Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

It'd be great if everyone else was jungle-choked. Unfortunately I think Commodore would be a bit more careful about keeping land quality fairly even than Brick was for 13 (can't complain since we asked Brick for a natural looking map). Fortunately we're IMP so we can take advantage of the lush surroundings jive.

It's tempting to put a city to share the pig, cow and wheat, but the plains hill between the cow and wheat is probably the better long-term bet. However I'm not even going to start sandboxing until you've uncovered the rest of the first ring of cities whip.

SE-NE would be ideal to uncover that tile, but it looks like flatland to me, so I'm not sure it's wise. SE-N may be necessary instead (it won't reveal the tile but will show 4 water tiles and whether that's a peninsula or land-bridge E of the wheat, which is what I'm really interested in). I don't like SE-SE or SE-S as I don't want to have to come back to the area again later. SE-E also looks flat from that screenshot, but it would allows us to move NE next turn and uncover the coast nod.

Do we need to give our scout a name? If so I'd suggest "Scout" as a good guinea pig name smug.

On first-to-bonuses I'd really like Music (yeah, I know, more plans to copy Mackoti neenerneener), since we're probably not going to have an easy way to pop borders until much later in the game (no AGG Barracks, nearby religion unlikely, no SPI-Caste-bursts). We're probably playing another no-wonders game since there are so many players, but with some careful bulbing we could be in the running for Lib unless we go for the (much better) first-to-bonus of devouring a neighbour early. 90-hammer Sacrificial Altars make annexing someone a very attractive proposition for us...

(March 28th, 2014, 08:59)Old Harry Wrote: It's tempting to put a city to share the pig, cow and wheat, but the plains hill between the cow and wheat is probably the better long-term bet. However I'm not even going to start sandboxing until you've uncovered the rest of the first ring of cities whip.

Just quickly: Dot-mapping that area will be quite a challenge. Both of the tiles mentioned make settling for that wet corn more difficult/delay it, which is a significant trade-off already alone. It's not so easy to say how much overlapping benefits or the plains hill plant compensate. Anyways, I try to keep myself away from sandboxing couple of turns so that we get a bit more info.. Until BW is finished and both pigs are pastured we don't need to decide too much.

Re scout move: If I'm early with the turn I just move "Scout" once SE and then post a screenshot. It's possible that SE-NE is safe (depending on the coastline). Or maybe we want to go towards SE with full speed so that we finally get a free tech.. mischief
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

I'm expecting "early with the turn" to mean within ten minutes of the roll again. Don't let me down!

Turn 11 part 1

I was not so fast this time...

So 2nd move left. I think I vote NE. Thoughts?

It was Brickdocs who got the religion..
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

NE? Yes please.

Turn 11 part 2


S-SE with some risk next?

Or just E-SW? SW-SW does not feel too appealing..
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

E-SW looks best to me (depending on animal movements).

On city locations, I think this counts as back lines, so we shouldn't rush to settle this area, but E of the corn has eleven water tiles, +8 food and three forests to chop into Moai while site "a" has 12 water tiles, +10 food (unless there is something else in the fog) and two forests but doesn't overlap cottages for the capital like site "b" does.

This is all looking good thumbsup. As I said on chat there aren't many water tiles on this map, so these are probably going to be our Moai sites unless we want to improve a tundra city with only 9 tiles down south.

Turn 12

Small islands or something bigger? popcorn

Next turn options:
1. S-SW
2. SE-SW
3. SE

Btw, I assume that you ment E of wheat with your last post. One option is to settle N of Wheat and grab Fish + Flood Plains by settling on the plains hill where our scout was last turn. We probably need 1 or 2 more turns of scouting and then sandboxing should become as fruitful as it can (assuming no huts and strategic resources).
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

S-SW works for me...

I'm not even going to post this in the tech thread since no one cares about your random dedlurker who hardly ever says anything, but in the interest of full disclosure I'll post this here for the lurkers to see: I accidentally clicked on the lurker thread and read the first two posts before I realized where I was. They contained no spoiler information.

Also (for Harry and Fin) I have Windows running now, but haven't installed Civ or RB Mod yet. It might be best if I waited another couple weeks for bandwidth usage reasons, but just letting you know where that's at.

Also you guys have probably already thought this, but I think it might be best for meta (?) reasons not to settle toward the coast with our first settler. Sullla's March Madness thing has kinda reinforced that for me lately ...

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