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More Final Fantasy

Riovanes: vs Malak & Generics-~20 resets
53 - Thief(Regular Thief class. Nothing special about it aside from it's normal plusses)
2F - Starry Heaven(Olan's skillset. Has regular Squire skills, plus Galaxy Stop)
1B8 - Reflect(Adds Reflect on being hit by magic. Don't think this is originally in the game. Malak's the only caster, so this is useless here anyways.)
1D0 - Gained Exp UP(Meh)
1F6 - Move in Water(Meh)
As predicted, the strategy was sound(though I swapped my Mantle for a Bracer so I could OHKO most enemies), I just needed to wait for the numbers to line up. I experimented with Sprint Boots for more speed, but that actually proved detrimental, since I would go right before Rafa, but moving ahead of her would get me attacked by the door Knight, and Galaxy Stop still wouldn't off until the enemies went, which made me a target for the Archers. I managed to run up, with the occasional Galaxy Stop, OHKO the Archers, then take out the Knights as they came up. Funny enough, I ended up winning because the door Knight had Item, and kept following Malak around and throwing Potions at him, so Rafa took a lot of time to knock Malak down to him running away(more than enough time for me to finish the Archers off and get ready for the Knights).

Riovanes: vs Wiegraf, then Velius-6 resets and counting
05 - Holy Knight (Delita ch. 2/3)(the Holy Sword skillset Delita has at Zirekile Falls. Interesting pick.)
2B - Dragon(Looked it up, contains a llarge number of dragon-related skills, most from Reis)
1AD - Brave Up(Not bad, but at 97 Brave, doesn't do me that much good. Plus I'll want a sword for Holy Sword skills)
1CF - Gained Jp UP(Eh..)
1FC - Silent Walk(Sigh. I can only assume this was supposed to let you become invisible or something.)

THE fight. Welp, time for set-up.

First off, Velius has Lose Voice, Seal, and Loss. Lose Voice isn't a big deal, Loss could possibly aid us(as I said earlier, the enemy AI acts weird when Ramza is under Confuse). So the big one here is Seal, so a Jade Armlet is mandatory to avoid being petrified. Also, I want a Chameleon Robe for the Absorb:Holy property. This is because the AI thinks all Swordskills are Holy element, so a Chameleon Robe means Wiegraf will never use his class skills on us. I could add Float to be even more silly and eliminate Earth Slash, but I need the Jade Armlet. SO my equips end up as..

Diamond Sword(current best sword)
Diamond Shield(Ditto for shield)
Diamond Helmet(and helmets. If I could equip the Barette, I woudn't have to bother wasting my Accessory slot for Petrify, and would also work against Sleep and Confusion, but alas)
Chameleon Robe(For reasons above)
Jade Armlet(Ditto)

Wiegraf is cake. 2 195 damage Holy Explosions end him.

Velius arrives and I sometimes get a double turn. I believe my speed and how I finish Wiegraf off determine it, but Im unsure exactly what causes it. If I don't, I still egt the first turn, then Velius goes, and I get a second turn immediately after him. second attempt had to be the strangest fight vs Velius I've ever seen. I couldn't Holy Explosion him from where I was, so I Lightning Stabbed him and managed to out Silence on the big ram. Velius runs back and decides he's going to Loss me. Now..remember what I said about the enemy AI acting strange with Ramza confused? Well, the enemies pretty much gathered around Ramza and just waited the entire fight, following wherever he went, but never actually attacking him. Ramza then ran around throwing attacks in random spots, eventually killing 2 Archaic Demons, dropping the third to critical health, and hurting Velius a bit. Unfortunately, both Demons became crystals, BOTH of which Velius got. I honestly believe this would have won me the fight, however, I overlooked one thing...Wish. Apparently, Delita's Holy Swordskills has the Wish ability, which heals the target, for some damage on the user. Ramza used this on Velius, who amusingly immediately re-Confused Ramza. A while later. Wish was used again, Velius then knocked me into critical health. I ran away, only to get re-Lossed right away. Unfortunately, at critical health, Velius decided I was worth attacking again and finished me off. I honestly believe had I not had Wish, I would have won the fight this time.

It did get me a screeshot of an amusing conga line though.

From what I can tell, if the game believes it's unable to kill the Confused character, they will simply ignore them. Since there's no one but Ramza, they ignore him, but at the same time, keep following him since he's the only valid target.

