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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

novice Wrote:Chariots aren't much good against impis, are they?
Yeah, sorry, for some reason I was thinking they were axeman... bang

Don't worry about double posting. If you read our thread for Pitboss 1, I like... octuple post at times.

Sorry for not exactly making the most posts here. I've been busy sorting out what the hell I'm going to do with Pitboss 1, but I think I've balanced it out so that I can focus on developing the early game here.

I am actually entertaining the idea of a rush on Mortius. I'd like to hear Zeviz's thoughts on that idea. We are so close to Mortius that we could potentially run him over with just a few Quechuas.

That may mean that we back off our scouting Quechua in the south so that he doesn't know we exist. We then produce 3-5 Quechuas and surprise him.

Of course, that isn't the most sportsmanlike way to play, but I don't want to have to worry about his aggressive traits later in the game.

Sorry about lack of participation. (I am busy in RL.)

Do we know how map size compares to Pitboss 1?

If this start is unusually close, we can work together. If everybody is packed this tighly, rushing somebody might be necessary. However, I am pessimistic about the chances of a non-aggressive quecha rush against an aggressive opponent.

One thing I'd like to do is to hug the mountains with scouting quecha and approach Mortius from the north-west, instead of straight north, which should make it a little harder for him to find our capital.

As for how close everyone is: Our capital is 11 tiles away from his capital, and according to my (rough) calculations there's around 2700 tiles on the map (coming from the fact that we own 0.77% of the map at the moment).

As for rushing (which is not something I'm experienced in...), wild thought: What about just rushing him with the single quechua, hoping that he didn't keep a warrior in the capital? Can any lurker who's experienced in mp tell us if/how bad an idea rushing is?

No worries about participation, I just want to make sure everyone's happy. smile

I agree with hugging the mountains, works for me.

It is very likely that his capital is undefended, with his starting warrior exploring, especially if he has gone with a worker first. I'm willing to take the chance.

The thing that does bother me about the rushing idea is that we'll be rushing the guy who's attempting (theoretically) to rush other people, which means there is a high probability he'll have troops.

In any case though I'm going to run some simulations and see what strategy is posted on cfc before I'm willing to commit to anything.

Iamjohn Wrote:The thing that does bother me about the rushing idea is that we'll be rushing the guy who's attempting (theoretically) to rush other people, which means there is a high probability he'll have troops.

Not this early in the game, and what would he be training? Warriors?

I'm willing to give it a shot, but Zeviz isn't sounding too enthused, Zeviz, are you willing to give this a go/no go?

If we're going to go through with this, we need to decide whether we're going to do the immediate rush (now) or build up some troops.

If it is the former, then the Quechua should move straight to the capital.

If it is the latter, then the Quechua should move due west and not let Mortius know of our existance.

Also, if it is the latter, then we should consider switching production off a workboat and onto a Quechua, and moving our northern Quechua down to the south.

Frankly, I am a little hesitant myself, as this is not my usual game style. I don't normally like to play aggressively, but I can imagine conflicts arising in the future, considering Mortius' traits.

A failed rush would put both of us out of the game. So I'd try to hide from him until we get to a spot from which we can take a look into his capital. If we find it empty, we go in. If not, I'd prefer not to risk entire game for an unlikely shot at eliminating a single opponent.

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