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[Spoilers] Gavagai, Bacchus and Elizabeth Form a Romantic Trio

I think their chariot is on the cow, so I can't reach it with my chariot. Also, I'm playing after him and I think that turnorder should be maintained in this case.

Don't have screenshots, sorry, but the situation in the South is becoming hot - Mongols are moving another chariot in the area. Chances are that this barb city will get razed. Pity.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0071.JPG]

Barb city is captured. Mongols second chariot has disappeared, most probably, got pulled away. If they don't have any surprises in the fog, I should be able to hold this city.
SC has settled 11th city this turn, while Sian still has only 6. I think Sian will get eaten pretty soon.
Also: Serdoa had 37 points increase. Most probably he has completed some National Wonder. Moai? So soon? Can't think of anything else and given wonders he is building, I'll be surprised if he has no stone.
Also, shame on whoever is Serdoa's neighbor. Really, you shouldn't have allowed him to take three wonders before T100. If only I was there...

(Sorry for scarce reporting, pretty busy in real life. But I'll fix it soon.)

My Empire at T107. South:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0072.JPG]


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0073.JPG]

Still underdeveloped. I have only seven workers for 9 cities which is terrible.
I'm saving gold now and will do so until T110 when I will have an Academy. After that I will research IW (jungles) - Masonry (Marble) - Calendar (MoM) - Construction (catapults, at last).


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0074.JPG]

Londra, the best city in the world. It has a lot of food and a few opportunities to use it. I will built several workshops later but for now the only way to utilize this food is whip and specialists. None of the clams is shared, that's how bad my dotmap is.
It will finish archer and then go worker-worker-settler. After that I will need to slot in a market somehow and run scientists to generate a GP for a golden age.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0075.JPG]

Yark. Growing this city at last. It will grow to size seven and then build units for 15 hammers per turn. For now it is building archers. They are for happiness purposes, that's why no barracks yet. Eventually I will add them.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0075.JPG]

Croyden. After GS is done, it will grow cottages for the capital and build workers.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0077.JPG]

This is future MoM city. Will grow to size 6, build a settler for a Marble spot, then some unit while Marble is being connected then MoM.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0078.JPG]

It will grow to size 6, whip a worker which will finish the library with chops.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0079.JPG]

Given the lack of workers I decided not to improve land around this city. Instead I've built a lighthouse to allow this city to grow on coast.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0080.JPG]

Had to whip a worker from here. Potentially an excellent commerce center but its growth slowed down by the lack of workers.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0081.JPG]

Former barb city. Potentially very strong spot.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0083.JPG]

Newly founded mediocre hybrid city. Not yet sure what to do with is, most possibly will build ships.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0082.JPG]

That's interesting: a new land in the east. I'm building a workboat in Kanbery to scout it. It can turn out to be very important.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0084.JPG]

Demos at zero percent science. CY and especially Mfg suck. Observe that I'm no longer the first in power.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0085.JPG]

Slowcheetah's Mfg spiked. It can mean nothing but also can mean that he started to build units. His power doesn't seem to be affected by it yet.

This happened:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0087.JPG]

It's Jowy. He offered me OB, I accepted. It looks like he has captured a barb city a turn before and also captured a worker from barbs. Given that he apparently kept the city (he had a fitting mid-turn score increase a turn ago and one of his cities in the trade screen has "liberate" note) he must be pretty close to the south of me, most probably alone the coast. Amazing that we haven't met before. Then Kurumi must be directly to the west from Jowy. This is a pretty good situation, actually: they should consider each other more imminent threat than me. Given that Sian should be kept busy by Slowcheetah, I'll have only Egypt to worry about for quite a long time.
Jowy, actually have one more city than I do. I wonder, why he is so low in score.
I wanted to send a couple of chariots in Jowy's direction to say hello but:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0086.JPG]

Why the hell Kurumi wants to have two chariots near my city? I don't see any good reason for him to have more than one here. I decided that I will keep all my chariots at home this turn, just to be safe. Next turn a spear will arrive and I will feel confident enough to send some chariots away.
(Actually, I have only 3 XP left to my first GG. May be it would make sense to just kill off Kurumi's forces.)

Next turn: Academy and research on.

Bad news. Slowcheetah already has Silk connected and a huge mfg advantage. I think he is going to beat me to MoM by a wide margin.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0088.JPG]

Slow also has marble online, so this is hopeless.

Also, this:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0090.JPG]

It will be a real pain if Jester sends this settler to a sign which says "Egypt city". I'm not even sure that I would be able to take this city out.

Demos at 100% science:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0091.JPG]

What can I say? I'm dissatisfied with my performance. I'm the first in GNP but this is only because I'm researching Masonry which has two pre-reqs and a huge known-tech bonus. CY has been growing quickly but not fast enough to move higher than the fifth place. Mfg is just pathetic.
The root of these evils is this:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0092.JPG]

For last twenty turns growing my pop was my priority and it is still below average (below 10%). I'm being outplayed and I need to do something if I want to stay relevant.
Have some ideas about a new strategy after MoM project has been scrapped. Will post them later.

New arrivals:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0095.JPG]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0096.JPG]

Yuri and BaII

1. I think I have something like a plan. I will build National Epic in Croyden, generate a GP from the capital, fire a golden age, during which I can generate a merchant in Croyden and bulb Civil Service. After that I want to try to build TGL and the Parthenon, generate three scientists and grab Liberalism while self-researhing Guilds and consiming Egypt. After that I can go Taj - Economics - double golden age.
By my estimate I'll be able to take Liberalism at T160 which seems to be a competetive shot. The main problem is taking TGL and the Parthenon. I can't build them earlier than T137 which seems a little too late for these wonders. Especially given that a lot of people have Marble.

2. I don't have a screenshot but a diplo-screen says that Slowcheetah is at war with WarriorKnight. This should be a phony war or some kind of a skirmish as I see no evidence of serious military activity from SC (no mass whippings, fast power changes, etc). But it means that China is somewhere around.

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