October 13th, 2014, 13:47
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Our worker is now called Manuel Neuer, and the city is now MCG (but if you prefer Melbourne you can rename it, it's just that the MCG acronym is apparently common when referring to the stadium). After a long hesitation I think we need the worker in 10 turns exactly because once poly is in we'll use one turn to chop a forest and one for the WB to get to the clams. This way we get the earliest clams for earlier growth. I ended turn, but you can always jump in before the others have played if you want to change anything. Ronaldo should move NE next turn to uncover some sea tiles, and then go NW-W. Are you sure we'll get Poly in 10 turns ? We might have to get one turn of wealth in but it could be compensated by working the lake tile once the capital is size 3.
October 13th, 2014, 16:38
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Sorry work is chronic ATM, not gonna be in for most of the evening. Sorry I quickly grabbed a keeper list without reading it there. Happy to plough on with the naming though!
Actually I came to think that getting another warrior would be the best play here. We could use a fair few for early mp duties and obviously won't have them after hooking bronze, plus boosting the solider count is always good. I do think it would be a more efficient use of the city. It depends how much value we think we can get from those worker turns. Also it may be an idea to work coast there for the poly... Completely agree to work the lake tile. Plus we get 2 more commerce per turn with the city connection. So I estimate 8-9 turns. Dunno if that will be good enough. What do you think? Happy to take your call, either should be good
October 14th, 2014, 09:09
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Your're right about TR commerce. I didn't have time to put up a sandbox yesterday but what I'm thinking is that I'd rather have more workers ASAP because we'll need to prepare city 3 and 4 that will be pretty far from all our current cities.
October 14th, 2014, 09:09
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Ok, so we are going worker first in MCG. Neuer finished the forest road and is still being covered. Now to other issues...
There is a GJ settler under Messi. I assume he is heading to settle on top of the corn, although it could be a bold move to lock us in early on the plains hill. Those are the 2 spots I would consider from there if I were them. I have not seen a warrior from them yet out this way, so he is rather unsupported. Lets wait to see where they go before planning our next moves, and speculating.
But what should Messi do? (he is about 3hp from being fully healed) Move and hope a really lucky wolf gets the settler? :P I saw GJs scout go past so I assume that he is using that to clear the way for the settler. My gut feeling would be to jump NW W to see if his scout is sitting on the plains hill tile. Then we will get a good idea where they are planning to go, and open his scout to the elements!
I moved Webb 1N with where the bear is. That bear is a real faff, I want to get him to harras GJ ASAP but it is silly to take a hit on a non defensive square. Finally we need to decide on a capital build, which currently I think warrior is the best choice, as we will have limited use of a workboat as we said.
We also need to decide what the new worker should do. He can either move to be with the other worker connecting the cities a turn earlier but wasting a worker turn, he can move and spend a turn mining, a turn chopping the forest on the road and then be at MCG without wasting turns, or he can go and start mining/chopping EA. I would favour going to build the road a turn earlier. We are trying to get poly and 2 extra commerce would be quite nice, but if not that then I think he should go spend at least a turn mining the SE hill.
October 14th, 2014, 12:42
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Sorry for not answering earlier, I posted in between classes so no time. I like the NW W move for Messi, that way we can always squat his copper if he tries to hook it. I'm not sure we can truly make the bear move towards GJ but of course if he suddenly feels the need to go east I wouldn't mind. Warrior in capital is probably best, WBs can be built later. Worker 2 should go to MCG ASAP, it gets us 2 extra commerce plus more possibilities in MCG. Only problem is that we'll soon have 3 workers at MCG and that's one too much, we need one at the capital to road west towards the copper.
October 14th, 2014, 12:57
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Ok, can you do all those moves then. We can move workers to the cap without wasting worker turns if they spend a turn pre chopping the roaded forest or pre mining the roaded hill don't forget.
October 14th, 2014, 15:05
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I moved the scout but there was nothing there.
October 14th, 2014, 15:32
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Cool. If we maintain our turn order, going after him, and he settles for copper first ring like I expect him to then we will have city visibility when he settles.
If he settles in place on that forest, that would be a lot better for us! Hopefully the greed of 2 food sources will be too much of a pull
October 15th, 2014, 03:59
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Lots of news this turn! Domestically the workers finished the road to MCG. 2 more commerce now  Also the scout picked up the hut to find 38 gold! Woo no maps. We can now finish our tech at full pelt. I reckon we might be able to get poly in 6 hopefully with the lake and TR commerce.
But the more interesting news is...
More land! It's a faff but we will be able to get a few more cities than I was worried about. Not quite sure where the settle up there should go tbf now. Maybe on the costal riverside plains tile? It's not a spectacular city, I reckon it could wait for a scouting galley/wb to get the lay of the land up there.
GJ settled... On the forest
That's great news. We can be an absolute pain for his copper now :P interestingly he is sitting there with his scout. Clearly doesn't trust us at all
Finally I moved Webb out to greet the scout. I went NE to hopefully dodge the bear, but no dice.
He will have around 70-75% odds I think. Lets hope! Worker actions for next turn need to be decided. 1 should definitely chop for MCG, the tile NE of the city I think and then road to the next settle site. The other... Unsure about him tbf. A size 3 settler with chops in EA so going back to chop now? I think that would be smart play as I think GJ will be racing for that spot third by the looks of it also... Need to count how many turns it will take to grow to size 4 actually.
October 15th, 2014, 10:57
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Actually a map would not have been that terrible this time, if it had showed us what's on that island up in the north. But I wouldn't have turned down the gold for it of course. Settling the peninsula will depend heavily on what's up there, if a city on the tile we can see through the fog is viable then you're right the riverside plain is probably the best option. Else it would be north of that.
I'm half expecting GJ to go settler-settler now, and settle (2) sooner than us. Let's just hope that we win the fight against the bear...