(We were talking about the Moai fail gold) :
11:59 PM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: we basically did a late 10t build Oracle for CS.
11:59 PM -
spacetyrantxenu: ha yeah, well except those cities could have built libraries or markets instead
11:59 PM -
spacetyrantxenu: i realize now we're completely doing our SE wrong
11:59 PM -
spacetyrantxenu: we're...not running many specialists
11:59 PM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ha. you think?
11:59 PM -
spacetyrantxenu: yeah.
12:00 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: duh
11:59 PM -
spacetyrantxenu: told you i'd be terrible at it
12:00 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: we have lacked the food for that since forever
12:00 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: we have happy cap, we just lack sufficient food.
12:00 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: until... wait for it... CS
12:00 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: yeah
12:00 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: now we need a swarm of workers to insta-farm every jungle
12:00 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: in 15t we can have a nice specialist econ going. just need to whip in CH's.... so 20 turns
12:00 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: kuro is annoying. just when we get pop grown up to where we can whip an army and annihilate him with maces....it's now practical to turn the other cheek and just run specialists everywhere. arsehole.
12:01 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: eh, he sucks and his land won't help us. forget it.
12:01 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: maintenance isn't really killing us that badly, but yeah we need CHs anyway
12:01 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: he's last on the scoreboard after we murder sisustan
12:01 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: 3 cities with 7 maintenance, 9 at 6
12:02 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: did you 2pop our moai city?
12:02 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: you 2popped something
12:02 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: nah, that was last turn in we steal. finished a spear last turn.
12:02 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: this turn it finishes moai with a gob of overflow
12:02 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: overflow goes to a forge
12:02 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: good
12:02 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: conveniently enough next turn the forge will be activated by working 3 water tiles + city center plains tile, whenever the forge finishes.
12:02 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: (grows onto a 3rd water tile this turn)
12:03 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: what is the whip anger there? it really needs to cool down
12:03 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: we have enough cash on hand this turn to run 90% science and nearly finish CoL (edit: managed 100% science and finishing CoL)
12:03 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: may as well start now right?
12:03 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: we should build our aramda out of there
12:03 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: 56 turns of anger
12:03 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: lol
12:03 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: HR garrison forever.
12:03 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: sub-sub-sub-sub-substantial
12:03 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: just grow tall
12:03 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: no HR, rep
12:03 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ah
12:03 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: but it'll get forge, market for happy
12:04 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: well, it has a niec cap and will get +3 more when it grows tall
12:04 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: we have gems and gold and planting silver soon?
12:04 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: oh, and a garrison
12:04 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: well we have gems and gold and will take silver later on
12:04 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: should get to around 16?
12:04 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: that should take it ~40 turns will be fine
12:04 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: ML's cap is at 18 now and market isn't done yet
12:04 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: good
12:04 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: and we don't have furs yet
12:04 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ML is cock out awesome
12:05 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: 4 turns to first town
12:05 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ok, so do you need help with anything?
12:05 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: or cna i go to bed?
12:05 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: tired
12:05 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: been drinking beer all nght
12:05 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: ha
12:05 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: i'm assuming you agree with taking peace with kuro since we can't do anything inside of 10 turns anyway
12:06 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: too late now. i wnat to bop you for giving him an easy kill
12:06 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: seriously. don't tempt fate, even against weaklings.
12:06 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: but yeah, no point in fighting until we can zap him with POWER OVERWHELMING
12:06 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: but build a couple of triremes just to fuck with him anyway
12:06 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: econ econ econ e---SPLAT murder
12:06 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: hmm
12:07 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: what to do with the worker by HF
12:07 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: right. but we can just declare and starve hismoai and pillage stuff
12:07 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: i was originally going to cottage that grass forest
12:07 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: don't talk worker micro. go find a jungle and farm-fuck it
12:07 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: but now it'll be better as a farm
12:07 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: guess i could chop it while i'm there
12:07 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ok fine
12:07 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: speeds library and then runs a specialist
12:07 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: happy enough with that
12:08 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: purrfukt
12:07 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: well....
12:08 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: whaddya think, library or market for HF?
12:08 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: i'm in grand strategy mode. trifling bullshit won't keep me up.
12:08 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: neither
12:08 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: chop really wont' be in time to help library
12:08 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: wealth or whip
12:08 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: TRIREME
12:08 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: 10 turns of peace, trireme doesn't help
12:09 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: will take 10t fromt here to build and get anywhere annoying for kuro
12:08 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: i guess we could show it to retep
12:09 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ignore retep. let him sandbox
12:09 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: until he chooses unwisely
12:09 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: yeah i don't get the impression he'll do anything
12:09 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: he's not an idoit (i think). he'll leave us
12:09 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: hmm, williamLP jumped suttree in score
12:09 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: he'd be like japan trying to invade the USA. not gonna work.
12:09 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: waht did he bulb?
12:09 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: no idea
12:10 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: someone got an engineer not long ago though, but doubt it was him
12:10 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: it was us.
12:10 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: 540 AD one born in a far away land
12:10 AM - Boldly Going Nowhere: i guarantee that was HG
12:11 AM - spacetyrantxenu: except...WE built the HG
12:11 AM - Boldly Going Nowhere: he gained 40 points in a turn. 16 wonder + a bunch of city pops
12:11 AM - Boldly Going Nowhere: eh? we did?
