Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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TheHumanHydra Falls Behind [Spoilers]

Here there be spoilers ... and hydras.

Edit: Just putting this in here for my reference -

Commodore 0600-0930 EST
Ichadoc 1600-1700 EST
THH 1730-2300 EST
Dazed 2000-2300 EST (Player 1)
Pin 2030-0100 EST

Edit no. 2: Again, for my own reference -

(December 9th, 2013, 21:09)SevenSpirits Wrote: Say you finish the granary on t50 and grow on t52. Then what you want is for the total food produced on t51 and t52 to be at least half (the smaller half) of the required food to grow. This gets you maximum benefit from the granary. Every point of food you are short of this goal effectively costs you 1f, because what the granary does is give you back half the food you needed to grow... but not more food than you've ever produced since the granary was first built. You want to avoid being capped unnecessarily by this edge case.

The worst thing you can do is grow exactly on the turn you complete the granary. For example, if it's a quick speed game and your size 1 city finishes the granary while going from 9/14 to 14/14, you will end up at 0/16 at size 2 and got no granary bonus from growing from size 1 to size 2. By contrast, if you were instead at 8/14 and go to 13/14 while finishing the granary, then the following turn, you will produce 5f and grow, and the granary will also give you back 5 food. (It was giving you back the smaller of 14/2 (half the food needed to grow) and 5 (total food produced since granary built).) So you'll end up at 9/16, 4f ahead of the other case, albeit with one less turn working the second tile.

As a final super-advanced note, if you find yourself in the aforementioned situation with 9/14 going to 14/14, you can enable Avoid Growth during the turn you finish the granary, and this way you will stay at size 1 despite being at 14/14 food. Then you turn it off the next turn, produce 5f, grow, and get 5f back from the granary too, ending at 10/16.

(June 12th, 2014, 05:04)WilliamLP Wrote: The granary has an internal food bar, that fills 1 point whenever you produce 1 point of food. It dumps food into the city when it grows. The key is it doesn't fill at all on the turn it's built, so finishing it the turn a city grows isn't efficient, since it does nothing. If you can delay the growth, then the next turn you get double the food because the granary fills and dumps. And doubling your food for one turn is probably worth more than being one size smaller for 1 turn (though not necessarily).

This knowledge should allow you to to be like 1 half a turn ahead of your opponents who don't know this!

(August 26th, 2014, 10:50)TheHumanHydra Wrote: Here there be spoilers ... and hydras.

And wolves with lightning bolts and swords. WINTER IS COMING, AARARRRRGGHHH!!!

[Image: imperial_wolf_by_human_hydra-d5nq2lt.jpg]

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Wtf that is awesome.

Wait a second ... who is this Human-Hydra guy on Deviantart? That is not me, and he totally stole my name! I have an account on Deviantart called TheHumanHydra ... oddly it looks like he signed up exactly 19 days before me back in 2012 ... that's weird.

Anyway, I declare that that shall be the banner of the Hydran League ... the emblems of swords, lightning, and howling death perfectly epitomize our ideals. Thanks xenu.

You have four rivals. Kill one with the sword, one with lightning, one with your fangy fangs and I guess beat the last one to death with your wings. popcorn

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

It shall be done as thou commandest, O Void-Tyrant!

(August 27th, 2014, 14:55)Gawdzak Wrote: The long awaited Civ/Leader combos:

Peter of Germany
Isabella of England
Ragnar of Portugal
Victoria of China
Justinian of Vikings
Frederick of Egypt
Charlemagne of India
Ramesses of Ottomans
Catherine of Ethiopia
Roosevelt of Rome
Hannibal of France

You asked for 10, I gave you 11. Live with it.

Okay, almost certain I want Victoria of China, just want to check the start first on the off-chance it's a Hunting start. I expect Hannibal of France to go second, then [decent leaders of] Egypt and Ottomans. Interested to see if India gets picked; Charlie offsets it pretty badly (remember this is base BtS). Obviously this analysis was done Fin leaders - Agriculture; I ain't any more sophisticated than that.

Your start:


Hm, that does give a bit of pause. All the Hunting civs are non-Financial - if starts are mirrored/similar, that must be how they passed the list as balanced. Honestly, I don't trust my micro skill enough to lean on lesser traits long-term for the sake of a faster start with better techs; with this set of opponents especially, I must yet lean on the crutch of Fin. Good Imp is rare on the list (though sadly not Exp); hopefully that'll help juice my start a bit. I still want Vicky.

Edit: Am I allowed to ask if starts are mirrored/close?

And thanks Gawdzak.

Scout will probably move 1S-1SE. I will probably move for land food, esp. grains. I like the river start.

Compliments on the start, Gawdzak; it's interesting, especially in conjunction with the list.

(August 27th, 2014, 19:23)TheHumanHydra Wrote: Edit: Am I allowed to ask if starts are mirrored/close?

You are allowed to ask, but I'm not allowed to answer. neenerneener

It wouldn't be fair to disclose further information once the picking have started. Sorry.

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