As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[TECH] Civ 5 PBEM4 Tech and Organization Thread

All right guys, we're rolling. Unexpected, I know. Thanks Rowain for joining us!
Turn order may be not perfect, but as far as I know, it should work out
Note that Rowain warned that he may not be able to play a turn a day

Turn order:


The game on GMR:

Are you going to make a thread, Rowain?

I see it and will try to play in ~ 7 hours.

Houston we have a problem.

Apparently this game was created with a lot of DLC. Including Kameh.... Polynesiian -DLC which I don't have. so no chance to load the game. Sorry

Since the game hasn't really started, I can generate a new map for you without the dlc in case that's needed.

Also do you have the ancient wonders DLC that includes Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Statue of Zeus and Temple of Artemis?

If the others are ok with it a new map without the Kameha... Polynesian DLC would be all that is needed.
I have the others DLC that were in included in that save including the Wonders.

To avoid future problems:
I have : Mongolia, Babylon, Spain & Inca, Denmark, Korea, Conquest of the new world, Explorer Maps, Wonders of the ancient world, G & K, BNW.

I'm not bothered by a regen.

Yeah sure let's do it smile

I have all dlcs, so I'm good with a remake of the map smile
As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. - Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"

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