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(January 4th, 2015, 10:52)Mardoc Wrote: Looking like pretty quick progress. A couple points:
1. Most cities are on unit builds. I'm not sure this is wrong, but it'd be nice to see your reasoning. Do we have graphs on Plako that show he's building, for instance? It's just - in an era where you're looking to build and tech, it seems to me that you want the minimum military required for defense/deterrence, and otherwise every hammer to go into something to boost our cities.
2. Research path is what? Paper-Edu-Banking-Economics? Any particular reason why Edu comes before Banking? It seems to me with the breakeven around 50%, that banks would be more useful than Universities.
3. Any chance that Taj is possible? IIRC we do have one of the only marbles... Mostly, these are all answered by "the other guys are the reason for..." as we're in reactive mode until Astronomy.
We're pretty swamped by Plako's EP spending, so I've focused on keeping just our continental graphs, plus HAK (who shows in power why his cities are falling like ninepins). While we're definitely the top power at the moment, we're not doing quite so well that we could make headway against anyone. I'd love to slack off a bit on power, but this is a threatening world we live in. All new builds are just "something with hammers in while growing" kind of military. The knights will be useful a long, long time though.
Come on, Dreyote, press that short term advantage and force mass whips!
The Taj isn't really likely to happen; as you can see both Gawdzak and Dtay are able to research Nationalism now. What I will do is hit up Meditation in four turns for a heavy overflow...if I get a bad roll and a low-odds scientist, I'll bulb Philo and hit Nationalism with all I got. Otherwise, I'm going to continue the current path, which is "rack up heavy known-tech-bonus". Ergo, the Paper before Banking.
Plus I really want to see what Plako is cooking up there.
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Ahhh...I'd forgotten about known-tech. Yeah, that's probably worth as much as banks. And Paper will enable a more systematic approach to coat-tail riding. I'm definitely glad to see that those ahead of us aren't far ahead.
Re: Taj - I know it's a long shot, but I figured I should bring it up anyway. It's encouraging to see that there's a case where it'd make sense.
Re: military. Looks like my complaint is premature. Not sure we need to be #1 - but then we've also got nasty neighbors and tricky borders, so I'm not sure we don't.
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Oh, we're nowhere near #1 world power, by the way. Just tops locally.
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News of the turn...HAK found Seven Pines and activated it!
Nothing else makes sense.
Plako is also in the midst of a golden age, and culturally is winning back his tiles along the land border. Those Jewish spreads should see us okay in the peninsulas. This filler city of Plako's? Baaaad sign. He's starting to get squished, if he begins to settle this kind of crap.
Sentry is a lovely promotion.
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Oh ho ho! Now this, this is very interesting. First off, let's all give a golf clap to Mackoti, who used witchcraft and bulbs to snipe the economics merchant literally half a turn before Gawdzak could take it with Liberalism. Secondly, let's admire the pluck of Gavagai for hitting Mackoti in the wild new lands of HAKfall. Thirdly, let's all ooooo and aaaaah about that terrifying Police State/Vassalage/Slavery combo that will end with the Temple of Solomon in Mackoti's hands. HAK getting crossbows buffed doesn't really seem like much after that, eh?
Subtly highlighting first long irrigation chain completed, yay. Also, Changes is nearing Peak Cottagation.
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Definitely sounds like the wider world is cursed with being interesting. Regarding Plako, I went back and looked at that map trade you posted, from about 30 turns ago. Yeah, definitely likely he filled in what was useful up there by now.
At least you have irrigation.
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Did dtay missed out on this round of first-to targets?
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Okay kids, let's do a quick review of the geopolitics of North Seas World:
-Gavagai and Mackoti hit HAK hard, eating about half of Egypt. Gavagai gets slightly more of a share.
-HAK makes peace with both parties, is weak but clearly not in the Full Hemorrhage Death Spiral.
- Gavagai attacks Mackoti, not the other way around. Mackoti must be peeved, because...
-Mackoti goes Full War Mode in the middle of his Thousand Year Golden Age.
-GermanJojo has REMAI and Furungy to eat, and REMAI are in danger, so no heavy northward push from the southerners.
What does this suggest to me?
We've got: Guilds, a huge research chest, and the Path to Economics full of known tech bonuses. In three more turns, a great person is popped, with a second due ten turns after that; without some bad rolls that's a golden age right there. This is without the buffs to Mercantilism and Free Speech, so Free Market is the clear goal for all economic win; it's about ~150gpt for us right now before factoring in multipliers or harbors/custom houses.
However...right now, across the narrow Atlantic, there is a wounded and floundering empire with its back turned and vast territorial potential. And its rightful conquerors are savaging each other at the moment; the Sino-Anglo War might have legs and there is certainly always going to be tension along the long border.
Sooooo...should we continue down the Path of Profit, or divert directly to East Indiamen and the Path of Conquest? The plan would be to whip together a strike force of roughly twenty knights and a siege-breaker quartet of city raider maces in 6 EIs and head over to Egypt with the goal of Total Domination (obviously, follow-up waves needed). Dtay and Plako would be tricky, but Dutch in the galleon area are one hell of a nasty target if you have coastal cities you're at all fond of.
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(January 6th, 2015, 11:27)Ceiliazul Wrote: Did dtay missed out on this round of first-to targets? Yep, although I'm sure he's getting Econ next turn or the turn after, given his tech pace.
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Given your present neighbours I can certainly understand you prefering Mack and Gawagai, you did mean Zulu style conquering did you not?
How long is the diversion going to last? - will you be left in the dust by non-participants in this Tot-Dom escapade?
How long will it take to create that strike force? - will the bleeding HAK have attracted other sharks before you get there?
Dotmap of your new lands?
But it sounds bloody so Ill gladly lurk.