I've actually been having the most success in this fight whenever I've gotten hit by Loss, so right no, it actually seems like it's going to be the best strategy to Lightning Stab, hope for Silence, then wait for Ramza to run around and kill the enemy, hoping he doesn't use Wish. I'll try this a bit more later, but at least I have a strategy, all up to chance from then on.

And done.

Riovanes: vs Wiegraf, then Velius-12 resets
05 - Holy Knight (Delita ch. 2/3)(the Holy Sword skillset Delita has at Zirekile Falls. Interesting pick.)
2B - Dragon(Looked it up, contains a llarge number of dragon-related skills, most from Reis)
1AD - Brave Up(Not bad, but at 97 Brave, doesn't do me that much good. Plus I'll want a sword for Holy Sword skills)
1CF - Gained Jp UP(Eh..)
1FC - Silent Walk(Sigh. I can only assume this was supposed to let you become invisible or something.)

Fight starts, Wiegraf goes and uses either Wave Fist or Earth Slash. I go and Lightning Stab, run all the way back. Wiegraf goes again, and does either Wave Fist or Earth Slash. Preferably he should use Wave Fist once and it should miss, but I don't think it matters. I then move up, Lightning STab again to end part 1.

Part 2, my go, I run up and Lightning Stab Velius, Silence inflicted. Velius is up, moves back, hits me with Loss. I then kick back and watch Ramza run around and uses dragon skills at thin air, then start using Swordskills to just annihilate the demons, all who turn into chests, then slowly beat Velius to death with more Swordskills while he sits there and just stares at me.

Really, that fight could have ended up taking a lot longer, but luck seemed to be with me the last fight. But, it's all for naught if I can't beat the rooftop battle, so let's see if I can get a good roll for this one.

Riovanes: vs Elmdor-50 resets and counting.
17 - Dark Knight (Guest Gafgarion)(Definitely not the worst skillset I could have rolled.)
9C - Charge (Undead Archer)(Regular Archer skillset without Charge+20)
1B4 - Counter Tackle(Eh...)
1D0 - Gained Exp UP(Meh)
1F1 - Cannot enter water(Always useless)

I'm pretty much ready to call this fight lost.
Naked Strategy doesn't work here because I have too much health to draw Ultimas if I'm too far away, and getting too close just makes them inflict Stop or Instant Death on me.
Sprint Shoes are mandatory, because unless I go before Rafa, she will charge the assassins 100% of the time. Even if I do go before her, there's still a chance she'll charge anyways. The assassins will then Stop her then double hit her for instant death, or double Ultimas on her, also for instant death.
If she runs away, the assassins will either Stop or Dead me, then Ultima Rafa and kill her.

The only way I see this fight being won is if Dark Sword gets a critical, but Im not entirely sure that's possible, or even likely enough for me to spend time going through the scene for, even with frame limiters off.

I'll try it a bit more, but I'm not optimistic at all.

Spoke too soon.

Riovanes: vs Elmdor-~70 resets
17 - Dark Knight (Guest Gafgarion)(Definitely not the worst skillset I could have rolled.)
9C - Charge (Undead Archer)(Regular Archer skillset without Charge+20)
1B4 - Counter Tackle(Eh...)
1D0 - Gained Exp UP(Meh)
1F1 - Cannot enter water(Always useless)
Turns out the Sprint Shoes were making the fight more difficult then it needed to be. I decided to try a few attempts without Sprint Shoes to see if Rafa would ever run away, and she did once. Unfortunately, I was Stopped and quickly beaten to death, Rafa following soon after.

Hope renewed, I decided to go with the same set-up I used for Velius, since Jade Armlet protects from Stop in addition to Petrify. Next try, Rafa gets Confused by Eldmor, she runs back behind me and attacks me for piddly damage. One of the Assassins runs up and does something, another charges Ultima on me and moves up. I run up for 180 mid-charge Night Sword on her, Ultima goes off and hits her for another 112 damage, sending her to critical and ending the fight.

With that crisis averted, moving on.

Doguola Pass-1 reset
90 - Byblos(The secret character you egt at the end of Deep Dungeon. Has good skills, Innate Ignore Height, and Innate Counter. Not bad stuff)
73 - Fear (Queklain)(Queklian's set of Fear skills. Not bad)
1AD - Brave Up(Neat. But Byblos has Innate Counter, so this is most likely overwritten)
1D3 - Magic AttackUP(Definitely helps)
1ED - Move-HP Up(Always a good thing)
Crap, forgot Byblos has a weakness to Fire. Oh well, only cost me the first time, and pointed out my main targets. On the second try, I used Parasite twice to Petrify the first Wizard, then Silence the second one. Then using Difference(deals damage equal to the target's MP) until my health was lower, so I could use Shock(deals however much health you're missing in damage) to easily win this fight.

