As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Sorry, we don't post on topic!

Err...I have to go to Israel for two weeks starting Monday.


Traveling to Israel? Pictures of nice women?

Hmmm, how about...

[Image: 1002672_635030766575838_1413124990_n.jpg]

...four women volunteering at a Jerusalem soup kitchen?

(Not technically from my home country, and they're no one I know, but I do have enough family in the city that it counts for Darrell's earlier request too, I think.)

Nice picture smile. My Israel trip is off thanks to some nice advice from Ilios, so I'll pick up the turns now starting with this one. Thanks Ichabod for playing in my absences nod.


Hey Darrell, let me try to explain my smoke.

*I went Agri -> Pottery, instead of AH. Since we have bronze, we don't really need horses so fast and I valued cottages + granaries higher than camps.

*The stupid road + 1t into a farm from the worker is because I was planning to settle the third city to the south, on the plains hill that gets sheep, corn, ivory + shared wheat. But WLP settled there first, so I wasn't sure what you'd want to do (we could settle the corn first ring, but that would make WLP angry, for sure). I did the road because it'd get the settler at the spot I wanted 1t faster. After WLP's second city, I put one turn into a farm because I didn't know where you'd want the next city, so in that tile he can go to wherever you send the settler without much delay. The farm on that tile could be used to irrigate the wheat.

*The weird scouting with the scout was trying to avoid getting near WLP's warrior, which I think was trying to kill him.

*The 1t into a rax was because the warrior would be ready 1t before we grow to size 4. So, I placed the turn on the rax first to get the overflow of the warrior into the settler and get it done 1t faster.

I can play whenever you need me to, by the way. Just ask me on chat/e-mail, because I'm not checking the forums as regularly as before.

I hope you had a nice trip! I'd probably be dead if I went camping for 10 days, but I heard that some people actually appreciate it. lol (actually, camping sounds fun to me in theory, but I can't realy go camping anywhere here in Brazil, because of all the violence - and going in camping sites is annoying as hell for me, because there's always someone with loud (bad) music and other things like that)

Holy shit!! I just clicked and read things in the lurker thread. banghead banghead banghead

Not sure if I'll be able to keep ded-lurking...

Oh, how convenient wink.

Are we winning?


This weekend is my anniversary and I will be taking my wife to the beach...will you be able to cover?


(May 8th, 2014, 18:09)darrelljs Wrote: This weekend is my anniversary and I will be taking my wife to the beach...will you be able to cover?


Sure, just give me instructions. I'll post about the spoilers in the tech thread, but it wasn't anything that would make covering some turns a problem.

(May 8th, 2014, 18:35)Ichabod Wrote: Sure, just give me instructions. I'll post about the spoilers in the tech thread, but it wasn't anything that would make covering some turns a problem.

You did fine last time, I don't really have a plan just playing it by feel. The one new Worker is mining the hill, the other Workers are going to farm the Corn. Not many decisions to make, really...


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