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F Den -> Swe
F HEL -> Den
F Kie S HEL -> Den
A Sil -> Ber
A Bur -> Bel
A Hol S Bur -> Bel
HEL->Den with Kie S gives me 2-strength attacking Den for is England tries to take it, and keeps a unit in Kie so it can't be jumped.
Half expecting to lose Hol here. Though would have to be Bel moving, else its support would be cut. So that's unlikely. Would be much more of a danger if I was looking to screw with France with Bur, rather than using it to 'defend' Hol.
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Well, can't say that was entirely a surprise.
Now to go sort out with dtay the best way to ensure he gets all my stuff rather than someone else.
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-> SKA
Hol and HEL
Bur can fuck around with France for a while.
Kie and SKA can either play for Den, or help England in.
Ber head east to distract a few Russian units, maybe.
Definitely going with plan "give all my shit to the person who didn't break their word when attacking me".
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No response from people I'm interested in talking to. Bit awkward.
Bur -> Gas to mess with France
Ber -> Pru to start trying to mess with Russia
No response from dtay, so trying to take Den myself. Kie moves, SKA supports.
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Have to decide if TT is going to HEL->Den.
Would prefer to SKA->Swe, Den S SKA->Swe, but if that gets cut by HEL it'd be annoying.
Other option is SKA-Nwy, but that relies on both NTH and Swe not moving there. Sounding dtay out (suggesting displacement of HEL) doesn't seem to be bringing much.
It is unfortunate that there is nothing that can occupy Den while ensuring HEL is displaced.
Hoping Rowain supports himself into Mun rather than taking the chance on Ber. I'm going to lose *something* there, 'cause fucked if anyone's actually going to support me in anything this game.
War is a non-starter. Rowain has no interest in attempting it 'cause TT covering it from Gal would ensure a bounce at best.
Prospective moves:
F SKA -> Swe
A Den S SKA -> Swe
A Mun -> Kie
A Pru -> Lvn
...was about to go on about 'half expecting to lose all of my centres here' then I realised that I can't lose both Kie and (not gain) Den without gaining Swe, assuming I keep SKA -> Swe and Mun -> Kie.
So I can't completely die this turn. Happy days!
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(in before Cyneheard stabs dtay this turn while Rowain only takes Mun and everything up north goes perfectly to plan, giving me *an actual build* and leaving dtay distracted enough for me to partially rebuild)
hey, I'm allowed to be optimistic occasionally!
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rapidfire last minute diplo for the (win)?
This is going to fail so badly.
TT and dtay both coming with ideas for what can happen near Den.
dtay's actually more appealing - 'swapping' Swe and Den. Denies a centre to TT, which is really the important thing here.
F SKA -> Swe
A Den -> Kie
A Mun -> Ber
A Pru -> Ber
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and I just realised I was being quite silly with bouncing Ber, given Cyneheard had told me he was being supported into Mun :/
Could have had an army in Lvn already.
Oh well.
Most likely building A Ber. Kie's going to be a clusterfuck either way.
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After many fun last minute negotiations (seriously, started actually talking to people for this season about 6 hours ago, and slept in that time), finally have a move-plan that seems finalised (and also highly likely to get me completely dead save for an army in St.P at the end of the year).
Swe -> BOT. Doesn't run the risk of bouncing Nwy, and therefore guarantees St.P unless dtay moves NTH->Nwy *and* decides to help TT out. Have agreement from dtay not to take Swe this year. Reasonably certain I'm going to lose it anyway, but at least this way I can call him a backstabbing bastard if he does take it 
Pru -> Lvn. Because St.P
Ber -> Kie. Because why not? Also have TT saying he'll support me in (in exchange for supporting HEL->Den in Autumn). Mainly so he's (theoretically) not doing other fun things in the region. Though going by track record, he's about 100% likely to break the deal before I do.
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Just saying, if we're calling the game here it's pretty damn obviously a France win.
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