Bervenia Free City-2 resets
97 - Serpentarius(Hoho. Decent stuff)
70 - Dimension Magic(Hashmalum's secondary. Has Melt, Tornado, Quake, and Meteor)
1C3 - Blade Grasp(Yep...wait, crap, Serpentarius has Innate Counter, meaning this is overwritten)
1C7 - Equip Shield(Meh, Serpenterius can't equip stuff)
1EB - Jump +3(Not bad in a city fight I guess)
There's a fight here?...OH, Meliadoul. It's funny, because every single playthrough I've done, I ALWAYS forget this fight exists. Well, Meliadoul can be incredibly irritating with her equipment bre-wait, Serpetnerius can't equip anything, which makes me immune to her skills. Hah. Unfortunatly, her array of generics are actually quite powerful. Since I only need to kill Meliadoul to win, I should ignore them and focus on offing her ASAP.
So enemies move, I walk up, target Meliadoul and the Ninja with Zodiac, Ninja moves and kills me.
Try again, Ninja moves and opts to defend, pushing her turn back long enough for me to cast Zodiac to OHKO her and Meliadoul(Ninja was best compat with me and got hit for about 750 damage!!).

Finath River-3 resets and counting
1E - Holy Knight (Agrias)(Self-explanatory)
13 - Draw Out(Samaurai Secondary)
1B8 - Reflect(Useless here, all monsters and no magic)
1C9 - Equip Katana(Useless, since I want a sword for Holy Swordskills, and don't need a Katana equipped to use Draw Out)
1F8 - Move on Lava(Pffftahahaha)
Eh..aiming for a battle with no Red or Black Chocobos. Think I need to level up some anyways, I'll try leveling to 55 and try again a bit later.

Well I play ff2 after hearing it was hard. I'm very disappointed. I played the origins release which has the same gameplay but updated graphics. I played with auto-targeting off, too. I only died to an unlucky group of 2x Orges, 2x Orge mages. I also had to make an emergency exit and grind Ice2 after running to a creature (adamtosie) that was the boss of last dungeon. The only other close calls were imps whose ability muddle takes control away from you and causes your characters to attack each other. The only way to stop it is to grind endurance so your characters can resist muddle or do something silly like have a solo character with a blood sword. Speaking of the blood sword it is very overpowered:

This is the PSP version. The original is even worse. You get two blood swords and the boss has 10,000 rather than 15,000 hp. So you can get to go first (like always) and do 12,000 damage before he even gets a chance to act. The blood sword ignores defense and does not depend on your characters on having a high strength stat to work. I did not research on how overpowered the blood sword was. I found out when I was equipping it for the healing and stumbled on a monster-in-a-box.

Edit: final bosses without blood sword...yay...

once again, I appear to have spoken too soon.

Finath River-~20 resets, only 3 were from losing the fight, the other 17 were from trying to keep any Red Chocobos out. I settled for a Uribo and one Black Chocobo appearing.
1E - Holy Knight (Agrias)(Self-explanatory)
13 - Draw Out(Samaurai Secondary)
1B8 - Reflect(Useless here, all monsters and no magic)
1C9 - Equip Katana(Useless, since I want a sword for Holy Swordskills, and don't need a Katana equipped to use Draw Out)
1F8 - Move on Lava(Pffftahahaha)
Enemies go, I move forward, OHKO the Black Chocobo, then turn around. I can now only be attacked from a single square. I just stand there and let the Chocobos line up for their daily dose of Holy Explosion and Lightning Stab.

Zeltennia Castle: vs Zalmo2
0C - Princess (Ovelia)(Ovelia's skillset during the Zirekile Falls battle. Innate DefenseUP and MagicDefenseUP)
4C - Holy Magic (Alma in final battle)(Alma's skillset during the Altima fight. Exactly same skills as Princess, with Ultima and Wish in addition)
1BE - Damage Split(Calculator Skill, when hit, deals half damage back to enemy, then heals that same amount. Very nice)
1E2 - Short Charge(Could be helpful here.)
1F7 - Walk on Water(Useless)
This fight's rarely difficult for Delita to solo. A MBarrier'd Delita even moreso. His weapon did get broken near the end, so I hit Zalmo with an Ultima to speed things up.

