November 17th, 2014, 16:57
(This post was last modified: November 17th, 2014, 17:02 by AdrienIer.)
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I logged in but decided not to move anything to avoid another bad move due to misunderstandings. I did move the scout though, because I saw GJ had founded NW of where Messi was.
He's completely overexpanded, he's second to last in military if I read the graphs right, and he only gets to live with his endless number of cities because 1) we're the ones behind him in soldier points and 2) even if we were to mount an attack against him, he only has to defend 1 spot to fend us off. I have an idea for an attack on him, but we need troops, galleys and some time to prepare.
First time I'm using paint to show a battle plan, I know the arrows and squares looks like they've been made by a 5 year old sorry 'bout that. Also the plan only works till he gets 3rd ring culture, not sure when that'll happen.
A good possibility would be to fort a tile 2S of EA for quick naval access to the south. Or the marble but I'm not sure that's reasonable.
November 18th, 2014, 05:56
(This post was last modified: November 18th, 2014, 06:00 by ReallyEvilMuffin.)
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Haha I would say we are rather overexpanded too due to the same virtue. Especially with our current builds. I actually think we will not have enough units to cover huge amount of expansion atm.
Played both turns. Nothing really groundbreaking happened in either, but at the turn roll this was amusing...
That is one hell of an autospread! So far away :P
Northern city to be founded next turn, with a worker now in the galley ready to farm the wheat. Warrior should he NE before the settle just to make sure there are no barbs around that would make the city awkward to keep.
Granary now in place in RB, I went for a settler. This is when I realised we probably have 1 too many on the go currently... Whoops. I set this up before think that MCG should go settler. With the overflow and the 2 chops it will be done in 3 turns. Settler is definitely the best build here though. Other cities still trucking along. I did set CN to work the pigs now they are a 6 yield tile. I thought about giving them to SC but I felt that it was better to keep the resource tiles worked so it stays on the copper. We should overflow into an archer from the whip in CN, to help give the western island some def just in case. We should be able to get 2 cities on there quickly with our settlers we have atm and then have all the TRs we need for currency.
I also noted that GJ and HAK have open borders... Well he wasn't going to offer that to us was he? Noone else has alpha yet.
In general not a bad idea. We would need to land a hatchwa/axe with the HAs to give some spear cover... Although the new numids would still have odds... Bah. When he has third ring culture it wouldn't be too awkward to make happen, and I think with +2cpt he will have third ring before we can make a move. We would just chop that forest first, make it look like we are desperate for hammers
November 18th, 2014, 08:41
(This post was last modified: November 18th, 2014, 08:43 by AdrienIer.)
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Actually I disagree about a settler being the best build, we need more workers ! We're expansive and not building enough workers... We need more cottages, and some of our workers will need to go overseas.
What do we want after currency ? Go nice and eco, with masonry calendar maybe MoM chop and CoL, or Construction HBR and IW and attack GJ ?
Also with all the hindu spreads around the world a shrine will be nice eventually.
November 18th, 2014, 10:10
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Well we need masonry for both paths... It would be useful to know if that is iron in GJs cap. Actually it is a river tile isn't it? We should see what resources he has connected. Trouble with attacking him in this era is our combat 1 spear are 8.4 vs horses, which can get 3 promos out of the bat for 7.8 if combat 3 or make it 7.4 v 7.2 with shock. Unless we get some ivory from somewhere on the offensive we will really really struggle. I suppose we are blocking GJ out of our demos atm though? It might be an ambitious plan. If we can amass enough forces quickly whilst they have no view on our demos then we could take them by surprise... It would make the game interesting. I suppose do we think we can outgrow them? Smart money for me says actually attack now whilst we have an equalish no of cities on the continent. It will only get harder to ferry troops there to attack. But at the same time CoL is a bread and butter tech for us as org. I really don't know what is best here.
I don't think we can rely on England hitting him as he will be more concerned with Mack up north, so I think at some point there will be a tension between us, only when
Re settler, I understand your concerns although generally I think we are doing ok for workers - we are not working any unimproved tiles currently, and have a few spare improved tiles around. I think this is in part due to the large number of seafood with have. I would like 2 settlers ASAP for the ICTRs - these cities will easily pay for themselves boosting the other cities, and then the one from MCG can go for the fur, as we do need happy sources. I also think another that should be settled fairly soon is the southern one with first ring fish. That needs very little worker input and can be a nice whipping post. But we will get more workers soon.
