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[SPOILERS] Nakor and Jester..Second time's a charm :)

(September 20th, 2013, 00:26)Nakor Wrote: Ok! We'll see how things proceed...
We opened borders with Jowry and did a fish for wheat trade with someone (forgot who, sorry). Here is where Gavagai's chariots are...

You made a very good point on closing borders (i.e. best to wait until absolutely necessary). I delayed the catapult from Hail Mary last turn so I could see where the chariots went. I think we now have a 2t window before Gavagai could possibly see any catapults (he put himself in a bad position to spot the catapults from Hail Mary. In the next two turns we'll finish the rest of the non catapult units so I think we can now delay closing borders until at least T126. He'll still have ~4t to prepare but that is less than what he'd have if we went with my original plan. Do you have time to check the live save?
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

Took a look ingame. Seems like we can finish a lot of cat's in 2T. So let's go for that and get our attacking stack ready.
In that light I would put the 7 hammers from Rohan into the Catapult so it becomes a 1T whip and whip next turn. That gives us 4 cats in 2T? Then whip another round of cats and time to attack.

I wonder where Gavagai's army is.... it's not close to us...

(September 21st, 2013, 00:44)Nakor Wrote: Took a look ingame. Seems like we can finish a lot of cat's in 2T. So let's go for that and get our attacking stack ready.
In that light I would put the 7 hammers from Rohan into the Catapult so it becomes a 1T whip and whip next turn. That gives us 4 cats in 2T? Then whip another round of cats and time to attack.

I wonder where Gavagai's army is.... it's not close to us...
We'll lose 2 happy once we close borders so it's better to 2 pop whip first then go to 1 pop whips if necessary. The first cat from Rohan will be a 2 pop whip since the troops from The Rock need to catch up to the stack anyway. The second cat will be a 1 pop whip (likely necessary). We'll have ~4-5 cats in place for the Waterdeep stack T128 and can declare war T129. We're definitely closing borders T126 (EOT 125 is when the first wave of cats completes). Three turns is how long it takes to get the initial stacks into position so I could only speed up the DOW by 1t. We really need all the initial troops in place before declaring to avoid being unable to take Wall St. T129. The Waterdeep stack won't be able to attack until T132 so it would be unwise to not wait on The Rock's forces to join up. Look what we have here...

Hard to tell who Sian plans on attacking. Could be either Gavagai or Kurumi. I'm guessing Kurimi (unfortunately for us).
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

2 for 1 report:

I was second to last to play the turn with the clock running down so I couldn't take as many pictures as I wanted to. frown Four people logged on to the pitboss made lag a serious issue as well. Naturally, Gavagai was one of those people since he goes after us in the turn split. Anyway...

T 125 -

Sian declared on Kurumi the following turn (yep Sian was there too). I think Kurumi is in some trouble. Sacagawea didn't see much of anything besides warriors while passing through (with one or two Keshiks). Didn't scout thoroughly so maybe he has more real units elsewhere in his empire.

First round of catapults. The power graph and demos...

T126 - Closed borders with Gavagai but unless he was in a city screen, or in a menu that didn't have the map in the background, I'm pretty sure he saw the catapult that finished in Moria (one of his chariots was two tiles away).

Interestingly enough, we are still connected to the outside world. I did a terrible job of scouting...glad our opponents did not. That means we still have 9 happy in the capitol and probably still have iron (which iirc was part of a trade for our stone). Our biggest foreign trade route is with Yurimack (worth 3 commerce) so we are still at positive gpt. jive

The power graph and demos...

We'd need to be much higher I think to capture many of Gavagai's cities. We definitely have enough even right now to re-take our former cities. With catapults you can!

Just noticed all the pictures are labeled 1t into the future. lol Too lazy to change it now. Back to the report...

Can't really think of anything else (and don't want to rejoin the game until the turn rolls since we're playing war turns, but that is just my interpretation of the rules). I'll do a better report next turn I swear. smile

fake Edit: I had Redemption 3 pop whip a catapult this turn since the OF would finish the following catapult in 1t (i.e. complete a catapult EOT 126 AND 127). I wouldn't normally do 3 pop whips but in this case, speed is of importance (we get both catapults a turn sooner). Everything else so far has been 2 pop whips or finished with natural hammers (except for Hail Mary, chops and 1 pop whips FTW!). However, starting next turn, I'll do 1 pop whips unless it wouldn't make sense (i.e. stagnate growth or whip off a gold or silver tile).
Global lurker smile ; played in Civ VI PBEM 4, 5, 15; DL suboptimal Civ VI PBEM 17

Jester, can you give me an idea on how to play the turn, where to whip and where to move? Or are there clear markers in game? I can play in about 8 hours.
Hope your connection issues get resolved soon.

Okay, specific questions then.

Gavagai declared. He moved a Spear and Axe to the hill SE of the Copper. SW of that are 1 Spear, 3 Axes, 3 Chariots.
Koln holds a Spear, Axe, Archer
Parye holds a Spear, 2 Axes and an archer.
And there is an archer coming out of the fog.
And there is a Spear E of Parye

Question 1:
- What cities do I whip?

Question 2:
Do I move all units to the 2 stagging points except token MP warriors?
We can move the north stack to the hill with the worker, or do we wait untill the road competes and move then?

Okay, Jester is mia and we've got to keep those turns rolling.

Gavagai offered peace for Moria. No way, we're going all in and probably down.

Here is what happened, we had to attack Parye T129.
But Gavagai moved 1 Axe and 1 Spear onto the tile we wanted to road.
I killed them with 2 axes, roaded the tile with 3 workers and this is what defended Parye:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0539_zpsd9f415dd.jpg]

While we had this attack force:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0540_zpsd7fcfcfc.jpg]

Don't want to wait and bombard, so I send in 3 suicide cat's with this result (looking back, it might have been better to bombard for 1 turn and then have 4 catapult to suicide...)

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0541_zpse37eeb59.jpg]

This is what happened after that:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0545_zps9441a773.jpg]

Leaving Gavagai with this (and reinforcements comming):

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0543_zps7e767b4e.jpg]

And us with this:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0542_zpsf69ae87e.jpg]

Seems like game over for us. I'm sure Gavagai can bring in some more forces to defend.
That means we can retreat or keep attacking and empty ourselves up.
I set up whips for units next turn (no cats since we need to attack) in our cities.

We do have a little surprise stack up north (with some stragglers 1 turn behind):

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0544_zps1206f687.jpg]

I'm sure Jester would have done a better job, but no use crying over spilled

Another day... Gavagai got some more defenses into Parye:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0546_zps24f455fd.jpg]

Decided to create a super medic chariot, move our stack back 1 tile and heal there.
Stack up north moves towards Koln.

Hmm... The Chariots captured Moria... Really end of game for us.
I'm going to try and raze Koln next turn.... And wait for the inevitable...

Well, since we're playing just for fun anyway:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0556_zps3c9b5ef5.jpg]

Time to attack Koln. Send in 2 suicede cats (1 suriveved) and bombard with the other 2. Attack with 1 axe and 2 chariots and take the city.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0558_zpsd883fbee.jpg]

Then move everything into the city and loose it again this turn to this force:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0557_zps0483b52a.jpg]

Couldn't raze Koln since it once was our city, I guess....
Well, at least we did some damage here.... First stack is healing and growing a bit bigger for a second shot at Parye. Bit of trouble since we don't have copper/iron....

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