It's either NE NE or SE SE next turn, the ocean most likely goes all the way to W NW of the FP so we have a choice between exploring the northern or southern shore. There'll be more tiles scouted by going NE NE because of the hill though.
I know ending on the hill would reveal more, but if you look around there you see we are bumping right up against the coast, and for huts I think it's best to stick to the mainland as much as possible. I don't think going NE would be bad in any way though.
Also if we go NE we'll meet the 9 other players sooner (assuming we're all on one continent), the know tech bonus in the classical era will be interesting.
EOT capital build food worker tech comments tiles
0 move to 0 -
1 worker 6/60 0 BW 12/193
2 worker 12/60 0 BW 24/193
3 worker 18/60 0 BW 36/193
4 worker 24/60 0 BW 48/193
5 worker 30/60 0 BW 60/193
6 worker 36/60 0 BW 72/193
7 worker 42/60 0 BW 84/193
8 worker 48/60 0 BW 96/193
9 worker 54/60 0 BW 108/193
10 worker built 0 built BW 120/193
11 warrior 2/15 3 (22) farm 5 BW 133/193 corn
12 warrior 4/15 6 (22) farm 4 BW 146/193 corn
13 warrior 6/15 9 (22) farm 3 BW 159/193 corn
14 warrior 8/15 12 (22) farm 2 BW 172/193 corn
15 warrior 10/15 18 (22) farm built BW 185/193 corn
16 warrior 12/15 Growth 2 (24) move to south forest BW complete corn
17 warrior complete 8 (24) chop 3 manually select 2/1/0 forest 2/1/0 and corn
18 work boat 4/20 14 (24) chop 2 2/1/0 and corn
19 work boat chopped 20 (24) chopped can work either 2/0/2 or 2/1/0 tile (assumed 2/0/2 as we are short of commerce) 2/0/2 and corn
20 warrior 4/15 Growth 4 (26) move to southeast forest netted clams 4/0/2 and corn
21 warrior 7/15 12 (26) chop 3 crab corn and 2/1/0
22 warrior 11/15 19 (26) chop 2 manually select 1/2/0 forest crab corn and 1/2/0
23 settler 31/100 stangnant chopped can work either 2/0/2 or 2/1/0 tile (assumed 2/0/2 as we are short of commerce) crab corn and 2/0/2
24 warrior complete Growth 0 (28) move to hill NW manually select 1/2/0 forest crab corn and 1/2/0 wheel would be finished here even if going max hammers
25 settler 31/100 stangnant road 2 slavery revolt
26 settler 42/100 stangnant road built can work either 2/0/2 or 2/1/0 tile (assumed 2/0/2 as we are short of commerce)
27 settler 53/100 stangnant road 2 can work either 2/0/2 or 2/1/0 tile (assumed 2/0/2 as we are short of commerce)
28 settler 111/100 stangnant road built whip crab corn
Not quite as easy to read as I hoped. There's the excel document.
A few things to note.
-We need to choose what we want to priorities. There are 4 cases where we can either choose to get a hammer or 2 commerce. I was assuming going for commerce as we are possibly trying for a religion pop in the second city?
-the worker actions after the second chop have no impact on timings of settler outcome. I started roading to the next city site. After the chop we have 1 turn without the wheel for the worker to do something with. I moved him to the hill so we didn't lose any turns.
-I assumed we were going for the wheel next to link our cities, which will complete EoT 24. That is why I held off the revolt until then. The revolt has no best timing otherwise, I just held off so we could road slightly earlier. Myst will be in in 5 turns after wheel going for commerce rather than hammers. Didn't actually check on any religions.
Also about the scouts - I still think going SE is best. In the classical age it is only a 2% known tech bonus, it is only later on that it ramps up to 8%. So it is less than base BtS early on. I think that it is more inland than NE, but only marginally so. So I am not too bothered where we move. I looked in and will leave it up to you to decide.
Finally the other scout - we are being followed back to the cap be GJ. If they declare on us to pass through we should have the warrior out in time to get their scout. But what do we do with ours? We could explore down south, although I doubt there would be any further huts there as I am pretty sure huts do not appear on ice and we picked up a hut on that tundra hill. So I think the best way to maximise getting huts is heading west and trying to pick them up in case a neighbour in that direction bumps up against us with a scout.
Also finally, I think we should leave the NW hut to be popped by a scout if possible. I don't think it is worth popping with a warrior whilst it is safe and possibly getting barb warriors that could converge on our capital...
The spreadsheet is great, I probably won't screw anything up until t28. I moved the eastern scout (that I renamed Lionel Messi, we should stick to the theme and it's easier than calling him "eastern scout" all the time) SE SE to find this :
Good land, and GermanJojo's border. Should we go north next ? N NW would be a good start, then N NE.
The western scout (now Cristiano Ronaldo) moved west towards the capital. There's a small chance that our copper ends up being in the southern turndra/snow but if it is it'll screw us up anyway because an early city there will be aweful, so I've decided there's nothing really interesting there.