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[Spoiler] First rodeo: Jalepeno takes the bull by the horns.

Ok, so Sian is MIA and HK/Mardoc have suddenly shot ahead in post count, which means it's thread spam time.

Lurker questions:
  1. How do you rename units? Stupidly simple I'm sure, but I've actually never done it. I mostly just want to label my workers to make tracking their micro a bit easier.
  2. How many hammers/pop does slavery give in EITB? How long does the whip unhappiness last? I know the first at least is different from BTS.
  3. Are there any downsides to growing into unhappiness besides losing 2 food (when not building a worker/settler)? Once I have a governor's manor, I can't see why I wouldn't do that since the unhappy citizens don't use food if I'm building a worker/settler, right? Each unhappy growth would gain me +1 production from the GM with the a cost of -2 food towards growing, but no loss when building with food. Not like I'd build a strategy around it (health cap would erase the gains pretty quick), but there seems to be no reason not to grow while making buildings/units, even when at the happy cap.
  4. along the same lines, does war weariness unhappy increase production through a GM? Civics that increase war weariness could end up being a net gain in production during war time...

1. Left click the name when selected.
2.No clue sorry, I think whip unhappy is the same though.
3. I think you're less likely to have WLTKD - in other words, no.
4. Yes, the amount of production added is simply based on the number shown for unhappy faces. Not sure you're right about that conclusion though.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


As I recall it, slavery works like in BTS: 30 per pop, 10 turns unhappiness normal speed.

Bigger cities cost you more city and civic upkeep.

City cost caps quickly though - I'll admit Id forgotten civic.
It also reduces unit cost, which is big with the massive FFH armies.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Hey guys, thanks for your help! Being organized, the increased civic costs from bigger cities should be pretty small, right? So the increased unit support should probably be outweigh the increase in costs.

For the slavery thing, I decided to run a test in my sandbox to see what how long the unhappiness counter is on quick. (I gave myself every tech in the tree and pumped up the pop a bit.) Results weren't exactly what I was expecting...
Ok, so we've got a library at 21/80 hammers.

scroll-over says that it'll cost 3 pop, with 1 unhappy for 12 turns

after cracking the whip, the library is now at 81/80 hammers

-quick speed unhappy counter is 12 turns (no idea what normal would be)
-looks like it's 20 hammers/pop (3 pop only gave 60 hammers on the library)
-definitely nerfed from BTS, but a governor's manor can be gotten for only 3 population; might be worth using a bit at some point

(June 30th, 2013, 13:58)jalepeno Wrote: Hey guys, thanks for your help! Being organized, the increased civic costs from bigger cities should be pretty small, right? So the increased unit support should probably be outweigh the increase in costs.
Speaking of, does anyone know the formula for calculating unit support? I'm guessing it's some function of population scaled by difficulty.

It'll be on civfanatics, search it.
I'm surprised by the double unhappy, though not by the 20h/p. On normal it would be 20 (in bts its 6/10 so they likely doubled it).
You sure one of the buildings didn't affect that?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


BTS whip on quick speed also gives only 20 hammers. I'm actually surprised by the longer angry from whips, never noticed it.

Oh yeah smoke
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


What if Marathon anger is 6 turns instead? smoke

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