Bed Desert: vs Balk
03 - Squire (Ramza ch. 4)(Must admit, this was a pleasant surprise. Exactly what it sounds like, Ramza's base CH.4 class)
AF - Night Magic(Ultima Demon's skills. Very nice)
1BC - Distribute(useless for a solo game.)
1D5 - Concentrate(100% hit rate. Fantastic)
1F5 - Any Ground(Eh..)
Must admit, this is definitely better looking than my last run of this challenge where I ended up drawing Engineer against Balk. Ice Shield+Defense Armlet nullifies Balk as a threat, so I ran around spamming Scream to boost my stats, Ulmaguested the generics when they got close, then Screamed more until I was happy with my stats, then threw rocks at Balk till he died.

Bethla Garrison: South Wall
Character 1 (Ramza) - Male - Br ?? Fa ??
34 - Holy Knight (Agrias)(Nice)
32 - Truth (Rafa as ally)(Bleh. Rafa's skillset when she joins your party.)
1B9 - Auto Potion(Neat)
1DD - Two Swords(Meh)
1F0 - Move-Get Jp(Useless)
Easy. High Evade meant I rarely got hit, Auto Potion with X-Potions made sure hits I DID take meant nothing, and Holy Sword is as OP as ever.

Bethla Garrison:Open the Gates!
57 - Lancer(Not too bad)
15 - Math Skill(It's over)
1AF - MP Restore(Not bad usually, but useless for me atm. Actually, it seems the Random Class Generator mistakenly lists this as MP Restore, when it's actually HP Restore. Even better.)
1CC - Equip Axe(Meh)
1FA - Float(Heh)
Math Skill is OP. Equipped the Chameleon Robe and Holies everywhere! The grabbed the treasure and hit the switches to win.

Swipe Orlandu's equipment and kick him out, which I always feel bad about, but rules is rules.

I'll take a break for now and continue later.

Germinas Peaks
2F - Divine Knight (Enemy Meliadoul)(Nice as always)
8B - (Altima's Magic)(Ultima, All-Ultima, Mute, Return2, Despair2. Not bad stuff.)
1C2 - Catch(There's a Ninja here, so nice)
1DB - Maintenance(Will keep the Thieves from stealing my Excalibur at least.)
1F6 - Move in Water(Useless)
Piece of cake. Perma-Haste Divine Knight thrashed everyone.

Poeskas Lake
1E - Holy Knight (Agrias)(You guys should know what some of these classes and skills are by now, so I'm not elaborating on them anymore unless they're vague and I haven't rolled it before)
7B - Ultimate Magic(Contains Ultima)
1B7 - Gilgame Heart
1D4 - Magic DefendUP
1FD - Move-Find Item
Holy Splosion and Lighting Stabs errywhere

Limberry: vs Assassins
05 - Holy Knight (Delita ch. 2/3)
7E - Saturation(Arch Angel Altima's secondary skillset. Has Mute, Despair2, and Return2)
1A9 - Sunken State
1CF - Gained Jp UP
1E9 - Jump +1
I go first.
I Lightning Stab Lede, or Celia, whichever one's on the door.
Fight ends.

Will do Elmor and Assassins later, will roll now.

06 - Arc Knight (Delita ch. 4)
89 - (Dimension Magic)(Hashmalum's secondary I believe. Contains Melt, Quake, and Tornado)
1A8 - Speed Save
1CF - Gained Jp UP
1FA - Float

Blegh, doing this now.

Limberry: vs Elmdor & Assassins
06 - Arc Knight (Delita ch. 4)
89 - (Dimension Magic)(Hashmalum's secondary I believe. Contains Melt, Quake, and Tornado)
1A8 - Speed Save
1CF - Gained Jp UP
1FA - Float
I go first, decide to wait. Elmdor moves, hits me, the Assassins move up, one charges Ultima on me, another throws something. I move up and break Elmdor's helmet, Ultima goes off and knocks him to critical. Elmdor then runs.

