Wasn't sure where to say anything, or if I should given that this forum seems dead in posts from what I can see, but I downloaded League about 2-3 days ago since DoTA2 is too laggy on my comp (I can run League with quite little lag). Pretty fun! Right now I'm basically just focusing on Garen and to an extent Ashe. Since I can't spend stuff I'm probably saving up for Lux but I might get Sivir beforehand (I have over 1k IP ATM). My name is RukiMotomiya if anyone wants to add me/if they want me to add them. I'm still pretty new so I doubt I'm good but I have an idea of the basics and stuff anyway.
League of Legends General Discussion Thread
If you're on NA there's a few of us still playing - I'm Terror Incognita, and PhoenixCull (Cull), Gold Ergo Sum and pocketbeetle all play occasionally too. Feel free to add me/us if you want some guidance
So, what Mystery Champ(/skin) did y'all get from the Pool Party Mystery Champ? I got Nidalee (Who I'd refunded before, though I don't dislike her) and my friends got Azir and Yasuo.
It was very likely that I'd receive a champion for one of the roles I don't frequently play (mid and adc), so I wasn't disappointed to receive Azir. I highly doubt that I'll ever pick him in a draft, and I'm almost certain that I would lose the subsequent game horribly :D
well i got Heimerdinger on my euw account, Jayce on eune and Karma on na.
Concerning playing Jayce for the first time, i found him weak in early game and reasonably strong in mid-late game. However i don't think i'm going to main him any time soon as not much sinergy was discovered with him.
Never trust something that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die!
Not sure if you've seen, Sulla, but a video of yours made the front page of reddit today...
I did not know that, but it explains why I was getting so many YouTube comments out of the blue earlier this week. Thanks for the head's up.
My placements for 2016:
NA 5-5 Silver 2 EUW 4-6 Bronze 1 Teemo only (i chose "fill" every time and every time i got "support") Just thought i'd share. Needless to say i got shit thrown at me most of the time, for picking Teemo, regardless win or loss :P
Never trust something that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die!