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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

dsplaisted Wrote:Revolting when there is a Settler built but not yet settled, when whip unhappiness is counting down in several cities, and when my workers have lots of things to do is pretty much the ideal time to revolt.

Does whip unhappiness continue to count down during anarchy? As much whipping as I tend to do, somehow I have never even considered this question. duh

Turn 86 (725 BC): Axe finishes in Dina, start a Settler. Triple-whip Settler in capital.

The Spear in the south didn't head directly for my city. It is still 3 tiles away, and it looks like it is taking the same route the Warrior took. My shock warrior on the forest hill will have > 50% odds surviving an attack by the spear, so I leave it there, and whip the Axe, which will protect my workers while they build a pasture on the cows.

There is a barbarian Axe at 3.7/5 health 3NW of Dina, and an Ottoman (Athlete/Kalin) Horse Archer 1 tile south of it. I'm not sure whether there was a battle this turn which left the Axe damaged or if it happened last turn and it will be killed this turn. I'm hoping that the barb city will delay Ottoman expansion but won't send any more Axes towards me.

haphazard1 Wrote:Does whip unhappiness continue to count down during anarchy? As much whipping as I tend to do, somehow I have never even considered this question. duh

I'm pretty sure it does. We'll find out in about 3 turns smile

I've decided to revolt on turn 88 instead of turn 87, so that Anatolia's border can expand and I can be working on mining the gold during the anarchy.

I sent the following to the Ottoman empire:
Quote:Hi guys,

I'm just wondering how soon you guys are planning to take the barbarian city, and more importantly whether I should worry about more of them coming my way from that direction. Is there anything you can share?


I got the following response:
Quote:Hi Daniel,

I don't think you need to worry about anything coming your way, the
barb city would prevent new barb spawns on that side. However we won't
have any unit around for the next several turns in that area. We plan
to take the barb city as soon as we can. We expect that to happen
sometime between turns 90 and 95.

We know we didn't start our interaction in the best way possible, but
we hope to improve on that going forward.

Athlete for A/K

I didn't think that barb cities would prevent barb spawns, I thought barbs would actually spawn in the cities and head out (towards me in this case). Anyone care to weigh in on how this works?

My impression has also been that barbs spawn in the city (they appear faster than it seems possible for the city to actually build the units), but at any rate I guess the first few barbs that spawn will garrison the city instead of heading your way.

I think you're safe - the barb city prevents random spawn in that area, and in my experience barb cities will eventually send out units to attack, but generally build things like monument and worker first. So it's unlikely you will see much threat even if kathlete don't move right away.

Turn 87 (700 BC): More barb issues! A barbarian Axeman appears 3SW of Celebi, next to my exploring Quechua. The barbarian spear moves NE, heading towards the capital. The Axe from Dina will be able to defend against it in time if it does go that way.

The Settler finishes in the capital and I start an Axe, rearranging the tiles to grow to size 4 this turn. I can only sustain 30% research right now, so I set it to 0% for now. Hooking up the Gold should improve things.

Turn 88 (675 BC): The barb spear moves onto the plains hill 3E of Celebi. That is fine with me. The barb Axe which was SW of Celebi moves NW, which means I shouldn't have much issue founding my new city. A barb Warrior has shown up 1 tile SE of the new city site. A barb axe has appeared on the cows by Anatolia. I wasn't expecting that! He'll probably either pillage the cows or move NE onto the jungle and I'll have to attack him on the jungle with my chariot. I move my exploring Quechua and discover yet another barb Axe 1N of the barb city of Phrygian!

I convert to Hinduism as planned.

Whosit has 6 cities now. I hope he's not filling up too much of the land I want.

Turn 89 (650 BC): One of the barb axes kills my Quechua. Combat odds were 98.8%, but the Quechua is able to knock him down to 2.9/5 health. The barb axe on the pasture by Anatolia pillages it instead of advancing on one of my cities. The barb spear heads towards Celebi. It will probably attack the shock Quechua I have on the forest hill 1 east of Celebi and die. If it does win, there is an Axe finishing in Celebi this turn which should be able to handle it.

I kill the damaged barb axe with a Chariot, and the chariot is left with 2.6/4 health and 5XP.

I finish hooking up the Gold, and my happiness problems at DINA are solved for the moment. I switch production there to an Axeman. I leave research at 0% since I'll have a Library coming online in Anatoliia in about 10 turns.

Has your 5xp charriot any promotion, or could you give him flankingI + Sentry to have a good scouting unit to stop being surprised by barb (or is there too many forrest/jungle so than the visibility will be blocked anyway?)

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