Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #1 SPOILER - Hatshepsut / India

I played T72 and 73 last night. I have decided to not go for Masonry but instead am collecting gold to make a run at Currency.

Reason being is that we have decided to all go commie and give everyone in the G5 all the starting techs. So if someone is going to give me Masonry on T77, why should I bother wasting 3 turns researching it myself!!

(And thus we see why communism doesn't work) :-D

Domestically, I swapped Cincinnati to another worker, timed with the Math-enhanced chop - due in 2. Fairfield will be founded in 2 turns as well - guarded by a spear and axe.

Green Twp is on barracks and Cincinnati will swap back to barracks after the worker.

I am doing some worker micro now to get done everything I need done.

Quick note. I read something somewhere about 2-pop whipping units while in Hereditary rule to build wonders at high food / low shield cities. I think that this will work and am going to try it at Whitewater.

Basically the plan goes like this:

T1: Size 4 with 0-4 hammers into a 35 hammer axe (or spear), 2-pop whip back to size 2, working the fish and clams (9fpt surplus). Overflow into Moai. Should be something like 13/24 in the box
T2: 22/24 in the box - put the 1 hammer also into Moai.
T3: Grow to size 3 (19/26), working the 1/3/0 grass hil, 8fpt, 4hpt. Put those 4 hammers into another axe.
T4: Grow to size 4 (14/28), with 4/35 in the axe, 2-pop whip and you're back at T1.

In hereditary rule, the +1 happy from the unit will counteract the -1 sad of the whip.

As the whip anger rolls off after 10 turns, I can move those units out to other locations.

Actually, rather than Moai, it might make more sense to use this trick to get the HG in Whitewater

Greeting email to m-h and Kodii, who I met in-game last night.

Quote:Hey M-h / Kodii,

Don't have a whole lot of time but wanted to just touch base and drop you a note to celebrate our meeting.

So what is going on? Not much going on over here.

Like I said in-game, I would be interested in discussing wonder builds. I know that you're Industrious, so it might make sense to talk about which wonders each of us want and possibly agree to a no-compete clause on certain ones.

Here are some of the somewhat upcoming wonders I have various levels of interest in.

Great Library
Hanging Gardens
Mausoleum of Mausollus


Email exchange with m-h

Quote:Hi regoarrarr,
well, as you know we are still looking for 2 civs, but are confident we
will meet them in the next turns.
Apart from that, we have thus far avoided any armed conflict.

About the wonders:
As you will know a few wonders are already built (Stonehenge,
GreatLighthouse, GreatWall).
We only built one.
So naturally other civs are also interested in wonders.
Unless any no-compete clause we come up with is signed by all civs, it
is basically worth nothing, right?
If we were to give you our insurance that we would not build the Temple
of Artemis, for example, you would still have to fear 9 other
competitors for it.

We can only say, that we are interested, like everybody else, in
securing wonders for us and making good use of our trait.
But a bilateral wonder pact is not feasible at the moment. Things might
look differently in 100 turns from now, when both our civs are racing
ahead in tech and will have no further competition for new wonders. smile

This issue aside, we are happy to engage in future tech & resource
trades with you, once sufficient map & tech knowledge is available.
We assume you have some tech trades aligned already, having met
everyone? Is there anything you are still missing?

Safe journey.

mh & Kodii

My reply
Quote:Well it is true that there are other civs that are interested in wonders. But I don't think I'd go so far as to say that it is worthless, at least for me. Given that you are industrious, if you have agreed to not go after a particular wonder, I can at least go after it knowing that if someone else is competing for it, I'm at least going on equal footing (stone and marble issues aside).

But obviously I can't make you agree to one. But I would imagine that even though you are industrious, you can't go after ALL the wonders. So if you know which ones you aren't planning for anyways, I might be able to slip you a little something if you let me know which ones you definitely won't go after. I'd hold that to myself, of course.

As for units I have still not met dsplaisted. Unfortunately it looks like that might take me awhile to do so, depending on where his scouting units are. I believe I gave you ingame directions to your last 2 civs, but if you need any further help, just let me know!

Played T75 and then it ticked over to T76.

I did some testing with the double pop whipping axes and hereditary rule, and it looks like it will work like a champion. So I will be implementing that in Whitewater. I whipped the lighthouse and have queued up a barracks, which I will whip here shortly.

Broker got the Oracle->Feudalism, which I'm sure you've seen already, and m-h got the Pyramids. Which means that he's going to get an engineer before too long. Though it doesn't look like he has the Pyramids and G/W in the same city, so maybe he'll get a GSpy first.

