew Kwythellar to size 10

Diplo with Yell0w

jalepeno Wrote:Hello,

I've just found your newly expanded borders (Glens of Killbegs I think). Congrats on your fast start! I didn't realize just how fast people would be to catch up with my river of blood advantage.

So far I've only met the Kuriotates, and am just now gaining the courage to send out new explorers. How about you? I'd appreciate any directions to meet the others.

Hope all is well,
Yell0w Wrote:Hi, yeah I saw your BP last turn after my borders popped EOT. I apologize for not sending a greeting right away. Nice of you to do so!
I fear my start wasn't that fast comparatively I've lost a lot of units so far. On that subject there are barb animals to your warriors east so be careful exploring in that direction.

I have only met Sian so far.

What do you think about exchanging the locations of players we have met. I would speed up making contact and don't forget the 3% tech bonus for techs other civs (you've met) know.
jalepeno Wrote:Hey,

No worries, I'm just glad we met. Thanks for the head's up re animals. I'm sticking to forest hills for now; hopefully I won't get double teamed.

I'd be happy to exchange location info. From the jungled rice your borders just expanded onto, moving 11 tiles due West will give you contact with TBS. Any help finding/making contact with Sian would be much appreciated!


TL;DR - I talk him up, he talks himself down. He's been losing units (explains the low power). Warns me about animals to the east (animals...or his capital?). We agree to give directions to our other contacts.

I favor yellow or on the deer.
Its getting corn/gold first ring which is a big plus with culture in FFH being what it is, and it still makes sure to claim the mana/rice.
I'll defer to you if yellow is a security risk or not, but I think we should found on one of those two.

(Wow they are close...)
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Thanks for you input! I'm definitely leaning towards yellow dot now. First build will probably be a governor's mansion (or bloodpets as needed), so it would be ages before I got a monument in there.

The proximity of the neighbors is really stressing me out. we've got >200 land tiles per person...that should be enough for 10 non-overlapping cities each, and yet Yell0w's second city is just 7 tiles from my capital. I guess I need to REX harder - at the cost of being light on workers for a bit - to claim land. being the only one with BW (I think...) should keep me safe for now.

Tech plans

I'm a touch behind on turn updates (might have to cut back on one for every turn), but I really need to think about tech plans. I just played T46, with 3 turns left on COL. Then I'll do a triple civic switch (aristocracy - nationhood - apprenticeship) which'll give my GNP a nice shot in the arm. So, what to do next?

Techs I want/need before vampires (feudalism)
  • sanitation: +1 food on farms, +3 happy with public baths
  • masonry -> construction: irrigation, siege workshop for chariots
  • animal husbandry ->HBR: AH: current cities all have AH resources, visibility on horse; HBR: movement, chariots
  • writing -> [HBR] -> trade: faster tech, prereq for feudalism
  • warfare -> philosophy -> mil strategy: HE and command posts
  • hunting -> animal handling (maybe): improve deer, +1 happy from ivory in the south; hawks!

Right now I'm mostly thinking in terms of techs for workers v. techs for cities (i.e. buildings). REXing is the main priority, and most cities will be busy with governor's mansions to start, so that means worker techs. I'd also like to get writing soonish, since it will speed up the techs after it (and I really need to get started on a GS for an academy - great library build perhaps?). There's also the consideration of getting cartography for open borders + foreign trade routes (mostly just an excuse to build roads to TBS and Yell0w's borders, heh heh heh).

Religion can wait for later as I've got tons of happy resources and public baths are better: 100H v. 120 hammers for missionary + temple, and doesn't force you into a certain civic to get +3 happy. CoS and priesthood will come later, as folks are so close that the first war should be early enough not to need collateral.

Current thinking: at breakeven: AH, writing (save gold while building libraries), sanitation, hunting, masonry, construction, HBR, trade, warfare, philosophy, mil strategy, feudalism, animal handling

Potential changes: put sanitation first (it's that important), move HBR up and put together a moroi strike force to greet one of my neighbors (preferably Yell0w to force him to blow his WS). Q, what do you think?

Where would you put the library?
Seems a waste to be putting hammers into buildings in capped cities.
I think sanitation is next, but its whether or not you want to take construction first for the pre-req. [Actually I'm missing the in-game situation here. If you think our expansion projects are significantly AH dominated then we should definitely research that].
I think a moroi strike against Yellow would either do nothing, or force a WS, and is therefore not worth the hammers.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Turn 45

My exploring bloodpet in the NE found a lion

Yell0w wished me luck with it, so how could I resist?

I'm guessing he was wishing luck like he would an actor, but it worked out


Score increases and the change in population numbers revealed quite a lot this turn, most of it unpleasant.
-Sian and WK each got their 3rd city. Yell0w is the only one still on 2 cities.
-Yell0w and TBS each got techs (5 and 3 turns respectively); at this point I have no idea what people are teching
-HK grew his 2nd city to size 4...and plopped down his 4th city! eek I still have more pop (16 to 13), but he's definitely got more growth potential. How's he spitting out settlers so fast? I guess he's decided to take the vault unhappiness hit, mine everything, and then be rolling gold when he finally pops his WS. That is the best way to play the Khazad IMO, but it doesn't make me happy to see him doing so well at it.

Turn 46

Moar exploring!

The Northwest:

The Northeast:

The South:

While we're at it, The Core:

Plans keep rolling along, Yell0w gives me exact directions to Sian (will go find him once the bloodpet finishes healing up), blah blah blah.


-TBS' GNP just skyrocketed (67->93). He's near the top in both MFG and crop yield as well.
-I think TBS, Yell0w, and WK just got land points (18, 22, and 21 respectively)
-WK's 2nd city grew to size 5
-HK's capital grew to size 6 and his 3rd city grew to size 3

(June 27th, 2013, 04:09)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Where would you put the library?
Seems a waste to be putting hammers into buildings in capped cities.
I think sanitation is next, but its whether or not you want to take construction first for the pre-req. [Actually I'm missing the in-game situation here. If you think our expansion projects are significantly AH dominated then we should definitely research that].
I think a moroi strike against Yellow would either do nothing, or force a WS, and is therefore not worth the hammers.

Library would definitely go in Paradigm (the capital) - it'll be pulling in nearly 40 base commerce once I switch to aristocracy and give it the gems. And I really want an academy asap. After the settler, Paradigm will build a governor's mansion in 3 turns, then a library will be a 4-turn build at most. AH just nets me a pair of cows (likely to leave the pig mined until collaboration has a governor's mansion and monument), so maybe I should just skip that. Sanitation is 12 turns right now at max tech (losing 11 gpt), but we'll see what it's like after the switch. I'm mostly out of gold though.

Still undecided sanitation v. writing but am leaning towards writing. TBS nearly doubling my GNP is a bit disconcerting (especially since I probably have more culture/turn than he does - no need for monuments when you have legends!)

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