And here I am, proud that I could beat the first boss.
Rogue Legacy #1 on Steam
I didn't observe the level, but my guess is that I was between level 20-25. I used the Hokage (shinobi upgrade). The high damage and teleport ability helped a lot.
Hokage is the best. I've already put 4+ hours into this.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
also just beat the first boss ... at level 57(!) ... my favorite classes as of yet is probably Lich (got the promotion to Lich King but that doesn't really do anything worthwhile IMO) or Spelunker (can see where chests and bosses is), with Hokage as a close third
Just beat the second boss, at level 46. Used a lich king, with Alzheimer and Far sighted traits (the second is harmful, not sure what the first one does). If anyone wants to read the strategy, read below.
I tried to take screenshots, but they didn't work, for whatever reason.
What classes does everyone like?
I think the Barbarian is just OP because the shout just demolishes bosses by erasing projectiles. Hokage is really good for clearing the map quickly and Spellsword is amazing for boss fights with the flame shield.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." “I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
Spelunker is great for simple farming (both gold and blueprints) since they both have +30% gold income and knows where the chests is (hence giving you a good clue in which directions you should go to get to chests)
(July 4th, 2013, 02:20)Sian Wrote: also just beat the first boss ... at level 57(!) ... my favorite classes as of yet is probably Lich (got the promotion to Lich King but that doesn't really do anything worthwhile IMO) If I understand it correctly, the Lich Kings abilty to switch Hp/MP is great once you hit the HP cap for the first time. You can just switch and keep maxing your stats further, switch again, etc. There is still a hard cap at some point though. Ichabod Wrote:Just beat the second boss, at level 46. Used a lich king, with Alzheimer and Far sighted traits (the second is harmful, not sure what the first one does). With Alzheimer you lose the ability to access the big map, but your minimap will still work. 46 is pretty good, I am at 50 and still haven't touched the 2nd boss, I keep farming for some upgrades. I have all these runes, but need the money to unlock them. What's also bothering me is the fact that the Charon and +Gold skills are so expensive. I would love to upgrade those further, but I can't get enough cash on one run. Some interesting facts you may already know about, but I just found out: 1. The Paladin not only has his shield special, but can turn into an invulnerable statue if you press "special button" + "down". 2. There is the possibility to unlock the dragon class in the manor screen that is somewhat hidden: "There's a flag pole barely visible at the top of the castle screen, press Up below it to select the Dragon class." Supposed to cost around 5000 gold. 3. There is also a list of all special items you can get at the altar: Got the Hermes' Boots once and had no clue what they were doing. ![]() |