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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

Thanks for the update, been curious about what the incan empire looked like.

Wishing you luck with things here!

How do you feel about the state of your new empire?

I had the following chat with Kalin this morning.

Quote:9:20 AM me: What do you guys think about me giving you a worker only if you lose the HA?
athlete.kalin: Hi DSP
kalin here
is athlete around too?
9:21 AM me: doesn't look like it
athlete.kalin: ok
I still need to talk to him, but...
I am not favorable to the proposal
9:22 AM me: why the heck not?
athlete.kalin: well, here's my take on things with Inca
while we have been friendly, their actions have been a bit... worrisome for us
9:23 AM first, when we negotiated the land partition
the Incas bargained very hard when we were pretty much cornered
they settled Dina without much communication
9:24 AM something like: we are ready to talk
but we are within a turn of settling
so they chose to settle towards us first, when we feel they had a lot of land elsewhere
then when we started the war against Byz
we asked if they could help
9:25 AM even a token quechua
which they had around
no answer
as such
9:26 AM I don't feel bad to ask a relatively high price for our help
I want however to be clear that this is nothing personal to you DSP
I really appreciate you stepping in
9:27 AM me: I get the feeling that you were bargaining pretty hard
but anyway
athlete.kalin: this is an Inca-Ottoman business
we were
but we were in a different position back then
me: I'm not going to accept the deal where you get the worker regardless of whether you lose the HA
athlete.kalin: that's fair
let me talk to Athlete
me: I think the deal I've offered is win/win for both of us, but I need to know this turn if you will accept it
athlete.kalin: let's say the following
9:28 AM you saw my position
I'll talk to Athlete
if I can
if we don't answer
it's either I couldn't get a hold of him
to talk
or our position didn't change
9:29 AM me: OK, I'd prefer just an email if you guys decide not to accept
9:30 AM that way I won't be left wondering if you have decided or not
athlete.kalin: ok, I'll send you an email in a few hours
you are right
me: thanks
athlete.kalin: I wouldn't want to be left waiting
9:31 AM me: OK, talk to you later then
athlete.kalin: sure, laters

They ended up deciding not to agree to my deal. I am rather annoyed at them, I feel like it was a win-win deal. I ended up having to single-whip a chariot on turn 83, and use it to attack the barb Axe at 77.9% odds (I upgraded to combat 1 and the Axe was on a forest) on turn 84. Luckily I won the fight.

Still, if Athlete/Kalin had agreed, I would have been able to double-whip an Axe on turn 85 which would have been better. However giving them a worker would have cost me around 48 hammers (since I'm expansive), while whipping for 1 pop instead of 2 is only 30 hammers lost.

Turn 84: As mentioned, the whipped chariot took out the barbarian Axe threatening Dina. I hooked up my copper, and started Dina on an Axeman. I rearranged the tiles to get the Axe done in two turns, so I can start a Settler there and make use of the Rice farm. (After whipping I've already got one unhappy citizen, so the 5 food tile isn't being used now. On turn 90 I should have my gold hooked up which will help with the happiness.)

The barb warrior in the south moved towards Celebi (1S2W of it), so I put the shock/Medic 1 Quechua on the forest hill outside the city to prevent the barb from camping there.

Glad to have someone updating this thread =) A lot has changed since it was last posted in.

Since the barb axe was in a forrest and HA have no bonus vs axe, it is not really hard to understand why ottomans were not really keen on attacking (right now) the axe.

Anyway, whipping the charriot this turn was probably the only correct option, because had the barb axe moved next to the city in the forrest, the situation would have been ugly....

Jabah Wrote:Since the barb axe was in a forrest and HA have no bonus vs axe, it is not really hard to understand why ottomans were not really keen on attacking (right now) the axe.

Anyway, whipping the charriot this turn was probably the only correct option, because had the barb axe moved next to the city in the forrest, the situation would have been ugly....

I didn't want them to attack the Axe, I wanted the HA to stay in the city for defense. Then it would have had >50% odds at winning the battle. Even if it lost, there was still a Quechua in the city, so the city wouldn't fall that turn, and I would be able to double-whip an Axe for defense in time for the next turn.

If I could have gotten the copper hooked up 1 turn earlier I would have been able to get an Axe out in time without needing the HA for defense.

BobRoberts Wrote:How do you feel about the state of your new empire?

I've got mixed feelings. It feels like team IKJ was a little bit slow to expand and to get Copper hooked up. In RB Pitboss 1 I had the same number of cities, but had also built the Great Lighthouse by this time. On the other hand this civ does have 5 workers, which is nice, and I wasn't here for the previous turns so I can't really say if I could have done better.

The one thing I do wish had been done differently is the location of the fourth city. It is important to stake out your claim to territory as early as possible. With a border agreement to Athlete and Kalin to the north, instead of founding Anatolia in the middle of what was already their territory, they should have pushed south, probably to the location where I am now going to found the fifth city.

Also there was a Quechua fortified on the red dot (west of Anatolia and Celebi), leading me to believe they were planning on founding their 5th city there. Madness! I would much prefer that the Quechua be scouting down south watching for where Rome is planning to expand. It is heading in that direction now.

I am kind of worried about Rome attacking with Praetorians. I signed an open borders agreement with Whosit on his request, hoping to remain on good terms with him. I'd like to come to a peace agreement/NAP with him, but that would probably require a border agreement, which I'm in no position to negotiate right now because we haven't settled in that direction and I don't even know where Rome has been settling.

Turn 85: The barb warrior in the south attacks my C1/Shock Quechua which is on a forest hill in the south, and dies. However a barb spearman shows up 3 tiles from Celebi. I switch Celebi's production to an Axe. The city is at size 1 but will grow next turn even at only +1 food, so I will work the copper this turn and whip the Axe next turn. I finished a forest chop NE of Celebi thinking it would let me finish the Axe in one turn, but forgot that the chop would only give me 20 hammers since I don't have Mathematics.

The capital (Fetret Devri) grows to size 6 and finishes a Chariot. It starts a Settler which will be triple-whipped next turn. The Chariot stays in the capital this turn to prevent unhappiness from lack of defense.

I didn't mention that on turn 84 someone founded Judaism. I'm planning to adopt Hinduism as my state religion on turn 87, after the Settler finishes.

Urrrgh - Barb-a-geddon!

Good luck with them all.

A quick question = how widely spread is hinduism?

For now Hinduism is only in its Holy city of Dina. I want to revolt now because the extra happiness will help that city, and because I would prefer to lose a turn to anarchy now as opposed to when my empire is larger. Revolting when there is a Settler built but not yet settled, when whip unhappiness is counting down in several cities, and when my workers have lots of things to do is pretty much the ideal time to revolt.

I think I have a decent chance of founding Confucianism, but that won't be for around 25 turns, so I don't want to wait that long.

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