12:11 AM - Boldly Going Nowhere: lol
12:11 AM - spacetyrantxenu: uh...yeah.
12:11 AM - spacetyrantxenu: in happy face ages ago
12:11 AM - Boldly Going Nowhere: hahahahaha
12:11 AM - Boldly Going Nowhere: you better post this chat
12:12 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: he gained 40 points. wonder finshed and a tech. check top5
12:12 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: we have visibility everywhere
12:12 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: could have finished his epics
12:12 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: he's had moai forever
12:12 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: yeah
12:12 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: i dn't care what it is really
12:12 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: his score has been going up a lot recently, actually. 12-16 each turn
12:12 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: ok library it is for HF. chop overflow goes to a boat or something
12:12 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: probably growing tall
12:13 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ugh
12:13 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: not in love with that but ok
12:13 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: need a library or a market here
12:13 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: hey, it's a GP down the line.
12:13 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: HF is production
12:13 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: but library for SE isn't all wastage, so it's ok
12:13 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: city is going to lose 3 tiles to ML and will either work awful plains tiles or rep specialists
12:13 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: caste workshps?
12:13 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: it's 6 science per specialist per turn. city will have an engineer and 2 others
12:14 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: rep sepratists. all the way
12:13 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: no we built mids
12:14 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: 9
12:14 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: er -- 6 science per science specialist
12:14 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: i know we built mids. i advocated for SP earlier.
12:14 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: 3 for the engineer but still good
12:14 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ok, now i'm theorycrafting. time for bed.
12:14 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: k
12:14 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: post this chat in lieu of actual content.
12:14 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: uh, maybe
12:15 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: you can filter your parts out and leave the rest as the good stuff
12:14 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: uh huh
12:15 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: haha. :P
12:15 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: btw, what do you think of a monk economy?
12:15 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: would help us w/ our hammer problem and we have a lot fo cities.
12:15 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: sure, whoever builds the AP we can take their religion
12:15 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: but we don't have the tech to get to those wonders first.
12:16 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: i suppose that's one way to do it
12:16 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: and you may have noticed...we haven't researched ANY of the religious techs
12:16 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: no one has theology, right?
12:16 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: someone founded jesus
12:16 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: oh that's the religion we don't have yet
12:16 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: don't ahve to have the religon founding city to get the wonders
12:16 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: i think jesus is still nailed up waiting to be teched
12:17 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: nope. 1% worldwide influence. there is a jesus holy city somewhere
12:17 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ugh. pontius, get em
12:17 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: founded 375 AD
12:17 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: so quite a while ago
12:17 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: well, who cares. we're byzantines. he'll be conquering us shortly.
12:17 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: need a haiku for Phracting jesus
12:17 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: hmm...william's hindu religion has 37% mindshare. bet his shrine is pumping cash
12:18 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: i'd love a ninja raze on that city. doable
12:18 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: btw, 3 promo phracts can get amphibious. just sayin...
12:18 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: yeah...and that'll cost us the western part of our empire
12:18 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: could cut his holy city on a diagonal and fuck it over with a single galley
12:18 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: nah, we just boat him thrice and raze his coast. whoops.
12:19 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: 'phloating 'phracts. who'd see it coming?
12:19 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: only has 2 coastal cities but still a good idea
12:19 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: well, he shoulda built a third... wait, he did. moai
12:19 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: well...scoopin would see it coming. zing!
12:19 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ha. you did them a favor
12:19 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: you did alla yous a favor
12:19 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: derp, we can't get to williamLP's moai, it's on the west coast. you're thinking of kuro's moai
12:20 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: no i'm not. i just forgot there was a chunk of worthless land between LP nad a worthless player
12:20 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: redact that. haha
12:20 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: halvgud renamed the red cities. north one is "learning", capital is "lesson"
12:21 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: what, did he finally find his whip hand?
12:21 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: should rename our border cities "fulla" and "shit"
12:21 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: they're size 6 this turn. probably size 4 again soon
12:21 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: well, 3 cats and 8 maces oughta fix that shit up
12:21 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: 10 units in north city
12:21 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: btw, just sayin...
12:22 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: barracks and theocracy = CRII. fuckemupgood
12:22 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: i see where you're going with foreign policy. i like it.
12:22 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: #justthebeertalkin
12:22 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: but yeah, if we kill off two scrubs, taht's almost like winning, rihgt?
12:22 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: well, winning would be like winning. but killing them would be fun
12:23 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: no, winning would NOT be like winning. winning would BE winning.
12:23 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: killing off two when you only count as one, that's a victory of sorts.
12:24 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: anyway, this is all stupid bullshit. i need to go to bed
12:24 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: alt click everyone and see if anyone notices
12:24 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: i have 45 minutes to finish this turn. go away!
12:24 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: wait, we need trade stuff. nm
12:24 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: it'll screw our trade routes
12:24 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: ok, i'm out. you have my plan. execute
12:24 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: there was a plan in that?
12:24 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: i posted something before i started chat bombing you
12:24 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: oh right, i should go read that.
12:25 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: tech CS. that is all
12:25 AM -
spacetyrantxenu: uh, ok, already working on it
12:25 AM -
Boldly Going Nowhere: well, that was easy.