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EitB 0011 Released!

Hey, you're back. Another quick note: I can't seem to build Governor's Manors as the Calabim.

Oh bugger.

The idea is that they're now their own unique building unlocked at the normal place but not replacing courthouses. I'll test them once I've played the PBEM save.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Fixed. Unfortunately, this error only came through in v11, so Yell0w can still build manors normally frown wink
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Erebus in the Balance: Version 11.1

[Image: BannerSmall.jpg]

Download here.

Note: Although this is primarily a patch (bugfixing and rolling back the Lesser Summons), it comes as a standalone installer,
and doesn't require previous versions of Erebus in the Balance or FFH2 to work (it will require BTS, of course). However, as this was made using the steam default install location, if you have any issues, please check that it is being placed in the correct directory (alongside your other BTS modes).

The cumulative changelog is rolled into the download itself, but v11.1 changes are listed below.

Version 11.1 Changelog:

Erebus in the Balance Version 11.1 Changes

Bug Fixes:
• Fix a bug whereby Governors manors are unbuildable
• Fix a bug with the spawn values for Planar Gates are incorrectly coded

Balance Changes:
• Unit Change: Lesser Versions of Host of Einherjar, Pit Beast, and Spectre created. These units have -2 Strength and -1 Move compared to their originals.
• Spell Change: Summon “Lesser” Einherjar, Pit Beast and Spectre’s created. These require only the first spell sphere and the summoner promotion.
• Building Change: Infirmaries Cost Reduced (220h -> 175h)
• Civic Change: Undercouncil moved from Trade to Poisons
• Civic Change: Overcouncil moved from Trade to Medicine
• Tech Change: Medicine Cost Reduced (1400b -> 1000b)
• Trait Change: Cassiel PHI/ORG(ADA) -> PHI/IND(ADA)
• Wonder Change: Kuriotate Palace Requires Two Cities (Not Four) to Build

This version fixes a pair of bugs found in v11, removes the Lesser Summons from the game, as well as a couple of small balance changes.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I'd love to test this some more in multiplayer, but I can't make a new thread. I also assume no play by emails will be using this version currently. How do we set up a game?

FYI: I get an error: Failed to initialize primary control theme when loading this.

You need 10 posts to start a new thread.

Does the game load normally despite that?

Edit: This is what qoogle brings up:
Quote:1. Some people report a "GFC error: failed to initialaize the primary control theme" error loading the mod. In some cases reinstalls have resolved it, in others it seems to be caused when Civ4 isn't installed in the typical location (under Program Files/Firaxis Games/).

Would you mind reinstalling or checking it's in the right place (look in your main BTS file, not the place with the saves but where there are links to saves; and check that it is in the /mod directory of that, along side other BTS mods like Rhyse and Fall and The Road to War).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.



It's in the right folder. I am still getting the error. FYI, you can't reinstall it wink , the launcher won't let you if you have that folder there.

FYI, I'm using CIV 4 Complete NOT on Steam.

This is the only mod which I've run into this issue with. FFH, Master of Mana, and Ashes of Erebus don't have this issue.

See below. I don't think I did anything funky. As I said, FFH and the other Modmods work fine.



I think I may have found an issue. Assuming your V11.1 installation builds on top of previous code. I cannot install v9 properly, look at the default location for it:


This should say Civilization 4 Complete, but it doesn't. Try fixing this if you can. Your install files should work for everybody without extra haggling.

EitB v11.1 should install's probably been using EitB trophy files, or something equally inane.

I don't control where the v9 ends up, unfortunately. Does it work if you manually move it to the correct location?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


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