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WW26: The Masquerade [Game Thread]

Sister Mary

The only reason why it's close is because of the mod kill possibility being extremely good for town--an extra lynch is soooo good. If it weren't for that I would vote Mary because I like the people voting Muriel better, it's chessey for town to use mod-kills and I think Muriel is being sincere in her anger. Lastly, the fact the Mary has not posted at all for three days really pushes the possibilities of why she cannot post. Or she just she 'screw it!' and just chose to play this game like a bad boy.

I'm pretty sure that widow will move to Muriel after this. If Sister mary ninja votes Muriel dies 36-33. If she does ninja vote that is extremely scummy. I suggest some random voter on Muriel if it ends up 8-7 before deadline.

Never mind, I made a silly error. Mary has more influence on her if that happens. So mary dies 33-25 if what I said above happens.

Less than an hour left...

Official Vote Count:

Main Vote:
8- Sister Mary: Know-Nothing John, Muriel the Slow, Half-Nose Harry, Bert the Bard, Young Will, Fat Rose, Doctor Saul, Lady Elizabeth
6- Muriel the Slow: Sir Percival, Rob the Filch, Short Richard, Kate the Waif, Agnes the Orphan, Scarlet John
1- Kate the Waif: Widow Edith

Duel Vote:
9- Scarlet John: Bert the Bard, Fat Rose, Know-Nothing Jon, Muriel the Slow, Half-Nose Harry, Young Will, Kate the Waif, Lady Elizabeth, Short Richard
5- Lady Elizabeth: Scarlet John, Widow Edith, Agnes the Orphan, Doctor Saul, Sir Percival

Just under an hour left.

(July 24th, 2013, 13:45)Bert The Bard Wrote: I would rather lynch Mary today and have more info for tomorrow's lynch. If Mary flips scum we won't have to lynch Muriel. We gave lurkers a pass on day one, that's enough. Also I don't like the idea of doing a half-guessing lynch today, flip two villagers, and then having to spend day three lynching Mary because she shows up with a vote and a weak post.

agree strongly for this. counting on a mod-kill 2 days from now is a mistake. Mary could just show up tomorrow and vote and then we'd be in even worse shape. plus the information would be useful now.

(July 24th, 2013, 14:42)Lady Elizabeth Wrote: I'm pretty sure that widow will move to Muriel after this.

Why should I?

(July 24th, 2013, 15:10)Widow Edith Wrote:
(July 24th, 2013, 14:42)Lady Elizabeth Wrote: I'm pretty sure that widow will move to Muriel after this.

Why should I?

I think you mean "Why would I?"...

I re-read some of your posts because your post above. I just didn't see post #561 saying that you would like to vote for sister mary (and Muriel was not on the list). That post trumps anything you might of said. Sorry about that.

(July 24th, 2013, 14:46)Lady Elizabeth Wrote: Never mind, I made a silly error. Mary has more influence on her if that happens. So mary dies 33-25 if what I said above happens.

You forget that there is a double voter somewhere so I'm not sure all you calculations are right. And I still want to hear why you think I would switch to Muriel?

Ah crosspost so scratch my question.

(July 24th, 2013, 08:15)Fat Rose Wrote: I mean, for example Agnes post:

Agnes Wrote:
In general I think her play has been horrible, with very distracting and bad cases, the names meta, but in particular her interactions with John today, which have been generally inflammatory and unpleasant but also have been seizing on minor nitpicks and not listening to people and probably provoking this last, horrible duel.

1. point: Very distracting and bad cases.

What does that mean? Why were the cases bad and which ones are meant? The one on Sister Mary? I agree with that case on certain points and several others with me, so I have a hard time seeing it as bad. And which cases were distracting - and for what reason?
There's a bit of a misnomer going around - I wasn't building a case, and generally I don't do it unless I am raising a new idea (like KNJ yesterday), I am simply restating the reasons I find her suspicious, which I haven't built a case around but have been demonstrating throughout the day.
In general, I'm talking about the Scarlet Case, (which I have been vocal enough about) which I feel contains horrible reasoning from start to finish, but enough has been said on that. I also think certain aspects of previous cases such as Sister Mary and the sudden turn around which wasn't talking about the whole picture.
Quote:2. point: Names meta

At least on this one it is relatively clear what is meant, though I have to say I still disagree that it is used as evidence against Muriel and would find it great if someone would point out what exactly she did wrong. Answering LE? Having a different definition of role than others do? I can see how that was not helpful, but I don't see it as scummy.
Talking on and on about meta and then deciding it was wrong. Actually, she didn't have a different definition of role (IIRC) as it turned out she was thinking of the same think but phrasing it badly.
And she basically raised it as a subject, wrote a lot about it, and then dismissed it out of hand, as if others had been pushing it instead.

Quote:3. point: interactions with John being inflammatory and unpleasant, seizing on minor nitpicks, not listening to people and provoking the duel

Now, that's a point that should be explained in more detail imo. Reading back on Muriels posts I really don't see the inflammatory and unpleasant interaction from her side up to the point where she calls him moron if villager.
Inflammatory and unpleasant should possibly be joined with arrogant and pretentious, but I avoided that because I don't like to offend (and still don't mean to!). I find almost all her interactions with John of that nature - and this isn't even about the moron, its about the tone and manner of her posts for at least the past 15 pages - as well as quite a few with percy and someone else I can't think of right now :/
Quote: And that was at a point were I feel it is fair to say that you could call several people inflammatory (as explained earlier already).
Oh yes, definitely, she's by no means the only one, but I feel she's been provoking it in others.

Quote:Seizing on minor nitpicks is a statement I can't really grasp what situation or post is meant with.
The entire John case is meant by that, which means it isn't surprising you disagree tongue
Quote: The same for the not listening to people (and half the players are guilty of that anyway...) and provoking the duel which indeed was already pointed out was even the other way round.
By who??? I must have missed that, but I certainly felt her strong attacks on John were what prompted the duel (especially as LE thinks so highly of Muriel).
Also not listening refers to interactions to percy, John and I think one of the Bert/Will saga.

Quote:So that accusation might have a valid background, but I can't grasp it. And if I can't grasp it and the accuser isn't pointing it out either but uses instead generalized statements I don't see how that case has merit. It begs the question if it can even be called a case if it consists mostly of those generalized statements.
That's NOT a case, not even now. I don't have time to find posts, especially as I've quoted many of them as they came up. I think my drift to suspecting Muriel has been clear in thread, and this should be viewed as a crystallization of those suspicions not a case aimed at showcasing them, which I don't have time for now.

(July 24th, 2013, 14:25)Muriel The Slow Wrote: When Mary comes online to make a self-defense vote I am dead. Am I really going to be lynched when there isn't even a case against me? Agnes was the only one to actually make a somewhat proper case on why she finds me the scummiest, and even that was full of questionable logic and false facts as pointed out by both me and Rose. But still she did a better job than anyone else voting for me. I have the most posts out of anyone, but there still isn't enough to make a good case against me? Are we really going to have a majority that lynches someone on Day 2 on the basis of gut feeling and tone?

Fake-edit: Saul for the save! Did not expect that yikes Who wants to count the influence points?
Muriel, people have been talking about you for 2 days, you know what people have problems with because that's what they've been reacting to.
Why build a case when the persons been discussed to death for two days?
If I found dirt on Doctor Saul, THEN id be building a case, not on someone everyone's been talking about since D1.
How many times must I discharge my blunderbuss?

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