There was shrinkage, he captured my city instead of razing it.
Fair enough AT, you saw an opening and took it.
AT offered peace right after.
Sorry man, I can't let you grow 40% vis-a-vis me then tech peacefully to praetorians. I'm out of the game if I let that city steal stand, so either you give it back or you go out too.
I've just completed archery, I've whipped about every city I have and set every worker to chopping forests into units. Spearmen and axemen for now, building a coupole archers in border towns. I've put gold at 100% in case I need to upgrade a warrior here and there, can use it for deficit teching later on. I'm sending a 6-8 unit stack towards the border soon....what I'll use it for is a different matter. Pillage, force him to whip archers, that sort of thing.
I got masonry from a hut, so maybe construction tech next? 20 turns in the future though.
I had decent demos a couple of turns ago, now they are all crap. Except soldiers, I'm 2nd there.
If he offers me the city for peace I'll think about it. Probably accept, but build up for a catapult war next round.
Portugese-Roman war goes on.
It appears both belligirents have poured a lot of resources into the struggle so far.
Opening phase:
AT killed an axeman, and then took the undefended city which they named Ebola.
Molach then produced military units for about 10 turns, and now there seems to be close to a showdown here.
Near Ebola, the current situation:
Prior to this, Molachs stack in the forest moved into AT lands, killed an archer en route to Ebola.
Northern group, on the plains hill, is 4 axemen and 1 archer. It is beyond reach of chariots.
In the forest there are 4 axemen and 4 spearmen and 1 archer.
In AT's city there are 4 axemen, 4 chariots, 1 archer 1 warrior and 1 scout.
Molach's units are better promoted, all starting with combat 1, and most having an extra promotion from barracks. Some have 2 extra promotions.
Next round I will move the stack together, then start attacking the city after that.
Then the bloodshed will start.
On another note, one axeman made a landfall here, killed a worker then pillaged a cottage.
The galley has pillaged a fishing boat, but will probably retreat back home now. If AT doesn't kill it aqt sea next turn.
I've offered peae for Ebola, he has offered peace for nothing, so it would seem we are fighting to the death. If one of us has very bad luck in the battle for Ebola - losing a lot of the ~50% battles we will surely have - he could possibly take over this patch of land, be a bit behind but able to grow on the extra land.
I have scouted out a nice little island to my east, so I'm not really sure - it would seem we had a fair amount of land available to settle anyhow.
I (and AT, but I was first to suggest it) broke the no city trading rule.
* No trading or gifting of cities.
After AT took my city, I built up a grand army, biggest in the world. AT offered white peace, I (broke the rule) and offered peace for Ebola, my old city. No dice. I then caused some backline problems with my galley + axeman, and I was poised to take back my city. He offered peace for the city and I accepted, both of us breaking the rule.
I realized this about two days ago, but that was again several days after it happened, so a reload was never gonna happen - also because the result would have been pretty much the same - I ended up with the city, but depending on how my attack goes I either end my war with heavy losses (but less unit upkeep, ha) or advance into AT's lands with a highly promoted elite attack force. Who knows? The forced 10-turn peace was good for AT, and for my part I felt that taking back my old city signals a return to status quo, and we can probably expand elsewhere and try to stay competitive in the game.
Anyway if anyone want's to discuss a bit, or even make a chief administrative decicion we will live by that.
For future games, (or perhaps even this one) here's how we ended up with this rule:
Krill, # 459
The main things that I want to know about are selling cities, […]
Personally I'm fine with whatever for the cities, […]
BGN, # 460
I would also like to see some decision made on city gifting. I'm not highly enamored with how it is being handled in PB13. My preference would be for city gifting to be banned unless it is part of a peace deal. Perhaps peace deals should also be banned and we just use cease fires?
Krill # 461
IIRC you can't actually trade resources and stuff unless you have a peace deal?
Plako # 462
I favor banning all city gifting
Cynehard # 463
plako Wrote: I favor banning all city gifting
+1. Simple rules are better - no loopholes.
Krill # 464
But what about city sales?
Fintourist # 465
I can't make up my mind. Ban would remove both the grey area trades, but also reasonable ones.
Fintourist # 467
Re banning city deals: It would change the dynamics of ending a war quite much. Do we want it?
Hashoosh # 468
Could we have the game admin rule on the legitimacy of a city deal maybe?
Catwalk # 469
I think Sullla would be able to competently tar and feather any cheese gifting, and that's sufficient deterrent IMO. Along with a small clause for it in the Do Not Be A Jerk ruleset saying "Don't do cheesy gifting".
Plako # 470
No selling or gifting cities. Simple is best. If you want a city you need to take it via force and war. Removes the controversy around this issue.
BGN # 472
plako Wrote: No selling or gifting cities. Simple is best. If you want a city you need to take it via force and war. Removes the controversy around this issue.
I think this is for the best. If you want it, take it from my cold, dead hands.*
Molach on Crack (?) # 475
Banning all city gifting is okay, I guess. Although 'cheese' gifting could still be done by a party evacuating all troops from a city.
Tactical retreats is another thing, but when civ X comes under attack from two sides - I'd say defending one side and completely abandoning the other side is not cool.
One thing is concentrating force on one attacker, hoping to deal a crushing blow and get peace on that side quickly ("Wacht am Rhein") but not whipping one side/walking every single defender out...
