Ok, lots of screenshots and information from the turn here. First domestically:
I moved the worker to the grass hill to road next turn. We will grow to size four and get a second warrior out at the end of the turn, and move to start building the settler. We need a revolt to slavery next turn and then we are good to go. We are going to just road towards the east? If so we will want to delay the whip until turn 29, then we can get city 2 settled turn 32 on that plains hill. I will have a look at trying to maximize commerce for poly today, see if we can get it a turn sooner or so.
I also compiled an updated dotmap. The only ones I am not too convinced about are the 2 to the SW. Not urgent but just for some thought. Also the extreme south filler city may be not really worth it.
The contested ground:
Now GJ:
Moved to scout W then S like discussed. He definitely has no other land around him :/ He is gonna have to go towards us to expand then! There was no warrior in the city (sorry missed the screenshot of his cap before the move). Also of note is he was not working the hammer square of the grass hill to the NW like he was the turn earlier. It's likely I guess that he was maximising food using his 3 improved tiles.
As to where the scout should go next, we are going nuclear here so why not go back towards his food? I think next turn, going NE, and if there is no warrior in there, NE to sit on the sheep again? Then even if he gets a warrior out the turn after we can move to sit on the pig for a turn... If he does have a warrior we can go NW and escape his cap unharmed.
Speaking of a warrior out, here are the graphs.
Firstly the last one - they have met someone. I guess there was someone else to the north - my bad. However we have gained a lot of info going south to his cap! That does counterweight GJ a fair bit and will change his settling priorities that we worry he might go towards us - the land to the north is more productive and nicer looking than the land towards us.
Now the power/score. There initial starting strength is from their mining tech. The first strength rise is for their hunting tech they have used to pasture their resources. The final increase are to going to 2 pop. So I am confident they do not have a warrior out. Score wise this all checks out (the weirdness t20 is the land score bonus) except that they got a tech a couple of turns before we popped fishing. They did pop a tech, I just checked back over the civstats logs, and it is one that gives no soliders. It could be any of myst/masonry/pottery/agri... So that is about the limit of my C/D abilities. The last score increase is from pop count.
Here is an overview shot of the contested area.
The fish 2W1N of Messi makes settling for that copper interesting. It would be awkward to make it first ring without either killing the fish or settling on the corn. I do not believe that they would be planning for there atm if they do not have copper visibility. I put the tile counts to that site that we want - it is 13E 4N for us and 7W 4N for them. I think we can win a settle race for there with a second settler.
To the west there is a lion 2W of Ronaldo, do we want to take the risk moving him towards the plains hill? If we go NW then we will see if he will be hit, so I think we should plough on but not take the risk and forget moving there for the time being if we would take a hit, and move to continue on to the hut.
Moved Webb to the hill, but then realised this - that bear is likely to be still poking around...
There is the route I think he should take. But realistically I think we should spend a turn or so healing up first... No point loosing him to a bear really. God I hate barbs, I do find them a pointless addition to the multiplayer game. Especially so if you are looking for a balanced one... But I digress. We could risk it, but I would be surprised if he was not eaten.
For the cap, throughout today I will look at possibilities for the next build and tiles, especially whether it is worth working extra commerce tiles. My gut feeling is to actually overflow into a worker for a big bonus on that, we can get him out in 3 turns, and then chopping the workboat in city 2. That way we don't have a useless workboat if we miss poly, instead we have an extra worker to help road to the front tile.
Tech wise I do not think masonry will be smart play. We are going for an aggressive play here and should be trying to find either horses or iron or just sucking it up and getting archers

the tile itself being tundra is fairly poor (1/2/2) and would take a long time to improve, around 8 turns I think as quarries take a long time and tundra makes it longer!
So currently, we need to decide on:
1) do we sit on GJs food if possible? If we do we slow him down more, if we don't then we could possibly get peace for long enough to get our warrior up there, and work on his assumption that we are new to pitboss and didn't realise which square we should move onto with our scout.
2) What to do with Webb ie heal or risk it?
3) Ronaldo to brave the hit or not?
4) tech after poly? I feel hunting - an hus is a good move here to try and reveal horse. I could see the utility in sailing to quickly connect our new cities, although we would want roads for troop movement anyway. Also we should swap off poly if it goes earlier. (I did also forget to check if poly went this turn sorry)
5) next build - I think the worker to chop the workboat is stronger, but could be wrong.