Limberry: vs Zalera
36 - Priest (???)(Omni Priest. Equips anything)
23 - Magic(Teta's skillset in the fight she appears in dead. Includes Cure and Wish, therefore useless.)
1C0 - Finger Guard(Useless)
1DA - Throw Item(No item command, so useless)
1EE - Move-MP Up(I do actually use MP now, so useful for once)
Let's see, Zalera's big effects are Darkness(negligible since I'm going to be relying on magic), Stop(dangerous), Don't Act(also dangerous), and Sleep/Death Sentence(first is bad, second is my best friend).
Being OmniPriest, I cna equip the Barette, a handy helmet item that defends again Darkness, Stop, Dead, and Sleep, among other handy things, freeing my armor slot for..Reflect Mail or something, idk. I keep Excalibur for Haste, a Diamond Shield for some extra evade when I'm not charging, and a Defense Armlet to block Don't Act, meaning Death Sentence is the only thing Zalera can inflict on me, and as mentioned, that status effect will be my best friend for this fight....or not it seems. Once I'm Death Sentenced, instead of ignoring me/trying to kill me, Zalera instead frogs me and the Knights surround me and start breaking my equipment.

(Attempt 3)Ok, let's try some 108 Gems to defend from Frog instead of blocking DA and see if he Nightmares me anyways, and as a bonus, 108 Gems boost my Holy damage. So far so good anyways. Since I'm immune to Sleep, Nightmare does zilch half the time despite a 100% hit rate(it has a 50% chance of inflicting either Sleep or Death Sentence on a hit). Ok, I think this can work. I just need to kill the generics with Zalera first. As long as I'm at full health, after DSing me, Zalera will completely ignore me. However, if he gets a turn while I'm casting, he'll rush over and DA me, which might be a problem, but it's preferable to him frogging me as soon as I get DS'd.

(Attempt 6)Reflect Mail is out. Being unable to heal myself is a big pain. I'll go with Chameleon Robe so I can heal by throwing Holy at myself.

(Attempt 8)I've reached the conclusion that in order to win this fight, I will have to also kill the generics..who being undead, have a chance of coming right back to life, so I need to also make sure they're perma-dead before starting to fight Zalera. The problem is, once Zalera reaches critical health, he will then start running away and will never use Nightmare again. Another case of a plan being set-up, just entirely on waiting for the numbers to line up.

Limberry: vs Zalera-13 resets
36 - Priest (???)(Omni Priest. Equips anything)
23 - Magic(Teta's skillset in the fight she appears in dead. Includes Cure and Wish, therefore useless.)
1C0 - Finger Guard(Useless)
1DA - Throw Item(No item command, so useless)
1EE - Move-MP Up(I do actually use MP now, so useful for once)

-Excalibur(for Haste and Holy Boost)
-Crystal Shield(for evade)
-Barette(to Zalera's Fear Skills, with the exception of Chicken Race, from being a problem)
-Crystal Mail(for health)
-108 Gems(to keep from being Frogged)

Now, Zalera spent the entire fight trying to Nightmare me, which failed half the time(since I was immune to Sleep), and inflicted Death Sentence the other half, which caused the enemy AI to ignore me(since I'm going to die anyways). Barette however, causes the Death effect to not kick in, at which point the generics start going for me, and Zalera will keep trying to reapply Death Sentence. Sometimes he'll use Chicken Race, but it justd elays the fight a bit. I killed most of the generics to keep damage down while Zalera's trying to Nightmare me, since if my health gets low enough, Zalera will just go for Flare2 to kill me via damage instead of waiting for Death Sentence.

Igros: vs Dycedarg, then Adramelk
02 - Squire (Ramza ch. 2/3)
AA - Byblos
1B8 - Reflect
1E0 - Equip Change
1F9 - Move Underwater
Went with Fists, Crystal Shield, Thief Hat, Power Sleeve, and Bracer. Yelled a bit, used an Accumulate or two, punched Dycedarg twice and he died. Adramelk comes out, I punch him and move. Adra uses something on me that misses and moves. I walk up and punch him. He charges something on me, I midcharge punch him for the kill.

Murond: vs Generics
25 - Divine Knight (Rofel)
6C - Ja Magic(Zalera's secondary. Contains Toad2, Gravi2, Flare2, Blind2, Confuse2, and Sleep2)
1BE - Damage Split
1C7 - Equip Shield
1F4 - Any Weather
I'm a Divine Knight with Excalibur vs a group of generics. I don't think I need to elaborate any further.