Does "don't be a jerk" cover this?
Plako #479
Anyone totally against these additions to ruleset?
* No city gifting or trading
Catwalk # 485
I'd prefer both city gifting and trade window communication be allowed. City gifting because cheese can happen anyway, and because city trading is an interesting mechanic IMO.
Old Harry # 486
If you're not allowed to gift cities as part of a peace deal it will make warfare more of a slog, I'm not particularly keen on that, but as long as it's the same for everyone I'll put up with it.
Spacetyrantxeno # 487
Taking cities as part of a peace deal can be beneficial to both sides. Attacker saves army, defender probably staves off utter annihilation (situation has to be bad for someone to even consider giving away cities in a situation like this). I think it's a valid diplomacy tool, but if we're trying to keep things simple given the massive scope of the game I can understand that.
Scooter # 488
Plako - an alternative city rule that I think does a neater job:
* No peacetime city deals
Meaning the only valid way of getting a city from another player is to buy 10T of peace. I think this prevents the especially questionable things without the drawback of removing a valid strategy.
(That said, your call is 100% final and I won't complain if you'd rather stick with what you've said.)
Short version:
a. City deals are potentially bad (cheese, spite an attacker, handing victory to another in spite, some other stuff...)
b. Let's ban all city deals, keep it simple.
And there it was. There were some points after that went ananswered;
c. Concluding wars (apart from annihilation ones) can be a slog
d. No peacetime city deals suggested as alternative rule
Now, after my brief experience here, it feels very artificial to not allow a wartime demand for cities. Give a city (you were going to lose anyway) for a potentially valuable 10 turns peace is a real decicion. IF you disallow this in the trade window, you still open up cheese gifting in a 2v1 war - defender can still empty his cities on one front, based on good or bad or worse reasons.
"Don't be a jerk" could cover this. Let's say I'm severely behind in the arms race. I'm attacked by A, and will lose my empire in 6 turns. Now, I could declare war on B, then gift ALL my cities to B (getting around peacetime deals). But that would be a jerk move. A makes immediate complaint and gets a reload, B does not accept the deal - it would not pass.
SImple rule is a point, but it takes from the warring experience, how to finish a limited war. This is my opinion.
But I'll remember it for the rest of THIS game from now on.
About my civ:
Demographics lookin good:
The numbers in themselves, the color and font, looks good. The content less so. For a few turns more I have the largest army in the world.
I also have a good chunk of land. But food is very bad, and GnP isn't much better. My island city is helping with 2* trade routes everywhere but I'm at about +10 gold at the moment. I have a stash saved up, but will likely need that for catapults rather than currency. Food is bad because of unhappy citizens, and because my workers chopped a lot of forest instead of improving tiles. This is being worked on now, a bit late.
WillLP, thanks for those borders we opened today. I was at -12 gold at 40% resreach with about 0 gold left. Now almost even at 40%. Researching full speed towards currency, about 8 turns to go. I got lucky, got an event (ancient .txts) that gave +60 beakers for currency.
My economy is in a sorry state, am building pyramids and great walls for failgold (pyramids will fall soon I guess, not too sure about great wall), and I'm working commerce over hammers atm. +2 commerce over +3 hammers, sort of. I have little toi build, army would only increase expenses. Currency will fix all, first +20-30 from trade routes, ability to build gold instead of nothing. Also some cottages will have matured by then.
Next plan is expand a bit more then, fill out some spots, decide which islands I need. Tech towards construction, most likely, so I can put up a fight even at lower tech rate. AT went for iron working, so he'll have praets soon. My aggressive axes counter them well enough, but still. Can't go wrong with collateral.
Calendar would give +2 luxuries and be nice choice, I'll keep an eye out for AT's power rise and see if I can delay it.
Okay, so I unfortunately missed T103 by an hour due to the lack of anyone pausing last turn, plus the fact that your post was long enough ago that it was buried in the tech thread. For the record, in future please post requests for turns to be played in the PYFT thread - that's what it's for.
Annoyingly the turn I missed was quite a critical one - a barbarian Axe moved onto your Silver resource and pillaged it during the missed turn. Of course it wouldn't have been able to do this if you'd defended the tile with an Axe on T102, but perhaps you didn't notice it at the time. In any event, it's an unfortunate accident which has plunged your already happiness-starved empire into additional unhappiness - at least for the next few turns.
Decided to promote the Axe in Coimbra to anti-melee and attack the barb Axeman. Slightly risky at 68.1%, but we'd have an Archer and Chariot on hand the following turn, and if the barb Axe also pillaged the road then we'd be set back a further 2-3 turns on recovering the Silver.
Fortunately we won!
Rearranged a few city tiles to avoid starvation as a result of the "we want our Silver" unhappiness.
Whipped the Lighthouse in Lagos.
Couldn't whip the Library in Braga for 2 pop because we're not at size 4, and two chops finished it this turn anyway.
Founded the new island city, which I initially thought was auto-named Santorum.
Noticed AT has a settling party next to your borders. Not sure if you want to get aggressive over that, since it looks like the only places he could settle would steal your Sheep.
I've taken steps to ensure that his empire will crumble in dust and his people enslaved to the portugese cause I can resettle the city with more force.
Yes I moved my entire non-garrison military east. Just in case. Maybe I tend to overreact? Only time and lurker thread will tell.