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[Spoiler] First rodeo: Jalepeno takes the bull by the horns.

Don't hawks require a hunters lodge?
Anyway, looks really good!
How many cities does he have?
After this we seriously need to get to feud, we need to get vamps up and running as a deterrent, if nothing else.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(October 2nd, 2013, 05:13)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Don't hawks require a hunters lodge?
Anyway, looks really good!
How many cities does he have?
After this we seriously need to get to feud, we need to get vamps up and running as a deterrent, if nothing else.
Yup!  Quick wins (city in the sugar patch) finished its lodge last turn.


I think taking two cities knocks Yell0w down to ~5? Maybe 6 including the brand new gem city.

agreed, although I think I'll slip in military strategy (only 1-turn delay) so that Networking can build the HE and some other cities can get command posts up.

Slick bow
Ok, MS then, but no more nono
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Turn 88

Now I can see when TBS is coming to run over our paper-thin defenses in the west bang

My first go at a battlefield overview

Yell0w seems to have decided to fight me with units (no Sanctuary)...a single crusader so far. So I peaked in at Ballinsloe with a BP, but decided 2 warriors on a hill would cost too much to displace for just a simple autoraze. One of my burning blood moroi already turned barb, so I had to put him down (see wounded moroi in screenshot). I moved my other burning blood moroi in to take a look at the capital. 1 warrior, 1 zealot and a great merchant! If only the rest of my moroi hadn't been low on movement! If Yellow doesn't reinforce, I'm going to cast burning blood on all 4 moroi in the mini stack and take a shot at his capital next turn. My hope is that he won't realize I can reach 6 tiles and move his forces towards the front lines. I've got reinforcements on the way to deal with those.

I did manage to get 112 gold from pillaging...I should have attacked ages ago rather than wasting all that time saving gold. bash
While that's going on, time to work on my next great person.

oops! forgot to grab the screenshot. think it was 2nd in GNP (TBS more than double) and CY (HK edging me out), dominant in MFG (+50 over TBS).

Sometimes I love raiders heart
I get a feeling that even if he doesn't notice it, he'll be able to stop it if he acts cautiously and kills the moroi on the hill with the crusader and masses any front going forces there frown
Worth a try though, and we can always double back to the gems if it doesn't
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Yell0w Wrote:Well, you managed to hit me unprepared and have destroyed my military city. Nevertheless the goal of this game now will be to do max damage to you and I'm far from dying.
The enmity forever was to be expected, but razing his military pump is just jive

Turn 89

Another turn, anotther Yell0w city razed. coffee

Opened the turn to some bad news
I might never get that dungeon popped. Note too that Yell0w took out my moroi in his territory with a crusader.

I could hardly resist peaking in at Yell0w's capital, but I ran my hawk flight down south first.
I love that they can rebase to a city and scout on the same turn

which showed me that Slane only had a single unpromoted warrior for a garrison. hmmmm....

I had to slog my way through his fully-fortified, guerrilla warrior on an ancient tower hill first
Lost 2 moroi and a bloodpet taking him down. frown

But eventually was able to do this.

Razing these big cities is starting to make me wince (OO holy city!), but there's no way I could hold them. Assuming he doesn't continue to stubbornly refuse to blow Sanctuary and allow me to raze his entire empire. rolleye

Concurrently, I carried out the attack on Yell0w's capital
4 moroi against a warrior and redlined crusader? I'll take that shot to raze his capital.

Stupid guerrilla promotion!

I came up 1 unit short frown
Situation EOT
Next turn I can hit his capital with 4 units: the bloodpet, a fresh moroi (bottom of screenshot), and 2 wounded moroi (selected and the one that razed Slane - both can promo heal).

I expect him to reinforce (a little healing + a fresh crusader and the capital isn't falling) or finally cast Sanctuary if he can't. If he reinforces but lets my units stay around in his territory, I'm going to pillage the crap out of his land.
Lost 5 moroi and 1 BP this turn, and only had 2 moroi (and a hawk) complete EOT, so power takes a bit of a dip.

  • Take one more shot at Yell0w's capital if he lets me, leave him alone after that
  • Pump moroi to secure borders with TBS
  • Tech vampires (finished MS eot, feudalism is showing as 3 turns)
  • Networking will build the HE (should be 4 turns with chopping)
  • Collaboration finishes the NE next turn and will get started on a GP for a golden age (civic switch + vamp build up)

Boy Yell0w is underestimating moroi smile
Really well done, but I'm curious why you didn't just bypass the hill warrior, by my count you could draft it by going round him.
Personally I think its worth it to just keep harassing him (especially with the loverly pillage gold smile) so long as waren't expending too much - if he's going to swear everlasting vengeance then we might as well stop him from recovering ever
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Turn 90

We're in trouble

I managed to get 3 bloodpets and a moroi into social media, but it won't be anywhere near enough. I just hope they slow him down enough to for the rest of my empire to build an army. Worst case scenario would actually be for him to attack Best Practices (left unprotected at this point), because he could then fork Collaboration and Paradigm next turn. I'll only have 12 assorted bloodpets and moroi on scene, and not enough reach to attack out, so I'd have to give up Collaboration (and likely my entire south). I'm really hoping he goes for Social Media, as I'll have more time and he'll have fewer unprotected cities to waltz through. One saving grace is that he doesn't have good scouting info, and might not even realize Best Practices exists. Feudalism finishes in 3 turns.

I did send a last ditch attempt to negotiate for peace, but I doubt it'll work. For some reason I feel like this situation just I get to see what it felt like for Yell0w.
Might be the last one of these I show for awhile.

How the heck did TBS just do that!?!?


(October 5th, 2013, 18:34)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Boy Yell0w is underestimating moroi smile
Really well done, but I'm curious why you didn't just bypass the hill warrior, by my count you could draft it by going round him.
Personally I think its worth it to just keep harassing him (especially with the loverly pillage gold smile) so long as waren't expending too much - if he's going to swear everlasting vengeance then we might as well stop him from recovering ever

doh! banghead As you'll read above, the situation has changed. I'm going to really wish I hadn't thrown so many moroi away; or that Yell0w had cast Sanctuary so that my army had no choice but to stay home. frown I can't say you didn't warn me.

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