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(October 7th, 2014, 14:08)GermanJojo Wrote: That CY situation looks truly fantastic! What are your city and total pop counts looking like right now?
I keep forgetting to post overview pictures. Most of the things I post only make sense to retep.
We have 6 cities.
Capital is size 6, at happy cap. It'll stay there and grow when possible (when we hook up ivory and when religion spreads).
LS, the second city, is size 6. It has 1 unhappiness and will be 3-pop whipped next turn.
PPM is size 3 and growing to happy cap, since I aborted the worker plan there.
GT is size 4 and will be 2-pop whipped next turn for 2 workers (I already have hammers invested into the worker, so no need to spend a turn). I need to study this a bit more, perhaps growing to size 5 is better before whipping. It only needs a turn and we don't need the new workers so fast as we'd need with the marble city being settled next.
IB is size 2, working deer and gems. It'll finish the granary and just grow for now, likely on a monument/WB/military unit. There's quite a bit of river grass there, that's why we settled this far reaching cities.
OT was settled the last turn, so it's size 1, working a 2/1 tile. Sheep (4/1) will be improved next turn. It'll also grow, probably working cottages before working the copper. It's a risky city, but at leadt the terrain is very defensible. It's on a hill and surrounded by hills and forest, which deters fast attacks. When we expand borders there, I think we'll be pretty safe.
I'm actually considering getting a farm shareble between IB and OT. Deer and plains sheep is too little of a food surplus, even for cities that have mostly grassland to work. We'll get a shareable crab soon and a plains cow, but the farm can really help for a while, I think.
So, we have 6 cities and 22-pop, soon to be 17. CY will really fall from all the whipping, placing us near the other players. Our next city will be settled on t49, if there's no trouble with Commodore's warrior. The new city will steal corn and fish from EG, when EG is not growing - I think that's actually a pretty good timing to settle this city, since we don't plan to whip the Capital that much anymore, but we can't grow it that much still.
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(October 7th, 2014, 14:13)Mardoc Wrote: I'm sorry not to have been more help - but dang, it doesn't look like you need it! 
That's a nice lead shaping up, as long as you can keep the GNP and Power from cratering too badly. That crop lead, in particular, is *very* nice. I like the Sailing idea, it should keep enough cash coming in to keep going while cottages get built and grow up.
I'll try to find time to be more use sometime soon. Just need to push a couple of my losing games to a conclusion.
No worries.
We have a good CY lead, but that's a bit inflated at the moment. Some turns ago THH was actually in front of us. I think he whipped his cities heavily, so we are likely to see some new cities being placed soon.
Besides, we need to consolidate this lead with some first to bonuses and that won't be easy to achieve. This next turn will be key regarding all that, because we get to see if we found the religion and where will it go.
(October 7th, 2014, 14:26)retep Wrote: I was hping the save was already in to check the religion 
Also that is some crazy talk.
First, Commodore doesn't have sailing, he also doesn't have any way to get a Great Artist neither.
Just put some hammers in an axe or spear so you can whip it in case Commodore advance and you lose the fight.
I was thinking that maybe the worker over GT could finish the cottages W-SW of PPM and move to road the horses. Or maybe used to connect-improve the ivory, I mean the ivory would be inside borders in 3t after all.
To finish I know is unlikely but I would like the Judaism fell in the gems city.
I'm eagerly awaiting this next turn too!
Yeah, the thing about Commodore was just me being paranoid. He didn't even scout us to know our Capital is there.
I'll move the other worker in GT to improve the ivory, since I moved the first one to another place. The first worker that will be whipped in GT can chop the forest on his first turn to complete the new one, so the one chopping right now can go to PPM. I think we can finish the cottage and road the horses with the worker coming from EG.
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I think you may have confused GermanJojo a bit  Just feed the lurkers with some pictures from the next time you play!
Btw I meant the EAST cottages, good thing noble can't read this
That sounds good about the workers, making a farm to share for number 5 and number 6 sounds good too.
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The save! Tell me where it felt!
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(October 7th, 2014, 20:31)retep Wrote: The save! Tell me where it felt! 
Some more pictures for the lurkers.
Overview before ending turn:
Demos after ending turn, still no whips. Now, just got to improve hat GNP.
I need to do some stuff now. We have a lot to think about going forward!
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My wish come true! That never happen.
I like the visibility from all those peaks. Now that stone is inside the borders I think I know what are you thinking Ichabod
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(October 7th, 2014, 22:08)retep Wrote: My wish come true! That never happen. 
I like the visibility from all those peaks. Now that stone is inside the borders I think I know what are you thinking Ichabod 
Yes... That may work! We can get the WB from OT and a missionary from IB next, to spread Judaism to the city we plan to build the Pyramids. Probably EG, right? If we want the Mids, going Writing -> Math next probably beats sailing. I'll do a sim to see how long it'll take to get there + setup the stone + religion + workers to chop as soon as Math is teched.
This way, even if we are beat to the Mids, we don't waste the chops. Besides, Mathematics is a good tech anyway.
The visibility from the peaks is awesome. And it also revealed a decent city for somewhere in the future.
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Hopefully Judaism spreads everywhere, by the way!
Judaism spreads more than the first two religions, right? I don't know exactly the maths behind it, but I remember something like this...
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Don't forget to revolt to OR next turn.
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Well Judaism is the first in the list of religion when the game checks for spread. But I think that is more useful when trying to spread your religion to other civs.