Shady and I had an interesting chat (I'm Dan, he's Brian - too lazy to change names)

Quote:(9:24:34 PM) Brian Sharkey: hi, you there?
(9:24:49 PM) Dan Miller: hi
(9:25:00 PM) Dan Miller: don't have a lot of time
(9:25:01 PM) Dan Miller: before bed
(9:25:03 PM) Dan Miller: but i am here
(9:25:15 PM) Brian Sharkey: ok, just a quick query:
(9:25:25 PM) Brian Sharkey: I saw where you put your new city
(9:25:34 PM) Brian Sharkey: what's going on?
(9:26:11 PM) Brian Sharkey: may I ask if it's a mutually agreed location or can I expect conflict in the near future? smile
(9:26:35 PM) Dan Miller: sort of both?
(9:26:38 PM) Dan Miller: if that makes sense
(9:26:44 PM) Brian Sharkey: nope smile
(9:26:45 PM) Dan Miller: yes i knew he was going to put his city there
(9:26:57 PM) Dan Miller: i would have prefered that he settle 2W on the coast
(9:27:14 PM) Dan Miller: but since he seemed pretty persistent on founding it there
(9:27:18 PM) Dan Miller: and there was nothing i could do to stop him
(9:27:27 PM) Dan Miller: i figured i might as well get my border city up and running as soon as i could
(9:27:34 PM) Brian Sharkey: did he know you were going to put your city there?
(9:27:53 PM) Dan Miller: yes i told him
(9:28:16 PM) Brian Sharkey: I assume he wasn't happy about it?
(9:29:14 PM) Dan Miller: eh
(9:29:16 PM) Dan Miller: i don't know
(9:29:23 PM) Dan Miller: i'm sure he wasn't jumping up and down with joy
(9:29:26 PM) Dan Miller: smile
(9:29:26 PM) Brian Sharkey: I can see all the land there... the city site 2W on the coast is a nice site, yes it has less land and relies on more water, but it gets the all important horse resource and it has a fish
(9:29:30 PM) Dan Miller: right
(9:29:33 PM) Dan Miller: and lets me have the cows
(9:29:50 PM) Dan Miller: and don't mind me putting an axe with my worker next to your archer wink
(9:30:04 PM) Dan Miller: looks like pyramids and oracle on the same turn!
(9:30:41 PM) Brian Sharkey: has the turn ticked over?
(9:31:36 PM) Dan Miller: yes
(9:31:44 PM) Brian Sharkey: are you aware of the ruff ZPV worker steal incident?
(9:31:48 PM) Dan Miller: yes
(9:32:53 PM) Brian Sharkey: Ruff's city is empty btw
(9:33:00 PM) Brian Sharkey: sorry,ZPV's city
(9:33:46 PM) Dan Miller: oh - the one on my borders?
(9:34:00 PM) Brian Sharkey: yeah
(9:34:12 PM) Brian Sharkey: what's it worth to you if I raze it for you? wink
(9:34:19 PM) Dan Miller: heh
(9:34:48 PM) Dan Miller: that sure would be an interesting watch for the lurkers smile
(9:35:35 PM) Brian Sharkey: you probably don't need it razed since you're creative
(9:35:42 PM) Dan Miller: yeah
(9:35:45 PM) Dan Miller: i still lose on the cows
(9:35:50 PM) Dan Miller: because he's got shenge and that's 1st ring
(9:35:54 PM) Brian Sharkey: maybe I should dial him up and ask his price for razing Fairfield
(9:35:54 PM) Dan Miller: but i should get everything else
(9:35:55 PM) Brian Sharkey: wink
(9:36:05 PM) Dan Miller: well let's see how your archer does against my axe and spear..... smile
(9:36:34 PM) Brian Sharkey: ah, but you never now what's hiding in the fog wink
(9:36:50 PM) Dan Miller: true, but i'd be wililng to bet it won't take a city from a spear and an axe
(9:36:56 PM) Brian Sharkey: hehe
(9:37:10 PM) Dan Miller: okay i need to get going
(9:37:16 PM) Brian Sharkey: ttyl

Not sure how I would feel about if he razed Hippo. On the one hand, it would be nice to have those cows. On the other hand, I'd just as soon ZPV take out shady and give me all his land smile

Still saving up for Currency - I think I can go full bore research next turn once I get alpha and everything else but will have to run the numbers.

Its interesting thats for sure.

If shady were to raze it (assuming ZPV doesn't have a unit nearby) then it would not only hurt ZPV's war buildup further, but also give ZPV a more personal reason to attack him later.

With ZPV already losing 2 workers, a raze of this city could completely scupper his plans to conquer shady anytime soon. On the other hand if those 2 are locked into a cold (or hot!) war, they might focus more on building units and expanding slower as a result. Shady wouldn't want to attack us if he feels ZPV might attack him.

While ZPV is a strong player I'm wary of, I think its in our best interests to help him out right now without tipping off shady if possible
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."


