March 22nd, 2014, 13:43
(This post was last modified: March 22nd, 2014, 13:44 by Molach.)
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Two turns in.
I got 97 gold from the hut. About equal value as a tech.. except bronze working.
Mardoc and mostly harmless/ruff_hi are players who got a tech from a hut so far.
Scout got some map info from the north. Fresh water lake, tundra and ice north of it, ocean north of that again. Seems I've got sea to my north and east, so I can hope I've at least got some secure borders in those directions. Scout will head westwards now, hopefully some more huts to grab and likely neighbours to contact. I'll get map info from the south in a couple of turns when borders pop.
Memo to self, remember to work fur forest tile at that point for +1 commerce.
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Found another hut, going for this right away.
Otherwise not much to report - will need to scout another row to see where my western cities should be placed. Borders pop next turn, I'll get a look at the south then.
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Turn 5.
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0220_zpsda76378a.jpg]](
Scout is locked in on target, will meet (jabba) the hut next turn. A deer to dotmap around.
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0221_zpsa8c6f03e.jpg]](
My borders popped and I find 2(!) more huts. One might be islandic, but looks like a land bridge to the southwest.
This means I'll reveal land around my start , hopefully ending up down south in time to pop the huts before anyone else spots 'em.
After that outwards to meet new, interesting people...and KILL THEM.
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Hutt gave me 66 gold. Pays for archery, so good result here.
Demo shows someone lost his scout.
Hut techs:
Mardoc/BRickAstley have gotten 2 techs.
Question: With new events, are there any events that require me to have a certain amount of gold?
Or to ask in a more self-helpish way, is there a way for me to see all events (after Krill cut the nasty ones out?)
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No report last turn, just a scout move showing bland terrain.
Turn 8:
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0223_zpsb02804ac.jpg]](
So, I moved my scout to get southwards as quick as possible, sacrificing scout info to grab the huts south before someone else did.
After I moved I notice that MY hut is gone, and that AT scout did it.
Mistake I: Move before checking situation. Stupid. Cost me map info, no doubt.
I hope the other hut is on island, or that AT will move elsewhere and not see it. I think I'll move scout W-SW now, and take it from there - but of course see where AT moves to. If he disappears I must conclude he is going to pop my other hut.
AT actually hasn't played yet, so he popped that hut last turn (after I played). I must try and log in after him and before turn rolls to see where he went.
Oh and this probably means that I am up against AT. He might be 14 tiles away, plus change, but might be a lot closer. Hunting will come in soon, BW obviously next, after that I need wheel, pottery, AH, archery and HBR to go and try to kill him, if he is close enough.
I think my traits are made for a HBR rush - IMP to spew out some quick cities, AGG for quick barrack + stable.
Only good thing is that AT did not get a tech from my hut, but ...grmph.
With this starting land and these starting techs I'll never win a buildfest -kind of game, I need warmer betterer land, and AT shall provide it.
(Off to see what kind of player he is, because I have no idea.)
I wanna settle a city on PH SW of pig, hopefully there is something to the SW in the fog.
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No more sign of AT.
After a bit of steam about him- AT guy- stealing my legally given hut, I've realized that he is playing Rome. Not AGG Rome, but still. Praets. Probably my closest neighbour playing Rome.
I could always hope he checks out my previous PB thread and learns that Rome should be played with extreme caution, and that Praets need plenty of rest so they can be ready to kill an infantry unit some day in the future.
AT is also EXP-PHI - Exp at least means he's off to a quick start.
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(March 28th, 2014, 16:17)Molach Wrote: After a bit of steam about him- AT guy- stealing my legally given hut, I've realized that he is playing Rome. Not AGG Rome, but still. Praets. Probably my closest neighbour playing Rome.
Hey, it's still AT. He's not very aggressive, so maybe he'll use the praets defensively?
Popping gold may pay for a tech, but it doesn't help until ~t40. I like the good outlook, but techs now are always better than techs later.
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(March 29th, 2014, 00:11)Ceiliazul Wrote: (March 28th, 2014, 16:17)Molach Wrote: After a bit of steam about him- AT guy- stealing my legally given hut, I've realized that he is playing Rome. Not AGG Rome, but still. Praets. Probably my closest neighbour playing Rome.