Murond: vs Shrine Knights-8 resets
1F - Temple Knight (Beowulf)
14 - Throw
1B7 - Gilgame Heart
1C7 - Equip Shield
1F5 - Any Ground
Mostly was trying to figure out how to win this fight WITHOUT breaking important equipment. Ended up taking an armor break skill, a physical from Rofel, hitting Shock! on Kleitan, he hits me with Dark Holy which I survive by 8 hit points!! I go again thanks to Sprint Shoes and can kill Kleitan, but I decided to OHKO Rofel because I don't like him.

Murond: vs Zombag
0D - Holy Swordsman (Orlandu)
2D - Truth (Rafa as guest)
1A6 - A Save
1D4 - Magic DefendUP
1FB - Fly
3 Holy Explosions and dead. No defense against Blood Suck needed. The Blood Suck attack has zero vertical tolerance, so standing on any panel that doesn't have an equal height panel next to it means he won't use it.

So since I rolled the d*** Orlandu class before the final battle series, I'm going to go ahead and milk it for as many levels as I can.

Wait, how did you have trouble with the 3 Shrine Knight fight? There's always a way to get a midcharge on Kletian without being hit my Rofel or Vormav first. Calculate cast+move ranges!

Orbonne: vs Generics
2A - Divine Knight (Meliadoul)
AF - Night Magic(Ultima Demon skillset)
1BE - Damage Split
1CE - Half of MP
1F4 - Any Weather
Meh. Generics. Leveled to 99 here(I ht level 80, then just used FFTastic to level myself up to 99. Call me a cheater if you want, but I really don't feel like sitting here for 3 hours gaining levels at 1 exp per action).

Orbonne: vs Rofel-12 resets
28 - White Knight (Wiegraf 2)
A7 - (Blood Suck)
1C3 - Blade Grasp
1D4 - Magic DefendUP
1F7 - Walk on Water
Getting magical knights all over the place. Glad too, last time I did this challenge, I ended up rolling Engineer for this was NOT fun.
Anywho, for the record, this fight was hilariously easy and I could have won on ym first attempt, but I absolutely refused to win this fight if I lost more than one equip. I had to sadly accept the fact I'd lose whatever armor I have equipped, so I unfortunately had to part with something. Anything more than that and I'd reset. Other than that, three Lightning Stabs and a redirected Bolt2 finished Rofel off easily.

Murond Death City: vs Kleitan
09 - Lune Knight (Dycedarg)
10 - Yin Yang Magic
1AC - Regenerator
1DE - Monster Skill
1F3 - Teleport 2
I should really consider banning magical knight classes next time I do this.
I use Holy Explosion, fight ends....really, that's it, I went first, used Holy Explosion for about 80 more than Kleitan's max health.

Murond Death City: vs Balk2-EDIT: 50 resets and counting
3C - Warlock (Velius)
AA - Byblos
1B2 - Meatbone Slash
1CD - Equip Gun
1F2 - Teleport
Oh **** me.

Welp, my reason for my above comment for this fight is..well...Balk sucks, no two ways around it. Especially when I have zero healing methods. Now, I am confident this fight CAN be won, it's just a matter of when. Here's how I predict the fight needs to go for victory.
PreFight-Start in back-right spot.

Balk-Moves, waits.
Me-Moves up 4, right 1. Seal on Chemist.(1)
Enemies-All move. Hyudra must stand next to Cleric statue.(2)
Balk-Moves and shoots me.(3)
Me-Moves right 2, forward 1, Loss on Tiamat.
Hydra-Must move towards Hyudra and target a Triple Flame on me(4). All three must miss.
Tiamat-Moves wherever, targets something on Balk. Must remove as much of his health as possible.
Hyudra-If it's positioned right, it should move and do nothing.
Dark Behemoth-Is there.
Balk-If alive, moves and shoots me once more.(3)
Me-Moves and Shock! on Balk. Win.

(1)-I started out using Loss on the Chemist as well. The Confused Chemist, while hilarious and occasionally helpful, was throwing more random factors into an already luck-heavy fight. However, I don't want him around for them either, so I Petrify him.
(2)-If he moves closer to me, then he'll either fly in for a melee on his next turn, or throw a Triple somesuch at me. Neither are desireable.
(3)-At least one of these two attacks must be a Bolt1. One can be a Bolt2, but not both, otherwise I die. Neither can be a Bolt3.
(4)-The other alternative is he comes in for a physical attack, which will be from the side at 100% accuracy. This cannot happen, or I won't have enough health to take Balk's second attack.

So yeah, it needs an extremely exact sequence of events, nearly all entirely luck-based.

Forum Jump: