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Poll: What should we do?
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Defend against paratrooper invasion because we're too stalwart to die!
13 48.15%
Die a horrible, senseless death, then hear Krill gloat about it!
14 51.85%
Total 27 vote(s) 100%
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Pitboss 18 Lurker Thread of Infinite Wisdom

(December 18th, 2014, 15:37)Mardoc Wrote: Well, dang. So much for global lurker omniscience. Krill must have just been waiting for more evidence of commitment.

I don't think Dtay is actually out of this yet, myself. If anyone can pull it out from a dogpile like that, it'll be him. But...he shoulda hit Krill, not Pindicator wink.

Dtay is playing well and is quite resilient but let's be frank: plako is the undisputed king of surviving the dogpile - I think he's done it in like 5 different games at this point.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Ok, so maybe Dtay isn't absolutely #1 at dogpile-resistance. I still think he's got the fortitude to make this work. The major tech advantage doesn't hurt, either!

And...there's his opening: Both Krill and Old Harry are aiming to have the other one do the heavy lifting while they pick up the prizes.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


At the moment pindi and Krill are profiting nicely from OH's attack but OH himself has little to show for his Army-building.

(December 18th, 2014, 15:35)Whosit Wrote: I haven't been following this game closely lately, but I popped into pindicator's thread and saw this (bolded text for emphasis):
I don't think this would have been said in a BtS game! Does this mean swordsmen are viable units in their role now? Also, talk about bringing swords to a gun fight....

Swords are amazing now. Sword's inherent 50% city attack (or -50% rather) and CR promotions are being multiplied against by 14 (rifles) now so they're as effective at this point in the game as they ever have been.

Earlier in the game, they can get odds on LBs depending on culture and fortify. With equivalent promotions, they have attacking odds on axes in a non-culture, non-fortify situations. They have odds vs archers on amphibious attacks.

(September 9th, 2014, 08:55)Commodore Wrote: Azza is a complete terrorist, yup.

It's very easy to criticise when you're not the one in the middle of an inevitable 2v1 situation.

I don't regret the philosophy of my moves, I do regret the execution. I'd absolutely settle aggressively towards Mardoc again, that's where the land was at the time. FinHarry were too quick to claim the contested lands between them and I, so I had little choice in that. I regret not defending the first aggressive city adequately, should've had at least a spear in there by the time Mardoc hit, but the city itself was the right move. After that, it was pretty much where am I most likely going to be able to claim land. There was good land between the established borders of Mardoc and myself, so that's where I focused my efforts. FinHarry's tech rate meant that I had no chance of successfully winning anything from them, I had to go west. Didn't work as I hoped, but I still feel it was my best chance of success.

(January 9th, 2015, 15:04)GermanJojo Wrote: Hopefully three of those XP will be on this guy; it's been a long road for him, but he's only 3 XP away from Amphibious! A CR3 Amphibious Rifle would be very very useful for me in the near future!!

You can also see the now-sad remnants of my once mighty army. frown I've got another 4 cats and 5 jans en-route, but that's all the troops I can realistically spare. I've got, iirc, 20 jans and 8 knights (plus various classical/medieval trash) on my TBS border, which really wouldn't be enough to wipe his nose if he happened to sneeze at me once he turns around from dazed. He's still conquering him at the ridiculous rate of ~1.5 cities per turn... I figure it'll take him another 5-6 turns to finish that up, plus another dozen consolidating+transporting over to my front. I've got to have some kind of reasonable deterrent up by that time or else I'm just expensive mincemeat. Three of my four best production cities (CP, HT, and Moonshine) are all right on my TBS border... if he manage's to pull out some kind of blitzkrieg witchcraft, I'm just a fat, juicy hunk of meat. A huge stack of Commandos would be just the ticket, I think, to prevent a war from breaking out. And you know what? I just got a REALLY evil idea hehehe... I have bunches of my excess workers over in TBS's territory acting as sentries. I could perhaps subtly, slowly use them to.... "improve" his road network a bit, heheh... I hope you're paying very close attention to your land, my friend. devil

Jojo is really playing a solid game. Gawdzak (the sub) is making his conquering life miserable, gotta respect both the defense and the good sportsmanship on the attack.

Building roads in TBS territory? I can't think of a bigger red flag than that!

(January 10th, 2015, 00:42)Ceiliazul Wrote: Building roads in TBS territory? I can't think of a bigger red flag than that!

It would be a nice way to just get in his head, if he wasn't actually planning anything. smile
If you know what I mean.

(January 10th, 2015, 16:43)zakalwe Wrote:
(January 10th, 2015, 00:42)Ceiliazul Wrote: Building roads in TBS territory? I can't think of a bigger red flag than that!

It would be a nice way to just get in his head, if he wasn't actually planning anything. smile


Ambitious! Dtay is building an ever larger standing army, a hanging sword held back only by FinHarry's rather cold meta-play of sustained war vs. Dtay. I guess if finharry takes peace the walls crash on Krovice regardless... but this?

(January 12th, 2015, 11:08)Krill Wrote: Rough plan: withdraw as many units as possible from Willow Lake and put them on the staging tile between DS and RC. From this tile, can move them over two turns to a galleon stack on the coast, once loaded, that stack can reach JD immediately. The following turn hit Ruff and take his three west coast cities and see what we can get there.

Only additional tactic would be to load up say 3 galleons and try to reach Ruffs northern coastal city on the same turn. If we did that we could theoretically get his entire core in 2 turns. We certainly have enough units to do it and we wouldn't even need to withdraw any cannon do do this, just need the knights and muskets. We'd have to use Frigates to strip out cultural defense, but we wouldn't need many.

The only cost is that we need to build about 20 galleons...which we probably don't have the time to do properly.

Thats ambitious.

Been away for a while.

All I have to say is...... what?

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