November 25th, 2014, 14:33
(This post was last modified: November 25th, 2014, 14:47 by GermanJoey.)
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Furungy came through on the loan, nice! Thank you man. I queued a couple Research builds, delaying those settlers a turn, as discussed - Currency in 2 turns now, T90.
November 26th, 2014, 16:22
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November 26th, 2014, 18:28
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As seen above, our axeman was a huge fuckup (this is NOT, I repeat, NOT my fault) and did NOT pop masonry from the hut. Instead, it got wrecked on the barb warrior and spawned a new hostile one. Ugh. Well, its shock and on a forest, so it should still survive at least. This is why you need to log in and play turns sometimes, Borsche!! I've had absolutely terrible luck with huts this game; we need your legendary gems popping power...
Currency is in. Our gold-saving rate was at +73gpt, roughly 4x what it was 15 turns ago, heh, even with a 5gpt payout to Furungy continuing over the next 8 turns. Between some markets, lots of new cities, and, least we forget, cothons coming soon, we should be double that in another 15 turns I think. IW is now a break-even 4 turns, and Compass is a projected another 9 turns after that. I think we'll have them both within 10 turns though, with markets due in about 5 turns in two cities and the prereq bonus from IW for Compass reducing its cost by like ~140 beakers.
In foreign news, Gavagai spent 2 (2!) consecutive turns in anarchy swapping into Monotheism, HR, and Judiasm. I did this game-plan in PBEM59 and it worked out awesome; I can tell you that his production is gonna go bananas soon, especially with Ind forges amplifying it further. He refused our whales-for-ivory trade, unfortunately, despite settling 2 new cities in the last 2 turns (whipped out right before the civic switches) - I guess neither one were at that second ivory of his after all. Well, lets just hope he keeps the trade in mind for his 9th city.
HAK and REMAI settled their 5th and 9th cities recently. HAK has sugar hooked! He's doing very well in tech - I guess not having to pay city maintenance is working out well for him, heh. His gold-saving rate is lower than ours, +58gpt compared to +73gpt. REMAI is looking a lot more competetive on the CY chart than I expected, although their MFG still looks pretty poor. Mackoti has 258 gold banked, although is still at 7 cities. I don't know what his gold saving rate is as he's currently 100%ing something; same goes for Gawdzak. Gawdzak only had 40 gold left, so he's probably finishing whatever his next thing is this turn. I guess that's why he didn't want to pay straight-cash for OB? Well, I guess I can understand that.
Demo-wise, we're looking good. GNP is 4th break even, although its about half of Gawdzak's, heh. Gawdzak has a terrifyingly high GNP from all those foreign trade routes; he's earning 90 commerce just from OB with me and Gavagai... add in 12 from GLH culture, a few libraries here or there, some cottages to ice the cake, back it in a 100% science slider oven and...badda bing bada boom, 200GNP when your next rival is in the 120s/130s. OTOH, for CY we were #1 by 1 food; MFG was #2, -7 hammers. I'd rather be at the top of the foodhammers chart than GNP if I had the choice.
That said, the next few turns we go on another whipping spree, whipping 4 settlers, a granary, a couple lighthouses, etc - so I don't expect we'll be #1 again for a little awhile. That's fine, we'll catch back up again. After this round of whips, I think we should start producing troops for our eventual invasion army as well as a couple more workers. Our third-ring of cities are becoming productive soon, in that they can finally start contributing stuff (workers/settlers/military) for other cities other than infrastructure for themselves. Ideally, these new cities are the ones working on settlers (seeing how they're closer to the edge of our territory) while the core worries about military needs.
By the way, TBS, I just realized that I forgot the other day to say what our maintenance reduction from Aggressive was - its currently 5gpt with 10 cities. I took an expenses screenshot, I'll post it when I get home from work.
November 26th, 2014, 23:00
(This post was last modified: November 26th, 2014, 23:21 by GermanJoey.)
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TBS, here's the TPS report I promised:
here's a shot of REMAI's land, btw; I tried looking for one earlier in the thread and couldn't find it, so I must have sent it to Borsche on steam ages ago:
T91, Gawdzak founds Confucianism! His GNP is gonna go even crazier...
November 27th, 2014, 17:18
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Roll the beautiful overflow footage, baby.
48 OF becomes 96 hammers with the Exp multiplier, heh. We'll complete it lazily in 3 turns, growing up to size 8 on the way. MoJ took the sheep and the northern hamlet, btw. We have an extra whale right now, but nobody obvious to trade with. Maybe try Gawdzak's gems? He has a second one mined, just doesn't have it hooked up I guess.
November 28th, 2014, 19:18
(This post was last modified: November 29th, 2014, 16:52 by GermanJoey.)
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We have Iron! 3 of them, actually!
The first is here:
I forgot to turn on Resource Icons, but it's on the city site!
Well, I suppose we can look at it as a glass half-full/half-empty scenerio; if it had been on the mine we're about to complete next turn, which we'd want to work anyways, we'd get +2 hammers, but here we only get +1. So, lets think of it as getting 1 hammer for free, instead of losing 1.
