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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

I would offer it anyways.

In terms of diplomacy with other teams, if they ask, we also need to say that we were not comfortable with being so proximal to Ragnar of Zulu.

In terms of the message you propose, I think it sounds great. We should add the paragraph inviting him to our team.

Message sounds good.

For tech, we have to go with BW, because it's vital to know where Copper is, and we need it for chopping/whipping.

For general development, I think we should stick with our original plan: WB->Woker->Chop either Settler or second Worker.

Also, southern Quecha should explore SW for a few steps and then NW, to get better idea of the area we are about to aquire. Northern quecha should probably loop back SW, or straight West, to find out how much land is available to the west of us.

PS And thank you to all the lurkers for your opinions.

Do we want to hold off on claiming Mortius' land?

Thanks, I changed to what you guys wanted and sent it.

Quote:Hey Mortius,

I'm sorry about the lack of any communication, I certainly understand that this isn't the easiest thing for you, and we're doing our best to conduct this in a gentlemanly way. I'm sure it doesn't really help any, but all three of us do feel bad about killing someone this early in the game, it simply isn't a nice thing to do, and we aren't attempting to hide that fact, but it doesn't mean we can't at least try to be decent about it. If you're interested and the rules allow we're certainly willing to bring you on as a member of our team.

Unfortunately for the Zulu civilization we simply couldn't not come up with a practical reason to not kill your civilization, and could come up with plenty of reasons to eliminate your civilization. You are an aggressive zulu civ, even a long term NAP can not totally take away that threat. We apparently quite crowded, so competition for land is going to be quite fierce. Even if our team and you decided to come up with some sort of vassal agreement to attempt to counter that threat there would still be the issue with the fact that we really can't get anything from you that we would not have better were your civ out of the picture. There's no tech trading allowed in this game, which means there's nothing you could give to us of any real benefit in the long term, and there would always be the threat or suspicion (however misplaced) that you might back stab us at some crucial strategic point. Even in PB1, where Sunrise could have been eliminated, all the lurkers reading the spoilers supported attacking Sunrise's city, and the benefits are much greater in this game. You are correct, the threat of Rome is substantial, and although it would be nice to have your civilization as a buffer between the two of us, it would benefit us more to be able to have that space to be able to expand into, as well as taking away the threat of Zulu Praetorians attacking us. Sadly, in the end it just doesn't make sense not to attack you.

With sincere apologies,

Iamjohn for IKZ.

As for claiming his land, I'm not quite sure what you mean- how are we claiming it? We claim it when we settle on his land or sign an agreement with another team, demarcating the land imo.

Techs sound good, I'll make the switch.

Kodii Wrote:Do we want to hold off on claiming Mortius' land?
I think that keeping a fast growth rate is more important than planting a flag. So we should get at least one worker out before the settler.

As for city location, if there is copper next to one of our capitals, we plant our second city on the Zulu starting spot. If not, we plant it at the Copper.

PS Proposed email sounds good.

The Deed is Done: frown

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[Image: civ4screenshot0166.jpg]

[Image: civ4screenshot0168.jpg]

I made the switch to bronze working. Also, how does this look for general movement plan for north quechua?

[Image: civ4screenshot0169z.jpg]

Don't forget to fire off the e-mail.

Already sent to Mortius, in fact I waited a little while before attacking in case he was online.

Oh right. Totally missed that post, sorry.

I don't think we want to say anything else in public in the IT thread, so just let the comments slide.

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