As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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PBEM 2 Organizing/Tech Thread

Serdoa, Azza? Can we get some input from you two?

Are we continuing this or not?

I'm keen to keep playing.

That I only see this 3 days after Azzas post should be a good indication how I feel about this game I guess. I'm perfectly fine with ending it. Not that it isn't interesting, but I've long lost any hope that we would get 1 turn / day and have the same problem that Ichabod described: I simply don't think about opening GMR.

Yeah, I'm not happy about my past behaviour either. shakehead

Can't we just finish it in live MP sessions? Since everyone seems to want to play it out, just the pace was a problem.
That said I think we could get the old pace back if we put some effort into it and get back in the groove.

Live sessions are going to be practically impossible because of timezone differences.

I'll play the save tomorrow, i'm busy today. Sorry.

Can't play my turn, it says Steam servers are too busy to handle my request. I'll try again later today.

Can we manage a turn today still?

Can't play my turn, disk write error this time. Let's see if waiting fixes this one too.

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