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Map balancing and editing tool

Ah, OK. Reading it now.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

I have a problem. Trying to make a sandbox for PB18. I started a game with the correct settings, then saved the WB of that. Opened it up in the tool, resized the map, saved. However I can't start a new scenario on the edited map. Without mod it says "failed to read", with mod it crashes when loading.

EDIT: Tried to load the original WB file before the edits and it worked, so it's not a mod issue.

(March 20th, 2014, 09:22)Jowy Wrote: I have a problem. Trying to make a sandbox for PB18. I started a game with the correct settings, then saved the WB of that. Opened it up in the tool, resized the map, saved. However I can't start a new scenario on the edited map. Without mod it says "failed to read", with mod it crashes when loading.

EDIT: Tried to load the original WB file before the edits and it worked, so it's not a mod issue.

I've had this issue before. If you want the map dimensions for PB18, roll a map using Seven's torusland script. You can put in the X & Y coordinates in increments of 4 and that will get you to the 60x124 map size that we're using.

Edit to add the link and comment on the irony of ME giving anyone tech support. lol

(March 20th, 2014, 09:22)Jowy Wrote: I have a problem. Trying to make a sandbox for PB18. I started a game with the correct settings, then saved the WB of that. Opened it up in the tool, resized the map, saved. However I can't start a new scenario on the edited map. Without mod it says "failed to read", with mod it crashes when loading.

EDIT: Tried to load the original WB file before the edits and it worked, so it's not a mod issue.

Send me the WB files before and after editing, and let me know which version of the editor you're using, and I might take a look.
I have to run.

(March 20th, 2014, 12:21)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote:
(March 20th, 2014, 09:22)Jowy Wrote: I have a problem. Trying to make a sandbox for PB18. I started a game with the correct settings, then saved the WB of that. Opened it up in the tool, resized the map, saved. However I can't start a new scenario on the edited map. Without mod it says "failed to read", with mod it crashes when loading.

EDIT: Tried to load the original WB file before the edits and it worked, so it's not a mod issue.

I've had this issue before. If you want the map dimensions for PB18, roll a map using Seven's torusland script. You can put in the X & Y coordinates in increments of 4 and that will get you to the 60x124 map size that we're using.

Edit to add the link and comment on the irony of ME giving anyone tech support. lol

Won't the numbers still be wrong since it's forced toroidal wrap instead of cylindrical?

(March 21st, 2014, 03:02)Jowy Wrote: Won't the numbers still be wrong since it's forced toroidal wrap instead of cylindrical?

Edit the worldbuilder file in a text editor after generating the toroidal map, and change "wrap Y=1" to "wrap Y=0". (Or change the X wrap for a tilted axis map).
I have to run.

(March 20th, 2014, 12:21)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote:
(March 20th, 2014, 09:22)Jowy Wrote: I have a problem. Trying to make a sandbox for PB18. I started a game with the correct settings, then saved the WB of that. Opened it up in the tool, resized the map, saved. However I can't start a new scenario on the edited map. Without mod it says "failed to read", with mod it crashes when loading.

EDIT: Tried to load the original WB file before the edits and it worked, so it's not a mod issue.

I've had this issue before. If you want the map dimensions for PB18, roll a map using Seven's torusland script. You can put in the X & Y coordinates in increments of 4 and that will get you to the 60x124 map size that we're using.

Edit to add the link and comment on the irony of ME giving anyone tech support. lol

No mention of the chat we had the other day where I answered you when you asked me about the same thing? Oy, it hurts! :Rolf:

Still, +5 internet cookies for BGN fielding a tech support request! We may have to change your avatar now. thumbsup

Edit: Dhalphir, this is more likely the sign off the Apocalypse, I think. wink

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Sorry for offtopic, but BGN.. or uh, Xenu, how did you get Torusland to work? For me it stops responding at Initializing when trying to create a map with dimensions from PB18 (though works with default).

Does that happen with RB Mod loaded and you try to set up the map script with 34 civs? It does that for me too. I opened up task manager and the Civ4BeyondSword.exe *32 process is running max CPU (25% for me) right now. How long did you let it run? Seven could speak to it, I imagine, since it's his script -- maybe there's something in the mod that doesn't jive with something in the map script with these settings?

Ended process, tried again -- I was able to roll a normal size map using Toursland and a normal number of leaders. So it isn't strictly incompatible with the mod, just something in our settings. Back to testing.

Trying a map set to 60 x 124 with a normal number of civs. Initializing for a while....for a good long while....I'm guessing the problem is in this step, something about the big map dimensions. Or maybe I'm just not waiting long enough, although that seems unlikely unless there's a LOT of map/start checking or something going on beyond what a normal map script does. End process.

Trying a regular sized map with 34 civs. How is the script even going to place that many settlers? lol Anyway, initializing....waiting.....OK this is taking a really long time too.....but it finishes! (offtopic, but that would be a fun start to play out...I met 3 civs when I ended turn. smile )

So my theory -- with all the extra civs it takes a really long time to iterate through the map script with all the extra civs + rb mod, even with a "normal" sized map. Maybe it would work on a large map if I let it run for a long time. I need to get ready for work so I'll test that while I'm away from the computer for a while.

To set up your sandbox, though, I suppose roll the map without the mod and edit in the missing leaders? Probably use any map script that works, set the right civ/leader pairings, save that world builder file and then build use the torusland script to generate a map of the right dimensions. Then use notepad or whatever text editor you like to edit in the missing civs. I don't know exactly what steps BGN ended up using for his sandbox. Maybe he can provide more insight. But you don't get more internet cookies for kinda answering the same question twice. lol

Also, the time I spent doing this means no turn report for me this morning. Sorry to both of you reading my thread! twirl

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

It's not written to be super efficient, just to work for games that people actually play I thought people would actually play. So it's probably just taking a really really long time.

I don't think it uses memory too terribly, so I would guess that it will theoretically finish eventually.

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