August 3rd, 2014, 13:11
(This post was last modified: August 3rd, 2014, 13:12 by GermanJoey.)
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Oh woops, that's the demo for a different game I'm in!  Fixed!
August 7th, 2014, 02:56
(This post was last modified: August 7th, 2014, 03:43 by GermanJoey.)
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heh... and not much of this is in culture...
BaII finally did accept open borders, so next turn I can send my exploring galley through, cool. Construction finished, and I started up some catapult builds. Empire status: 4 turns until I take Bacchus' island, three turns till Moai, five for the forge in Zoo, three for the library in Carnival, 1 for the market whip in Hastee Tastee. (although it'll be at least 1 additional turn before I'm working the full four-specialist set). TBS is up to 14 cities now, I guess he's colonizing what appeared to be an island to his north; I have no idea where else he would still have room. Oxy and Xenu are still in a huge cold-war arms race.
Tech plans: instead of getting compass right away, I decided on saving cash for a turn and then getting Machinery next. While I definitely want harbors soon, there's unfortunately just other stuff (such as more ships) I need to build first in my coastal cities. As far as what's after that... techs that I don't have but want soon, and the number of turns to get them: Myst->Monarchy (4 turns total, probably breakeven), Machinery (3 turns @ 100%), HBR (1 turn breakeven), Feudalism (3 turns breakevenish), Compass (2 turns breakeven) - 13 total turns, give or take a turn. Around this point I'll finally be kicking off a golden age, using it to get Guilds and Engineering. I think I get myst->feudalism last, and I'm still debating whether to take take a detour for Mono or not. I only have 2 cities with religion; one with Confucianism, one with Judaism. I suppose I could switch to one in my golden age and spread it around a bit with OR, although it might be a waste of time and money at that point. I'll have to check what the upkeep cost for OR will be I guess.
Zoo is the #1 city in the world.
August 7th, 2014, 16:22
(This post was last modified: August 7th, 2014, 17:02 by GermanJoey.)
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Trait breakdown for the top 10 in score:
Phi 1
Cre 5
Ind 2
Exp 2
Pro 1
Imp 2
Fin 2
Org 1
Cha 1
Spi 0
Agg 1
Looks like Cre is fairly over-represented, although there's a pretty even distribution otherwise. No Spi, but TBS has been pretty consistently in the top 10 for awhile, just dropping down to rank 11 this turn. I'm pretty surprised Ind isn't doing better, as failgold should be pretty powerful on this crowded map.
August 7th, 2014, 17:10
(This post was last modified: August 7th, 2014, 19:14 by GermanJoey.)
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Here's a few more stats - as unreliable as these are, as I've explained before - because why the hell not. Neighbor-wise, I'm still amongst the tops in drops (these plots show the number of total points dropped during a player's turn over the course of the game) even though I've been purposely staying my formerly heavy whipping hand. I can also see that plako is likely keeping up pace in the arms race with Xenu and Oxy, even though I don't have his demos yet for a few more turns.
Amongst the leaders, Finharry are still brutally whipping their citizens, with an enormous score-drop lead over everyone but Krovice. (although note that Finharry haven't whipped in a few turns, hmm). I bet Finharry are even stronger than their score indicates; I haven't seen them in any wars, so I guess that a lot of this whipping went into infrastructure and cities. Also, unlike BGN and dtay, they don't have any wonders inflating their score at all either. OTOH, Krovice are only near the top because of that insane 30 point drop to finish the Horcher quest a few turns ago, which was probably all stables. WilliamLP and BGN are still very near the bottom in whipping, and so I'm guessing their infrastructure isn't nearly as well-rounded as the other score leaders. (although then again, they were the most likely candidate for that 200+ MFG golden age that just finished some turns ago, so maybe they caught up that way)
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that's some really insightful use of those to sticks keep it up!
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Sticks = statistics. Autocorrect = lame.
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 I was wondering about that...
Turn report: not much to say. Vacillated on whether to turn on research now or wait for another library to finish; can't remember what I actually decided. Bacchus' city grew to size 2, ugh, means another axeman to deal with, oh well. I still should have plenty to take the city.... probably should do some sims to check, though.
August 10th, 2014, 19:58
(This post was last modified: August 10th, 2014, 20:13 by GermanJoey.)
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Decided to still save gold. I'm hopefully gonna get better KTB once my exploring galley/scout meets more people, so its better to save now and spend later. I'm pretty rich, at any rate; I currently gain 187gpt at 0% science, and have ~650 gold in the bank.
I was happy to see that Bacchus whipped an archer instead of another axeman on his island.
Krovice offered open borders, which is like, a complete joke. I don't even have a freaking clue where they're at, much less have a route defogged to their cultural borders. On top of that, my OB would be worth a huge amount of cash for them - a trade route with Zoo will soon be worth 7c, assuming they're far enough away, and Carnival 6c. Need something more here, guys.
August 12th, 2014, 22:18
(This post was last modified: August 12th, 2014, 22:18 by GermanJoey.)
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Yet another turn without teching, although this might be my last. I currently get a 43% bonus for HBR out of a max of 50%. Mysticism gets the full bonus, and none of the other techs I can research get any bonus at all. TBS (who just got a city razed by Xenu, presumably in the same spot Xenu had one of his razed before) is currently 4 turns out from Machinery, so that'll at least a little bonus there. Next turn I turn on the tech I think.
Someone finally topped the Lurker civ with a GNP of 889 this turn.  Obviously that has to be a golden age, but still, pretty crazy. Mine definitely wouldn't be that high in a golden age if I fired one right now... and I still have to wait 11 more turns for one!
Xenu (who has even more banked gold than me somehow) offered gold+health for silver. Sure, why not help him out. TBS has 2 silvers, so I might be able to negotiate the corn deal to include a silver for spices. Finally, I offered plako stone for ivory; lower chance of this one, but still, people will probably want to finish their Moais around now. I'll try HAK next turn, for his gems, if plako doesn't work out. One more happiness would seriously be so helpful right now...
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Party up in here!
Lost one battle (the axeman) at odds, but that's why I had extras, heh.
Switched tech to HBR to cover up my little power dip. Would be good to get some horchers out anyways, to add to my little catapult collection. plako rejected the stone trade with no counter-offer. =/ Offer stone to Xenu instead, for Sugar. Sent TBS a corn+spices for silver trade.
Forge in Zoo up next turn, to coincide with growing to size 16. I'd do an overview but I'm just way too busy, heh.