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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

You are correct about the Quechua. This I guess for us means that tt's lower on the totem pole, as evidenced by when we're planning on settling on the dot map, as well as influenced by the fact that we are largely looking to be expanding, since Athlete seems to be focused on dealing with regoarrrarr.

We got hinduism (in DINA):
[Image: civ4screenshot0072.jpg]

-This means we'll expand borders in DINA next turn. One of the workers is heading over to start getting things moving over there. We also finished the chop on the forest this turn, we should be able to finish whipping out the settler soon, right now the city has an eta of 5 turns.

-I set research for animal husbandry for the cows by DINA.

-I felt this turn was far more boring then it should be, so I named the workers after disaster relief agencies. One obviously had to be named FEMA, the other a rather clipped version of the Civil Contingencies Secretariat, the UK version of the agency.

Congratulations on founding hinduism! This means your second city will produce a lot of culture. How will this affect your settling agreements with A/K?

Played the next turn, we had a number of things occur, most diplomatic:

[Image: civ4screenshot0073.jpg]
-We met Speaker/Sullla. We haven't gotten anything from them, and I don't have the time right now to make a "hello" message, but I will tonight if you guys haven't first.

-Regoarrarr managed to provoke a DOW from Athlete and Kalin.

Press Release from Athlete/Kalin Wrote:Hello Team IKZ of the Incas,

As you may have seen in game we have declared war on Byzantium. The reason for this is that they settled their second city in a place where we planned to settle our second city. It is so close to our capital that our 3rd ring borders their 2nd ring.

We did have peaceful intentions going into this game. We feel however that we were cornered by a strong team and a civilization with one of the best unique units which left us with practically no choice.

We would do our best to keep you updated. If you have questions please let us know.

Kalin for Team A/K of the Ottomans

I sent them a quick response-
Quote:We understand, and just between you and us, fully support your decision. smile

Iamjohn for IKZ

-I whipped the settler in our capital. I rearranged the citizens for max commerce for this turn/neutral food/min hammers. I'm not sure if this is the right decision or not, but it didn't change when the settler was due, and it helps our tech rate quite a bit. Just make sure that they get changed back when the turn rolls over. (!)

-We need to decide what we want to do long term. Athlete sent us this a little earlier- are we really interested in providing long term support to Athlete/Kalin? Regoarrarrr wouldn't be a happy camper if Athlete starts attacking him with quechuas... wink

Kalin Wrote:Hi Incans,

How about we agree on a NAP in perpetuity with a minimum duration of 75 turns and a cool-off of 25 turns starting on turn 55.

In the strictest confidence, we have too much on our hands right now smile Hence my previous question if you have any units around Paris. We would appreciate any material help (we would compensate you for it, of course). We would also appreciate just information if you noticed anything.

Given the above, maybe you could delay arranging a NAP with Byzantium for a few more turns if you can.


We've already delayed agreeing to anything for quite awhile with Regoarrarr, in fact I think he's kinda given up. We need to figure out where we are going to stand with this then.

-War didn't stop Regoarrarr from fishing for information:
regoarrarr Wrote:Hey IKZers,

As you may have noticed, Hinduism was founded this past turn. That wouldn't have happened to have been founded by you would it? We hope not since it might interfere with "The One True Faith" aka Buddhism :-)


Right now I'm just for ignoring it. There's no good reason to lie, but there isn't any good reason to simply give him information either. If someone wants to write a puff piece to send to him though feel free. smile

Had an interesting chat with Athlete ingame, as always, read each segment down to up, starting at the top screengrab.

For some reason Civ dropped the earlier part of the conversation, but basically the gist of it is that they have 4 chariots outside Regoarrarr's city that should be able to attack next turn, as well as another warrior, but they arn't sure exactly how far they want to push.

-Also Athlete requested that we pilliage some of regoarrarr's tiles in regoarrarr's boundaries. I didn't totally say no, but basically told him you two weren't interested in more war atm.

-Apparently he's met the Romans, and sent them in our general direction, so we should meet them soonish.

-I also told them that we were willing to not confirm a NAP with Regoarrarr to force him to be more careful in regards us.

Sent this response to Athlete since they asked for a formal confirmation of the NAP:

Quote:Hey Kalin/Athlete-

Just to formally state it- We accept your terms for the NAP. We're confident that together our civs can accomplish much (or destroy much.... mwhahaha)

We have been stonewalling Regoarrarr with regards to a formal NAP for a pretty large time to make sure we kept our options open, hopefully the formidable threat of our scary quechua should force him to leave his defense against you weaker than it could have been.

We have not encountered much information that would be useful to you- When we did go by Paris and look into the city we did only see a warrior(s? I can't tell from my screenshot), but that information is pretty dated at this point.

Feel free to let us know if you need anything else,

Iamjohn for IKZ

More in the diplo deluge:
Athlete Wrote:Hello Iamjohn, Kodii, Zeviz,

Thank you for the response, our good relations shall hopefully prove fruitful to no end for the both of us. If you care to join us in the conflict Metternich would be more then welcome to join the party at Athens, in particular if a Byzantine wheat farm were to get destroyed because you decided to hold a field party rather than head to Athens we would not mind in the slightest!

This is just our formal request for a little aid to help us choke the response from them smile. If you feel you can offer anything it would be very much appreciated!

Athlete for A/K

Sullla Wrote:Dear IKZ Team,

Our brave exploring warrior Chamberlain made contact with an Incan quechua this turn. Speaker and I would like to express our formal greetings, and the hope that our teams can work together peacefully in the days to come. While we seem to be located quite some distance apart geographically, we may be able to exchange some information on our neighbors to mutual benefit. Let us know if you would be interested in something along these lines.

The Killer Angels

Sent this to Sullla/Speaker

Quote:Hey Killers,

I'm sorry missed you in game Sulla, I was tabbed out posting something for the team and tabbed back in right as you logged out. Argh! wink

The distance between us is something that is a bit limiting, but it can also be viewed as a benefit as our interests will not come into conflict nearly as easily as it might were we on each other's doorstep (as seems to be case often on this map).

We are certainly interesting in sharing what ever information you find useful to trade. We have noted that there seems to be about a 12 tile distance between capitals, has this been something you've observed as well?

Enjoy the weekend,

Iamjohn for IKZ

Sorry for being so out of the loop, especially since I barely have time to deal with Pitboss 1 at the moment.

I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with the way you have handled diplomacy thus far, Iamjohn. Keep up the good work and thanks for playing the turns!

Thanks, I appreciate it Kodii. My civ abilities are not amazing, so it looks like diplo is what I have to squeeze the most advantage from. wink

We got this from Regoarrarr on Friday, I didn't see it because I had a draft saved by google and I didn't realze there was something below it in the "conversation".

Quote:Hey guys,

Just checking in again. You know me!

We were wondering if you might be willing to share any map knowledge that you have figured out. I don't know how far you have scouted to our west, but we'd be happy to give you an idea of the lay of the land in that direction if you could share what you have found out to our south and east.

In talking with athlete, they have met the Koreans and Romans, and are close to meeting the HRE. I am still unclear in what direction they found them, but perhaps you have already met them anyways.

It is my understanding that you are to the SE of the Ottomans - do you know who is located to our south (I guess htat would be your west or NW?)

Also - do you know how far the land goes to the east or north of the Ottomans?



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