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Thanks to discovering the wonder that is playing sludge Belcher into savannah high mane on turns 5 and 6 I have taken up a hunter mid range deck. Thank you to uberfish for suggesting it. My deck is roughly based on other decks I have played against, where do people go to look at deck lists? A lot of sites come up but I'm not sure which are reliable.

Anyway enjoying the new deck and it has got me up to the dizzying heights of rank 10 lol

(January 22nd, 2015, 16:40)Enoch Wrote: where do people go to look at deck lists? A lot of sites come up but I'm not sure which are reliable.

(January 22nd, 2015, 16:40)Enoch Wrote: where do people go to look at deck lists? A lot of sites come up but I'm not sure which are reliable.

Probably one of the most popular is

The site features interesting decks by pro players every few days and has a deck database as well. In order to determine the quality of decks in the database there are usually two indicators you can use:

a) There is a community upvote/downvote system in place, so you can check decks with the highest number of upvotes.
b) Often the creator indicates what rank he reached by using the deck. So if somebody made it to legend rank with a certain deck, it's usually a valid choice.


Another site with good guides and lists is The guides tend to be written a little more in depth: eg, how to mulligan against most classes, what tech cards you can swap and when, etc.

This is a very good current tier list:

One problem with all these sites is that the meta does change a lot from week to week so even 3 to 4 week old deck lists may be a little out of date. They still should be pretty good for general deck archetypes and you can just swap in and out a few tech cards based on what you're seeing on ladder.

Just to throw into the list as well. You can search by dust value there which is quite neat.

I took a break from beastly level 19 play to watch Seven at rank 1. All of people telling me my face hunter was obsolete a year ago...all lies! It was a veritable sea of Leper Gnomes and Wolfriders! wink

I switched back to Zoo for a while too, so you guys are in good company. Needed a break from running big creature decks with everyone either being a hunter or playing BGHs (sigh).

ugh ... just ran into an ugly shaman ... T1 coin whirling zap-o-matic, t2 whirling zap-o-matic T3 Shattered Sun Cleric, eating the 2-3 i had placed on the board

Finally made it to legend (for the first time) with Midrange Hunter playing double Knife Juggler/UtH combo and Loatheb. The popular Druid matchup was highly favourable and apparently no one plays around UtH anymore so the combo does huge damage. Only really bad matchup was control priest - I was under 50% against paladins but I believe the matchup should be theoretically even and they just got lucky draws.

(also, about time Undertaker got nerfed, this card was obviously overpowered for months...)

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