Individual Pick Analysis
I was going to write a more comprehensive analysis about each player's picks. However, I was half way done one of them before I realized that I don't have the willpower to do all that for everyone. I don't know how guys like Gaspar do it.

So all I'm going to do is write a couple sentences for each player.
Commodore - Tokugawa of Netherlands (Agriculture/Fishing)
Tokugawa, now that's the guy I absolutely does not want to neighbour. Very difficult to conquer and have enough early game now to help out. However, Commodore's tech rate might suffer since he is one of the few people in the game without FIN or ORG. The Dutch is good in the late game, but no one should go into a game thinking he/the game will survive until turn 200. There's no obvious synergy. Commodore probably picked the Dutch for the techs with Agriculture/Fishing, where the Dutch is the best out of a bad bunch.
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Gavagai -Huayna Capac of England (Fishing/Mining)
Financial/England. Doesn't get more vanilla than that. Synergy in the cheap Stock Exchange. Gavagai will be slow going in the early game and will have to make up for that by landing key wonders. With only two IND leaders in the game, he will have a good opportunity to do so.
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GermanBorsche - Shaka of Carthage (Fishing/Mining)
Carthage is great as I said before. The synergy is great in this combo with EXP Cothons and cheap barracks and stables to pump out triple promoted Numidian Cavalries. This is another leader without FIN or ORG, so Joey would ideally use the Numidians to gain some advantage against his neighbours.
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Dtay - Wang Kon of Inca (Agriculture/Mysticism)
Great combo here from Dtay. This is a combo I've considered for myself but Hunting is imperative for my start. Double speed Terraces for quick expansion with FIN to back up his expansion.
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Gawdzak -Julius Caesar of Zulu (Agriculture/Hunting)
Simple strategy on paper from me. Use IMP to expand fast and help pay for the expansion with ORG and Ikhandas. No AGG for Zulu might raise some eyebrows but overall I'm happy with my pick.
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Furungy - Darius of Vikings (Fishing/Hunting)
Seems to me that Furungy saw his buddies Zanth and Gavagai do well with Darius in a different game and decided to take it here. Mild synergy with ORG Trading Post, although that's not worth much. Darius is very good late game, but he will have to make it there first. I don't think Furungy will make it to the late game without an insurmountable deficit in this field.
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2metraninja - Pacal of Portugal (Fishing/Mining)
2metra must have a coastal start: EXP for quick workboats and Fishing as a tech. The Feitorias are good in the late especially when paired with FIN.
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Plako - Roosevelt of Sumeria (Agriculture/Wheel)
Well, Plako picked another Industrious leader. Sumeria is great of course. Roosevelt is a slow starter however. There's 2 great wonder routes Plako can choose to go for. The Oracle->Metal Casting route or the Great Lighthouse route. Both are good on a big and small map.
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REM/AI - Mehmed of Korea (Agriculture/Mining)
Korea have good starting techs. Mehmed as I mentioned before is slightly under-synergistic between EXP and ORG but still good. REM and AI are new guys so we will see how well they do.
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HAK and Flakes - Boudica of Egypt (Agriculture/Wheel)
I have no idea why HAK would pick up Boudica here. There's no strong economic boost. While Egypt is good, pairing it with Boudica have potential to be very dangerous. This is no game winning combo but certainly can make someone else lose.
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Mackoti - Frederick of China (Agriculture/Mining)
China is a good civ. Freddy is interesting. In a game with no other PHI leaders, Mackoti will have a big advantage going for the Lib race. There's some synergy in PHI China in that he could try to bulb into Machinery for early Cho-ku-nus. He mentioned something about lurkers picking Frederick, not sure if he's serious or not.
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