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The Fearsome Foursome [Spoilers- Map and Lurker Thread]

I dunno about risky, its still on his land and its not like any of his opponents are well placed to rush. Especially if he fires his worldspell after his third city, he'll have a powerful cultural barrier to protect against invaders.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Heh, I admit that I totally forgot about Boar Riders when I moved a pig overseas, which was a mistake. I think Commodore is overestimating how useful they would be, though. Axemen would be almost as good, considering they're cheaper. Plus he can actually claim a source not too far away, if he'd just hurry up and explore the seas.

(June 6th, 2014, 19:39)Commodore Wrote: ...
I'm doing my part to promote world peace. HK can see I effortlessly could have been a complete ass and he'd be screwed utterly. capturing a barb city in what is clearly his "prong." Yeah, that can't help but improve relations.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Sheesh, if Sian leaves then 3/4 of the players will end up being replaced (if the game doesn't actually die this time). That's what I get for giving people such a lush map! Next time it's gonna be desert scrubs instead of freshwater grassland corn! Plains hills cows! Marshland everywhere!

Heh, I wouldn't mind playing some sort of whacko map sometime. smile So long as it doesn't just become a rushing paradise...actually that's an idea - a really, really shit terrained map, but everyone starts in a very late era. Would be interesting even in BTS.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Yeah, maybe. Illians and Infernals get a pretty big advantage on crap terrain maps, but I suppose a late-era start makes it a bit less meaningful. I certainly wouldn't normally pick either of them for a Mastery-era game. Of course there are a fair number of balance problems inherent with a very advanced start which would have to be dealt with regardless of what the terrain looked like.

Commodore Wrote:Took the deal, natch. Frankly I'm baffled as to how I'm supposed to fight the Balseraphs. frown I'm getting shown the evil eye over out west as well, dangit. rant But at least if he attacks with his units, they will, you know, take damage and maybe die, unlike the legions of millions of disposable summons elsewhere. Hate the X map setup.

These are the words of someone who has read about Klassic Keelyn and assumes all of the Balz are as bad :P

In truth, Perpy Puppets simply mean slightly weaker summons with better range. HK can't spam extra units with them, unless Commodore is counting the Puppets themselves- but they're A: only 2 strength, and B: he didn't even get attacked by any. Hk didn't do anything any other leader couldn't have, including Commodore's.

X maps do kind of suck depending on who you want to attack, but they're also very easy to balance wink

HK might want to consider Mind III for Gibbon; puppets mean he can employ it much more safely.

I've always wanted to see that work out...but unfortunately this seems like this is also the wrong situation. He wants high strength illusions to hold a fast moving horde, and any dominated units will be too exposed to take much advantage of.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Yeah, a Djinn is certainly much better if you just want a meat shield to protect your stack. Dominate does mean a 80% chance to both effectively kill and gain a unit though... although I suppose nobody is running around with any units really worth snatching. A T4 unit would be a real prize, a random Axeman or Charger or whatever not so much.

Hyborem spawned in the SW corner of the map, btw. Ellimist sent me his latest save to brag about his economy, and that part of the map is now revealed, where before it wasn't. It was inevitable that he'd land near the Fort, although now anyone who takes the portal will land right next to his capital :P

Actually, I have no idea what that means in terms of borders... I guess any units sent through will get booted further into the Fort.

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