November 18th, 2014, 13:38
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If we go towards the military road we'll need more workers to road towards the east and maybe even fort some important tiles for ship flexibility, if we go the eco road we'll need workers to build a plantation on the calendar resources and chop the MoM fast in Wembley. So while we don't need workers this turn we do need some in the next 10-15 turns.
November 18th, 2014, 17:23
(This post was last modified: November 18th, 2014, 17:31 by AdrienIer.)
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Just so you know, we can have a fort SSE of EA in 6 turns to send ships from the north to the south almost instantly.
I didn't want to finish the turns because I was puzzled by your scout movements in the east (do you want to go north to Gavagai ? I know the scout has nothing to do now but it's odd), and I'm not sure we should road the pigs in the west, cottaging the grassland 1W of it is probably more important. But if you have some plan with him I'd rather not tear it apart (probably being overly cautious here). In the north the warrior found nothing in the fog so I founded the city (Stade de France as it turned out), the worker has landed in the city and started farming the wheat because the galley wasn't needed anywhere so we could aford to lose a turn. I renamed some units too, the archer for Vincent Kompany and the northern warrior to Iniesta.
Most funny moment of the turn : you seemed amused by hinduism spreading to Gavagai (founder of judaism), well he returned the favor by auto-spreading judaism to Soccer City. Our westermost city, farthest away from him. It's hilarious except for the fact that he'll get 1 culture from the hindu spread while we wont.
Edit : Scrap that, I moved the scout north and put the western worker on cottage duty. Turn ended.
Edit 2 : We're only 36EPs away from getting city visibility on 3ChordDorks (minus whatever EPs he's spending on us), that'll be nice. Also while Gavagai has been spending mildly on us (we're 10EPs away from demos), HAK is going to be hard to get graphs on (30/14 currently). Maybe he's only met us and one other team ?
Edit 3 : The fact that HAK built the Great Wall means more barb pressure on Gavagai and also on the south of the continent. It's not great news for us.
November 18th, 2014, 18:08
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The idea with the scout was to stay away from GJ so he wouldn't kill and to go back through gavagi. I was hoping that they would have alpha soonish so we could go through and contact mackoti. Best use for him now - we clearly aren't gonna get passage through GJ are we?
That Judaism spread is annoying. It means we cannot get a Hinduism auto spread there...
Otherwise yeah all is good, we need to galley to head to the western island now to ship accross a settler or 2 and some defence for them
November 19th, 2014, 08:15
(This post was last modified: November 19th, 2014, 08:15 by ReallyEvilMuffin.)
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New turn played - we met Dreylin (of portugal?) they have a scouting workboat to the west. They are on 7 cities too, and we have no trade route with them as yet. I note that because surprisingly we can trade with most civs that we have not met yet! :P
Moved the galley to ship the settlers over. Workers continuing what they were doing except the 2 that just chopped for RB settler. I sent one to chop for EA and the other to continuing chopping for RB. EA will get it's library sooner and RB should grow to size 3 then when the chop comes in use it with the bonus to quickly get another worker.
I decided not to slave the settler in CN currently. The galley is still a way away, so it won't delay the city founding and we are working nice tiles in there. I think we should 1 pop whip for good overflow actually.
SC should whip the lighthouse just before growth also, then it can claim the pigs and grow rapidly.
Do you think a map trade with Dreylin is a good idea? I feel we would give a lot of map for probably not a lot in return... Although it would help us risk assess the new western colonies. I forgot to screenshot the potential dotmap, see what you think. There is a lot of food there to try and use. I think the plains hill with a worker should be our first priority.
November 19th, 2014, 13:36
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I think the map of the west is super useful to us currently, else we'll have to scout everything ourselves. Do you know how much espionnage we have against GJ ? The graph limit at 234 for us is 101, so we're pretty close to the limit there.
November 20th, 2014, 05:24
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Well actually Dreylin is a bit too close to trade map with at the moment :
We really need to colonize the island ASAP.
Settler in RB is done, worker now. There have been 2 spikes in GJ's power recently so I decided to build an archer in EA, we whip it next turn at 5/25 and overflow into the library again, so no loss in hammers. We'll need defense in the west too in case Dreylin gets pissed at our new cities. We definitely need more units, I think EA should do only that for some time after the library comes out.
Here's an overview shot of our empire minus SdF :