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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

I did read your wall of text and your analizes, and looks prety good.I think first you need establish the land you have and a mobile huge army thats for sure need it.

(October 28th, 2014, 17:50)Fintourist Wrote: A huge wall of text.

thumbsup This all seems spot on to me (although I don't see us getting an era ahead of Krovice - they and BGN are both getting economics this turn).

A bit more detail on dtay:
- He's going to get his conquests up and running quicker than us due to being PRO, but as you said he doesn't have an obvious next target unless Dazed is struggling while we still have a lot of Mardoc and CH's land to conquer!
- On espionage he's only seen four of our cities (unless he's exploring us with spies at the moment) and we have EP visibility on almost all of his.
- To leverage that info advantage defensively we just need to stay aware of his fleet - if it doesn't grow we're safe from invasion on that front and can farm it up.
- To leverage it offensively we could rush to Astronomy and burn coastal cities or charge from Pindi's land into his colony or try to wrestle CH's lands from him. Disappointingly that probably isn't as good a plan as just trying to use our land advantage to get ahead on tech, but rest assured if there is an option for hammer we'll explore it!

Attacking Pindicator is difficult but has a very attractive prize - the Hindu shrine must make an absolute bomb!

Attacking Cynheard efficiently could be possible with a commando detachment. His SW city has a lot of rubbish in it so should fall to enough amphibious units, then the commandos (red arrows) would take the one or two lightly defended cities in the center of the continent allowing further Knights to sit two tiles from his capital after the first turn of war (green arrow). I've assumed 40% borders but 60% borders won't make any difference. After that we'd need to keep his cities split up and hold sway over the water, but that should be doable. smile

I think we need a slight change to the map - Nakor seems to be between Wetbandit and Agent444. Perhaps HAK has an island to himself?

(October 28th, 2014, 17:50)Fintourist Wrote:

EDIT: Now that I'm looking at the full picture again.. Is there any chance we could just fight our way to NW-direction and gradually eat Agent547, Nakor, HAK, AT/Yuris/Bacchus... They are all so tasty and so far away! :P

Imperialist adventures? nod Yes please!

(October 29th, 2014, 12:12)mackoti Wrote: I did read your wall of text and your analizes, and looks prety good.I think first you need establish the land you have and a mobile huge army thats for sure need it.

Thanks mack. Getting a light approval from you regarding our macro thinking must be considered a good sign nod
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Turn 154

Alfie has 4 Towns, 10 Villages, 1 Hamlet and an unused windmill meaning there is another 14 commerce coming over the next 30 or so turns. Growing our trade routes will get us another +6 thanks to Free Market so that's a possible 119+14+6 = 139 base commerce or 208 with Bureaucracy. Add 12 cash for two merchants + our great merchant. Both Science and Cash multipliers are ~200% right now. They'll go up to 300% with Oxford (a ten turn build) and Wall St. (about 19 turns). That's alright, but we need the rest of the empire to contribute too...

We could complete Compass at 20% or Music at 50% this turn. Gertie is three turns from completing a Grocer, so Compass isn't urgent. I think Music is the better choice for us as we've got so many newly conquered cities that desperately need the culture to pop borders and we'll want Mil Trad fairly soon anyway. After that I think we have two options
- Philosophy, Nationalism, Constitution, Corporation
- Compass, Optics, Astronomy, attack dtay
If we take the first path we can revolt to Rep/Caste/Pacifism in our next GA, Corporation is going to give us at least 150 extra base commerce and if we detour to Democracy we could try for the Statue of Liberty (which would be amazing for our one-continent civ, although where we'd get 1500 hammers (actually 750 hammers with multipliers) from is a tough question). If we take the second path we could slow dtay down somewhat. I'm inclined to do the first, get some great scientists in our golden age and then do the second. That means that dtay can get to steel for Ironclads, making our Astronomy boats less effective... Any thoughts? Perhaps we should skip Music and go straight for Democracy?

Should I wait for you guys to be around for the Green attack or just go ahead and do it now?

Demos and power


Turn 154 - the war bit

This is dtay's current military. There is another Galley in the frozen south that we can't see, but most of them are between his two continents.

After suiciding three catapults the defences in Green looked like this.

Then we attack...
- C2 Knight vs 5.4 CG3 LB 17.8%... LOSS, but four hits!
- C1 Knight vs 4.4/6 CG3 LB 35%... LOSS, only one hit
- C2 Knight vs 4.4/6 CG3 LB 42%... WIN!
- 9.5/10 C3 Knight vs 3.4/6 CG3 LB 70%... LOSS frown
- C3 Knight vs 4.4/6 CG1 LB 83%.... WIN! (4 hits)
- C2 Knight vs 4.4 HA 99%... WIN!
- C4 Knight vs HA 99%... WIN (one hit)
- C1 HA vs injured LB 91%... WIN! We take the city and get a Granary, Lighthouse and 73 gold!

That actually went pretty much as I'd simmed it. Losing three knights sucks, but what else could we have done? Next up we have a shot at taking Violet this turn, its risky but he might whip another LB if we don't...

- C2 Knight vs CG1 LB 32%... LOST (two hits) Meh.
I think he gets 20% healing so we'll have about even odds to kill the LB next turn.

That Great General is making his way to Hazelnut. He could enable 3-promo 1-movers or could wait to build an academy (really?) or make some commando Knights...

Mmmmm....commando knights....dancing

Are you talking about the promotion or them going without underwear?

(October 29th, 2014, 12:12)mackoti Wrote: I did read your wall of text and your analizes, and looks prety good.I think first you need establish the land you have and a mobile huge army thats for sure need it.

What he said! popcorn

Good analysis indeed. I support the "Atari Breakout" strategy: your army launches nothwest and doesnt stop until it bounces off the northpole and starts heading SW!

You might have lost three knights taking green, but keeping the granary and lighthouse is actually pretty great. thumbsup

(October 30th, 2014, 15:55)Grimace Wrote: Mmmmm....commando knights....dancing

Are you talking about the promotion or them going without underwear?

Wouldn't that chafe?

(October 30th, 2014, 16:23)Ceiliazul Wrote: You might have lost three knights taking green, but keeping the granary and lighthouse is actually pretty great. thumbsup

Very true, but you're not going with the "gloom and despondancy as we ruin someone else's game" theme. nono

Turn 155

Krovice's golden age ended, a few great people were born and we got Music. Also Pindicator's Knights seem to be heading towards Cynheard, who also has Guilds, so fingers crossed for that neighbour-dust-up Fintourist was wanting...

We're building a lot of culture this turn. Veggies is trying to claim the lighthouse lakes from Aurora, which may be a bit wasteful, given that we'll be taking them in about five turns anyway. Yam is three turns from popping borders naturally, so it starts a library instead.

Over at Violet C3 Knight vs injured CG1 LB 73%...

OF COURSE HE LOST! hammer angry :etc:
But that means our C4 Knight can get one more XP and we get 68 gold and a lighthouse for our troubles. Just Communist to go, but that's going to require some Cat attention, so it'll be a couple of turns at least.

Demos, Espionage and Power. Dtay has put 100 EPs into us over the last ten turns, meaning we can't see all of his cities any more frown. Do we concentrated on him from now on or try to get visibility on all our neighbours or try for graphs on the top ten? The top power has nearly double ours, which I don't think is BGN, maybe its William or TBS? Looks like Plako ran a turn of EPs to get visibility on Xenu.


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