Hey, it's still AT. He's not very aggressive, so maybe he'll use the praets defensively?
Popping gold may pay for a tech, but it doesn't help until ~t40. I like the good outlook, but techs now are always better than techs later. 
I guess almost anything is better now than later - one axeman now and I could kill AT right off the bat. One axeman in thirty turns....
About the gold, I think I got above average haul with 160 gold from 2 huts. And at least I can spend it on my chosen techs instead of useless mysticism for instance. I guess the other techs would be most welcome.
Scouted even further south, can loop westwards now.
Now that is interesting. It was an island after all. Barb-safe location. Question is, how early can I go sailing without crippling my growth? I can explore with a work boat, but I could also explore with a galley - loaded with a warrior or scout or both - snag huts/undefended cities. Sounds like fun...
Worker finishes next turn, I can work my 1/2/1 tile 1 turn, but then I switch to 2/1 forest while worker pasteurizes some milk. Workboat finishes one turn before growth to size two. Then growing a bit while building warriors, so I can work the sheep at size 3. After that I'm not sure, if I need to chop worker #2 or can just mine the PH for a size 4-tile. Hopefully bronze pops up on that hill, then I get to mine it and can let my poor brain rest a little more.
I think BW - Wheel - Pottery/AH in some order. If no bronze, perhaps AH earlier. Or perhaps Archery so I can settle cities without fear of early lucky barb licking my ass. Or that sailing thing I was ranting about.
I do remember that Rome starts with fishing, so if AT saw that hut he might try to sail up to it himself - he was among the non-tech-from-hutters so probably frustrated about that. I'm not sure he's seen it, depends on where he came from and where he went after I spotted him.
March 31st, 2014, 13:25
(This post was last modified: March 31st, 2014, 13:39 by Molach.)
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Turn 13
Time flies. No pauses, and generally people play before timer hits 6:00 hours left.
First sketch at a dotmap - up north:
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0227_zps5e46bd58.jpg]](
Spot by pig is a bit debatable - but it'll grow fast with pig, and I can chop/mine some quick settlers out of it. Later I can cottage spam it. And I got a hunch there is copper or horse near. I want to expand SW-wards, backfill north later, because...There is a clam in range of the NW-erly site. But I could move that 1 W, fit in a filler city on the bare plains hill.
Scout finds some nice stuff south. Would be nice if I could found a city where he is standing, but I'm sure someone else gets there first.
This map is making me want to skip Agriculture for a little while - get wheel, pottery, sailing, AH, archery(?) first. 1 wet rice is only grain? 3 cows, 2 sheep, seafood and some deer...
I have early worker micro set now. I'll finish the plains cow in 3 turns, mine the plains hill, then pasture the sheep. Working plains hill 1 turn instead of sheep, give 1 foodhammer for more effective worker action.
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First one thing that has been bothering many of you, judging by the amount of hate-mail and thinly veiled threats I have received on the subject: Shouldn't my current thread title be "Molach and Genghis EMBIGGEN portugal", not embiggens because plural. Well, it might be wrong, but at least it was intentional. Molach and Genghis is in reality one person - me. So its not "Molach" and "Genghis" but rather "MolachandGenghis" - a single entity. And said entity embiggens portugal. For the time being, at least.
I have my next title figured out too, gonna use that whenever I first lose a city.
On a happier note:
This is, of course, not happy for me, but rather for AT. His capital is very close, he has a plains hill plant with wet wheat and a g-d grass hill gem. I can't really think of a more optimal second city spot - he can even settle it one east of the scout and add a grass cow to the fray.
My second city options seem to be a nice grass pig, but with nothing else in particular - or a plain sheep + tundra hill silver for precious metal. Gah. I think I'll grab pig, then go for the SW cow-spice-rice city, then backfill to the north and east or by boat. Hurm.
Well, first things first. Finish BW, improve 3 tiles around capital - not much thinking before that.
One good thing, I'm pretty sure AT sent his scout SE - which means that I might find something nice in the fog as I head back north with my scout next couple of turns.