The point is moot now anyways because by the time I got up this morning, ZPV had 2 warriors in the area, so it's not getting razed. Shady's archer is now in Fairfield and I assume will start scouting out the rest of my lands.

Some emails I sent out this morning

Email to the G5
Quote:Congratulations to the lins on securing Alpha. I logged in quick this morning after the turn had rolled to T77.

Since it was agreed that we would go the communist route and just give everything to everyone, I went ahead and offered all my techs to the Lins for alpha (in addition to Math I believe there was Sailing and Mysticism).

I won't be able to log in again until about 8:30 pm (about 12 hours from now), so if you won't be around at that time (probably mostly applies to ZPV who might be asleep by then), please offer me a trade for your tech so I can accept it.

The techs I need are:
Archery, Meditation, Polytheism, Iron Working, HBR and Alpha.

The techs that I also need that I can't get this turn due to pre-reqs are
Priesthood, Monotheism, Monarchy

Again, congratulations to all!

Email to ZPV
Quote:Hey ZPV,

I was going to let you know that Shady was talking to me last night asking what I'd give him to raze Hippo, as it was undefended when we were talking. I am pretty sure that he was joking anyways but I see now as of this morning that you have 2 warriors in the area anyways.

There is an immortal up on a hill somewhere to the east if you can't see it.

Did you ever get peace with ruff? Did you secure horses from somewhere or will you be hooking up your set?

As I mentioned in the group thread, please offer me HBR and Archery when you get a chance. Feel free to request any techs I have that you need in addition to Math.

Also I see shady's "missing" city - it's a few tiles east of Fairfield / Hippo. I can see the borders now.

Email to Shady
Quote:Drats ZPV must have heard you plotting as there are now 2 warriors in the area. :-)

I see your immortal up on the high ground to the east as well. Don't feel offended that I chose to cover my worker with the spear now instead of the axe.

I hope your archer is enjoying the fine hospitality of Fairfield. It's a little rustic but we like to call it quaint.

I also see your city off to the east (well the borders anyways). - looks like we're getting close to wanting to revisit that border agreement before too long?

I also plan on writing to M-H once I can see what techs he has (so later tonight hopefully) with a full on push for the HG.

Chat with sunrise

Quote:(09:25) sunrise089: hi regoarrarr
(09:25) me: hi
(09:25) sunrise089: i offered you my techs for your techs
(09:25) sunrise089: also, can you help me figure out something?
(09:25) me: sure
(09:26) sunrise089: what is happening when civstats reports someone logs in and then their score increases during the turn?
(09:26) sunrise089: is there anything possible besides a tech trade?
(09:27) me: settler
(09:27) me: settle new city
(09:27) sunrise089: right
(09:27) sunrise089: ok, cool
(09:27) sunrise089: so Krill settled a 5th city I guess
(09:27) me: 6th total i think
(09:27) sunrise089: ok
(09:27) sunrise089: lovely
(09:28) sunrise089: FYI my borders expand in 2
(09:28) me: right
(09:28) sunrise089: where do you want to move the ship?
(09:28) me: i think the best place would be the water tile 1S of the southern edge of my borders
(09:28) me: currently no culture from either of us
(09:29) me: i don't think you'll push out my culture just yet on the tiles where i have culture already
(09:29) sunrise089: ok, i will move the missionary towards that spot then
(09:29) me: there is a tile that is in between 4 resources - 2 fish, a clams and a banana
(09:29) me: that's where the missionary wil be
(09:29) me: (needs to be)
(09:29) me: galley will be 1E in 2 turns
(09:32) me: i wonder what happens if you offer me archery and zpv offers me archery
(09:32) me: so they're both there as popups when i log on
(09:32) me: if i accept yours
(09:33) me: does it just remove the archery from zpv's offer?
(09:33) sunrise089: yeah, i wonder as well
(09:33) sunrise089: i offered everything to both you

Email from ZPV

Quote:Hi rego,

I haven't secured horses from anywhere, but ruff and I made a peace treaty (without any other terms), so I didn't feel I needed a set.

Shady also sent me an email, asking what was happenning wrt Hippo and your city. I've replied that there must have been a breakdown of communication between us.

Thanks for the info about shady's fourth city - I'm sure he was lying in his reasoning not to gift me horses, so I certainly wouldn't trust him. smile

My reply
Quote:Okay that sounds good. I'm glad that you did not get horses from shady because I was feelin kind of icky about you getting horses from him and then using those horses (or similar ones) to nail him.

I told him that I knew about it, and that I was not that happy about it, and wished you had settled 2W. Which is partially true, in that in my perfect world you'd have setteld on the coast to get the fish and left me the cows, but I'm not unhappy about it.

What did he give as a reason to not gift you horses?

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