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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

Turn 126 - T minus 2

This is promising - it looks like Krovice have a city on Plako's mainland, hopefully causing border tension and all that goes with that...

More good news from the south - Aurora Borealis hasn't popped borders yet smile. But it does have a monument (and a granary) so there is a chance our attack spot will be gone on t128. The three units in AB will need three turns to get to Zzzap, so we should be able to reinforce if our chariot can take the city.

The whip fell again this turn.

Pickle ended up a hammer short of whipping this turn but Izzy whipped ahead of schedule, so we'll have three knights and a Horse Archer on the first wave of boats. Then I think we should load the selected Axe and the remaining HA on t128 to go reinforce Zzzap, finally the Knight from Pickle and the Knight NE of Pickle can board a galley on t130 or head up to Hello Joe to use roads get to PMW.

I'm a bit stumped for what to do with Snowdrop and Twinkle. Snowdrop grows next turn, but we can't whip the Lighthouse for another 14 turns (unless it gets religion). It could steal the lake from Lucky (which has too much food anyway) or work a 1-hammer tile?

Twinkle could have a mine in six turns time. Should we work a 1-hammer tile until then?

Demos and power - I forgot to take a "before" shot - sorry! The crop yield should rebound pretty quick. Score is included too, as it looks a little suspicious... Will Azza put 2+2 together?


I want blood already rant

After engineering what is next? Banking? Paper?


There will be blood on Thursday. Or Friday. Or Saturday. Promise alright.

Banking is next after Engy. Half price banks will be great for us nod. After that I think we get Aesthetics and Literature for the epics, then perhaps Drama, then we save cash using our new banks to push through Paper->Education->Economics.

Other options are contesting Liberalism (I don't think we're close enough, or that we'd get a good enough tech to justify it, but I'm open to be convinced), getting Astronomy and doing some marauding or heading to Gunpowder/Mil Trad for further mounted fun. What do you think?

BTW - What subliminal message would I be pushing about civ5?

(September 1st, 2014, 15:47)Old Harry Wrote: There will be blood on Thursday. Or Friday. Or Saturday. Promise alright.

Banking is next after Engy. Half price banks will be great for us nod. After that I think we get Aesthetics and Literature for the epics, then perhaps Drama, then we save cash using our new banks to push through Paper->Education->Economics.

Other options are contesting Liberalism (I don't think we're close enough, or that we'd get a good enough tech to justify it, but I'm open to be convinced), getting Astronomy and doing some marauding or heading to Gunpowder/Mil Trad for further mounted fun. What do you think?

BTW - What subliminal message would I be pushing about civ5?

Did you think you can get the GM from Economics? And yes I know free market is really really good.

Did I said anything about a subliminal message? I didn't mean to do it I think. I blame everything to the barrier language. mischief

Is boldy PHI? I think he is probably the only competition to Liberalism right now. If the war goes well I think you could got it if you really put your heads on it but is going to be close.


(August 30th, 2014, 20:10)retep Wrote: That looks suspicious like CIV 5, subliminal message there?mischief

You said this about the chariot carpet of doom. I'd like a real chariot carpet given how many axes Azza has...

Boldly is phi and is probably going for it, although as a follower of Gaspar/Commodore's comments about it being overrated perhaps he isn't. Krill/novice have the mids, dtay beat us to guilds by about five turns, pindicator must have a good tech rate with the Hindu shrine. I've no idea what TBS and plako are up to, but I wouldn't rule them out...

We've got more reason to push for the economics merchant than the others (except krovice) with cheap fin banks on the way. We might even want to use a gm to bulb it (wasteful as that is...)

In fact if we're aiming for the economics merchant for a golden age then we should be avoiding merchant points in cornelilus... duh

Turn 127 - T minus 1

Nothing to see here. nono shhh

Or here mischief

Or here devil

We were worried about Whosit's galleys last turn, but it's fairly obvious where they're heading now... He's down to four cities, so it won't be long before dtay's thoughts turn to Cheater Hater. I wonder if it's worth our while helping or sniping cities from CH?

So the good news is that Azza played before I got a chance to replay the turn after the reload, so next turn we HAVE to let him play first smile. Our army is pretty much together now, we'll add a handfull of Catapults and more Knights will trickle to the front over the next few turns, but our 25 2-movers *should* give the war with Azza a good start.

Demos and power.


devil I think I have the afternoon off tomorrow. Any chance of being able to join in on the inevitable chat?

Also yes to any city seizures that can be made anywhere, especially if they produce a land rather than a water frontier.

The turn won't roll for another 30 hours from now, then we'll need to play after Azza, so how are you fixed for Saturday or Sunday?

Saturday and Sunday I'll be available at 5:30 my time, 10:30 yours. I mean, don't wait on me to play, since there hopefully won't be too many decisions to make anyway, but if you happen to be playing at that time, hit me on chat!

(September 4th, 2014, 09:24)Fintourist Wrote: Yeah, that sucks. shakehead In this case novice reacted very fast so
a) reading tech thread could have stopped you from playing
b) stating after you played in tech thread (or PMing admin/Caledorn) that reload does not really make sense, because somebody needs to roll battles anyways again, might have stopped the 2nd reload
Note that I'm not strongly stating that you should have acted too much differently, just speculating. Reloads tend to cause problems unless people actively follow tech thread and our civstats replacement, which sounds difficult with your limited time. Consequently, I'm sorry for this screwing your game. rolleye

What's going on? I'm the one upsetting people in the tech thread and you're the conciliatory voice of reason crazyeye (also: sorry Yuris - I didn't realise you'd had combat too.)

Anyway, the turn has rolled and the clock is ticking on Azza's turn 128. In an ideal world he'll play tonight, although it is a Friday, so no guarantee of that. Depending on what he does we probably won't be on your schedule to play the turn THH, but if we are I'll try to catch you. This one won't be the big turn though - that's t129 (Monday perhaps?)

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