Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] Fintourist and Old Harry have nothing to see here

  • We have 15 shock axes ready to hit suttree's cats + the one that you did not want to move yet, so 16. In addition we can put 1 C1 axe, 11 bows and some spears (max 3) and 1-2 chariots into König if suttree attacks. Hasting is now building a library, which can be finished with a chop in 3 turns and the borders will then pop in 18 turns. Feel free to change it back to axe or forge if you want.
  • Dunkirk is building a missionary and BoP forge
  • Offered dyes to Dhalphir for money
  • Ended turn

We will have the first half of the turn against suttree next turn, there are some unit movements that we probably want to do. E.g securing that we have 2 defenders in Jamestown if needed (small boating danger) and maybe hiding even more axes behing Königgratz.

If suttree does not attack next turn, let's try to get new set of enforced peace with him. That increases the likelyhood that he uses his units on mackoti instead. Damn, mackoti's new size 14 flood plains capital is only 2 tiles away from suttree border.. Isn't that way more attractive target than our little jungly cities. alright If suttree would attack mackoti that would change the whole game and give us completely new opportunities. Unfortunately that is probably wishful thinking and suttree is just waiting for an opportunity to finally get his revenge on us.. rolleye

EDIT: Just to note, according to latest power graph and demos mackoti's power is lower than ours and reasonable part of his army is surely still fighting m_h. Come on suttree, go get him!
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Call me an optimist, but this does give me some hope..:

[Image: hope..JPG]
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Nevermind. Mackoti whipped his backline-cities (triple-whipped his former capital huh) and I guess suttree just added last couple of cats to his stack.. cry
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Turn 129 - the calm before the storm

Goodbye mostly_harmless, we tried to warn you, but it was too little, too late. I don't think Slow is long for this world either. It's been a busy turn, but no Taoism spreads frown

Eridu popped its borders, so we can't get vision on the city tile. Mack is also showing us that he has cats as well as Horse Archers. On T133 he could road the tile 2SW of Peterloo and dump an army onto the forest. But I don't think that's his style.

We're pretty sure that Suttree is either attacking Koniggratz this turn or is waiting for Mackoti to attack from the south. Fintourist thinks we'll lose the culture war on the peak on t131.

Power and Demos


  • I made 1 tile change so that BoP can grow to size 7 next turn
  • I moved the galley south, we might get a sight on Eridu from the south and I did not come up with any better use for the galley than trying to spot some movements of mackoti's army
  • Ended turn..
  • I'm so pissed of at suttree for ruining our game! rant
  • I'm currently even more pissed of at m_h for ruining everybody's game! rant rant
  • We get 7 pop growths at the end of the turn. Small joy.. mischief
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

m_h, in case you read our thread, I'm sorry for the part where I got annoyed at you when mack attacked you. It's just something I didn't - nor you I guess - foresee and I got frustrated. frown

Hmm, mackoti is doing multiple long log-ins and haven't ended the turn despite eliminating m_h earlier. I wonder what he is up to? Or does he just wait for suttree to end the turn? Maybe he is actually playing together with yuris?
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Lets just say we survive Suttree's attack (and whatever YuriMack are planning scared) and then get ourselves some knights, how does this look for a plan?

- We stick our stack of 20-30 knights on Suttree's border and ask for OBs, then we hope that Suttree has actually built some roads within his territory, then we are one turn from Yurimack's capital before they know what is going on
- We continue building knights which can arrive down the middle route
- And we load some axes and spears onto our galleys to push the battle on the western front too

Obviously if Suttree won't give us OBs then we attack him instead. shades

I like the attack on Mack's capital because anything else will leave us wide open to the counter attack and there is a chance that he'll have his anti-knight forces up on our border and anti-suttree stuff at his capital. The follow-ups are important because that's where we actually get something out of the war, but by burning and pillaging the capital we hope to knacker his teching ability. The trouble with this is that even if we're successful we can't kill YuriMack, so it's a Suttree mk2 situation.

Just for the record, I already wrote quickly to Harry about this plan and we are thinking along the same lines. However, already the next two turns can change everything (most likely in a negative way)..

But anyways, assuming:
1. Costs related to fighting suttree and our below-average land quality are simply too much and we can't keep up economically with the leaders
2. Big geopolitical events continue to suck (mack getting easy addition to his empire, Ichabod eating slow with no effort?)
3. We are not totally out of production power in 20-50 turns (suttree has not managed to destroy our game completely)

--> We are not going to go down without trying something radical. Be it attacking mack, dtay, ichabod, eastern continent.. Who knows when the time comes.
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

I like it, but double-check your unit movement per turn on the cap attack, Harry. Also note the Eridu-Ur fork movement requires Engineering. But yes. smile

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