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(July 24th, 2014, 05:47)uberfish Wrote: Zoo feels really overpowered at the moment, the last thing that deck needed was more AoE resilience :P

Even if you owl a nerubian egg, they can still easily give it +1 attack and trade it for your owl

Also, I feel that the lack of a Blood Knight / Black Knight / BGH equivalent for deathrattle is a glaring hole in the game design as it stands...

I think the egg fits very well with the Reynad style zoo deck where there are... 10 minions that can buff attack and the goal is to maintain a board presence. It is a relatively marginal change in the deck's overall effective though. I tried it against a druid today, and he chose to keeper my knife juggler instead of silencing the egg. I wonder if that is actually correct? I got "value" out of the egg, but wasn't fast enough, and ultimately lost to Ysera.

been experimenting with a hybrid warlock deck

0 - soulfire x2
1 - mortal coil, PO
2 - watcher x2, owl x2, sunfury x2, nerubian egg x2
3 - farseer, harvest golem x2, void terror, bloodknight (??)
4 - hellfire x2, dark iron dwarf, defender of argus x2
5 - faceless, kodo
6 - siphon x2, sunwalker
8 - ragnaros
20 - molten giant x2

Void terror eating egg is a pretty strong combo when it goes off actually, I feel this deck is probably too unfocused atm though

I've been trying something similar - more of a midrange minion focus though. I hadn't thought of the Void Terror + Egg Combo which is pretty great. My first thought is that I'd definitely want Leeroy instead of Rag and to run another Power Overwhelming and 1x Shadowflame. PO+Egg is great and Shadowflame is amazing board clear with either the watchers or PO. Maybe drop the two golems for those?

Rag got substituted in for mountain giants because I found I wasn't able to cast them until turn 7-8 anyway so why not just play Rag.

Not sure how I feel about playing the Faceless combo, I actually preferred Malygos as finisher against druid in "regular" handlock because they tend to play lots of taunts

On the other hand, midrange warlock wants to Soulfire for tempo more so I don't think Malygos would fit. and soulfire+PO on some creature on the board for 8 damage is often a sufficient finisher in the current build anyway


-1 rag, -1 sunwalker, -bloodknight, +PO, +SF +arcane golem (subbing for Leeroy which I still don't have)

for midrange the obvious include is Sylvanas (which I don't have either.)

Okay this deck is fun, the second PO was a good call

druid t2: wild growth
me t2: nerubian egg
druid t3: Keeper, silencing egg (0/2 vs 2/4)
me t3: Coin, Power overwhelming on silenced egg, kill keeper, void terror (7/7)

Regular handlock can't even get a giant out on turn 3 smile

I agree the Leeroy+Faceless combo is overrated, especially in an aggro meta. But Leeroy+PO (one or two) gives so much reach by itself that I think you'd be missing out by not running Leeroy when you already have the 2xPO in the deck. Arcane is probably a decent replacement here because a lot of times you'll just want a decent charge to add 8 PO damage to.

Also I think the Dwarf could easily be replaced by a Senjin for even more anti-aggro tech.

Maintaining board presence against decks with tons of removal was more the problem, with ancient/harvest/egg it's easy to stall the first few turns

Another warlock made a turn 3 9/12 Void against me (eating a POed voidwalker + a 1/2 spider), I had to lose a bunch of cards next turn before I drew a silence

then I got the idea that t3 Void eating ancient watcher (2 cards 3 mana for a turn 3 7/8) would be a strong opening against most builds, and arcane golem was being a dead card for most of the game so I cut it and added two tigers to fill the roles of pseudo-charge and board presence instead.

new (untested) build:

0 - soulfire x2
1 - MC, PO x2
2 - watcher x2, owl x2, egg x2, sunfury x2
3 - ERF, harvest x2, void terror x2
4 - hellfire x2, shadowflame, argus x2
5 - tiger x2, faceless
6 - siphon x2
20 - molten x2

Here's my latest version of a similar concept:

0: 2x Soulfire
1: 2x Power Overwhelming, 2xVoidwalker
2: 2x Watcher, 2xOwl, 2xEgg, 2xSunfury
3: 2x Farseer, 1xVoid Terror
4: 2x Hellfire, 1xShadowflame, 2xDefender, Leeroy, 2xPit Lord
5: 1x Faceless
6: 1xSiphon Soul, 1xSunwalker
20: 2xMolten Giants

I like the Voidwalkers for the early board presence. And I'm convinced that the Pit Lords are a good idea and not totally insane. crazyeye

(July 23rd, 2014, 10:44)Azoth Wrote: Of course, I don't think I'm going to be defeating many (any?) other heroic monsters. I just don't have the cards. (I started playing Hearthstone only a couple weeks ago and the 5 Expert Packs I've got since were very disappointing: 2xMass Dispel, 2xGadgetzan Auctioneer, Ancient Watcher, no other rares, epics, legendaries.) And now I'm saving up gold for the Naxxramus wings, so the Arena runs will have to wait.

So it turns out I vastly overestimated the Hearthstone AI. I took one look at those hero powers, and thought "How can I possibly defend against T1 Coin + 4/4 Spider, and another 4/4 every turn after that?" But the AI doesn't abuse its powers nearly as much as it should. For one thing, Faerlina won't cast Rain of Fire if you have a minion with deathrattle on the board - like a Nerubian Egg. I played one on T2 and it completely shut her down. As for Anub'Rekhan: he played a Deathlord early, which went down to Shadow Word: Pain and pulled out an Ogre from my deck! I buffed it with Divine Spirit and the poor AI didn't know what to do. The Ogre was eventually brought down by the entire AI board + 2 Frostbolts, but by then I had a 15/5 Gurubashi in play. The AI tried to be clever and hit it with a Crazed Alchemist, which was perfect, as it became basically unkillable. lol Victory came shortly after that. A bit of a cakewalk, really.

I actually have pitlord as one of my shortlisted cards for testing too, because it is so strong on turn 4 and helps get molten giants out against control. 5 attack also still dominates the popular Senjin / Yeti / Ancient of Lore.

I feel Sunwalker tends to be black knight bait against druids, and isn't as needed as it is in Mountain Giant builds which often do nothing on t2/t3, which is why I got rid of mine. Have you tried running a legendary there?

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