The next is here, vastly enhancing this city site:
This chop finished this turn, so I'll have him improve the mine next turn. We might want to delay the granary whip a bit in order to work this tile, I think...
Last, we have one here, at our new 11th city, which I named Klurfville. (Borsche is on vacation at the moment) ... this site is so much better now that we've waited on it, with a pair of farmed floodplains already in place and no need for a barracks, with a 1st ring at Claretin, a 2nd ring expansion in PH, and a 3rd ring in ZP giving nearly a full BFC de-facto. The city can start on a Market and Library as soon as its Granary is done.
Domestically, we're running into unhappiness all across the board. Some of it is whips in developed cities, but some of it is just because we don't have any garrisons in some of our 3rd-ring cities that have 2 whip unhappiness (e.g. RIPFF, RT). I've started some chariots for these cities, although unfortunately we'll be forced to lose some food for a few turns. With that in mind, I think one additional happiness resource would mean a lot. I hit the embassies and tried to get something to happen:
The sugar trade with HAK should be a slam-dunk, as he has like 6 sugars nearby in a cluster and our map seems to indicate that he's settled on one. He also still kinda owes us for continuing the OB; if he denies this trade I think we will cancel them with him. The Ivory trade with Gavagai isn't as hopefull; since he's in HR he doesn't need happiness as badly as we do. Still, it should be a good deal for him if he hooks up his other. We can try a gems for gold with Gawdzak as soon as we get our 2nd one hooked up. Speaking of that, we whipped the settler planned for that site this turn, but have run into this situation:
UGH. The settler here was planned to settle at the site the barb axe is currently standing on next turn. At best, we now have to wait to settle that site in two turns, T96. We have our C2 Shock axe in position, able to take this guy out with 90% odds, but I did not want to risk him on it for two reasons: 1.) this axe is the only military in quite a distance - losing him here would be terrible as we'd have to inefficiently whip a chariot to kill this axe in our gold city of OP, and then another axe shortly after to deal with a barb spear 5 tiles northwards of the axe. and 2.) Our axe is just 2 XP away from being the HE unit! He'd also be awesome as a stack defender for our invasion of REMAI.
So, I'm just having him sit here and hope the axe attacks out. If the axe continues to be a huge pain, e.g. ignoring the axe, we can just settle the clams site first.
Our capital is looking really good; even without extra happiness trades working out, it can just grow naturally to size 8 now. A second market will be whipped in Paulo's House next turn.
Compass due in 6 or 7 turns.
November 29th, 2014, 02:09
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I logged in to see this:
Hmm, a puzzler. I think what this is saying is that he'll give ivory for whales+2g in 4 turns, perhaps when he'll have his second ivory hooked. Sure, that's fine. You can even have an advance on it, as long as its a long-term deal - ivory is worth 2 happiness in market cities. At this point, I noticed we had a whale missing, leading me to believe that HAK accepted the trade. However, he sent a message much less subtle:
Hmmm. Pretty bizarre cross-triangle of resources here... this will be a tough one to decode. I haven't seen such a bizarre exchange since suttree started sending me random shit every turn in PB21.
Something about... a sugar, huh? And who, pray tell, is this lucky sugar daddy?
PB13's sugar sultan, mackoti. The very same mackoti that is HAK's neighbor here in PB22. His closest neighbor, in fact - just a friendly snowballing neighboroonie with the Mids and the MoM.
Ok, I think I got it now. please allow me to translate this message from AIDiploenese into what you normal people speak:
If he truly "accidentally accepted" then he could have requested a reload. Methinks he just wanted to accept both offers but didn't want to wait or risk my whale going elsewhere. My response? I demanded a fur. That'll be fine instead, thanks HAK. He's got a second one nearby , about 5 or 6 spaces from his capital towards the northeast, he just has to, I dunno, *shouting into a microphone* BUILD SOME CITIES AND HOOK IT. *glares*
Well, we hooked our 3rd whale this turn, anyways.
Our axe won the fight, 9 XP but 0.9/5 hp remaining, yowza. Our axe needs to heal asap or else he's gonna have trouble with even that spear. We'll found the new city there next turn, and also another site at the corn/marble. Ideas for names?
Gawdzak swapped civics into HR and Caste. A great scientist was born somewhere unknown.
November 29th, 2014, 10:05
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Thanks for the finance screen. So it seems like Agg is saving you almost 9gpt on T90 and Org would be saving you 10gpt in comparison, that's not too bad.
November 29th, 2014, 16:27
(This post was last modified: November 29th, 2014, 16:30 by GermanJoey.)
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Agg is only saving us 5gpt: 15/(1-0.25) - 15 = 5gpt. The trait only saves on NumberOfCities maintenance, not the total cities maintenance.
November 29th, 2014, 16:30
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I accidentally logged back in to this game, meaning to log into PB18 (forgot to end my turn, playing late last night), and we got some good news!
hell yeah! we'll have much easier time getting garrisons up now, and we can grow our capital all the way to size 10!