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Replacement for PB13

Hello everyone,

I'm playing PB13 as Shaka of the Greeks. It's a RBMod game, where the agressive trait doesn't suck so bad. I think my position is good (there's hardly any updates in my thread, but I can give my password to anyone interested in checking out).

In this last weeks, I've been playing without much dedication and love for the game, having lost most of my interest for different reasons. So, I'm looking for a replacement. I know its hard to find one at this point in time, but, oh, well, I want to try. Of course, if I don't find one, I'll keep playing my turns.

Another good piece of news is that my thread comes with a very nice dedlurker, wetbandit.

If you are interested, post here or in my thread in the PB13 sub-forum.


frown too bad I'm thoroughly spoiled as I'm looking for a game to join.

Maybe its just me but I'd be fine with you taking over slowly if you can slot to dedlurking the Greeks right now. You can always ask and if someone objects they can privately to Brick without an issue.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

It will take a lot of time until spoiler info I currently have will become completely irrelevant. I think that long before that Ichabod will find himself a different sub and I will find another game.

Bumping this.

Ichabod, I can take over if necessary. I can't play todaySunday as I'll be tied to my laptop which crashes when I run RBMod, but I can play after that.


Desktop crashed and laptop CTD's every time I try to load up RBMod. Focusing on fixing desktop, unable to play turns.

Bump - This thread is still valid i.e. Ichabod needs a replacement player in PB13. The less spoiled you're the better. You'd be without chances to win so this would be mostly about survival and setting smaller challenges.

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