Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic48 - The Absent-Minded Professor - Info Thread

We're Absent-Minded, what if we forget? What did I say? eek

Don't worry. I'm sure one of your lab assistants will remind you to attend the science conference to share your findings with fellow researchers. smile

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

This looks like a game for me.

About the absent-minded professor and warfare; I suppose long wars just distract, but a few extra cities can be seen as increased research / labo possibilities.
Or is the plan to not have time, nor the mind to waste on wars in which territory is gained ?

As I take it, wars are started by other civs, and last till they contact you with a peace-offer. Except if it is "to obtain key natural resources"; then the proffessor can start a war.

Is my hypthesis correct ??

Rik Meleet Wrote:a few extra cities can be seen as increased research / labo possibilities.

Not likely.

The professor can only be in one lab at a time, and he'll have a good one at his seat of government. Probably don't need to confiscate labs built by others. Who's got the time to sort that out? Besides, can the generals really be trusted to handle such a project? You know the old saying, "If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself." That's the Professor's motto.

The generals might cause some kind of problem that DEMANDS the professor's personal attention, and that really wouldn't be good. (Ixnay on the Mongering-OrWay Ingthay. These Monarch AIs wouldn't put up all that much of a fight anyway. The Professor's true opponent lies in the laboratory.)

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

What do you do if a civ contacts offering a tech deal? can I take it, or is the default answer no?

Hey, I know the answer to this one. smile Professor Sirian can stay in his lab. lol

Quote:When contacted by others, you need to get rid of them quickly, so you can get back to the lab. (You can accept deals that they offer, but only "as is", no changes.)

I finished the game. It went not exactly like what I expected as a relaxed game.

Thanks Griselda


microbe Wrote:I finished the game. It went not exactly like what I expected as a relaxed game.

...which is a Good Thing for a monarch game, right? lol

I finished the game, too. Unfortunately, it went nearly exactly like what I expected as a relaxed game... tongue

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Kylearan Wrote:I finished the game, too. Unfortunately, it went nearly exactly like what I expected as a relaxed game... tongue

You managed to relax while playing it, though, right? smile

Feel free to try it again on Deity if you like. After the event closes next month, I can send you the scenario file. wink

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

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