Current Links
Website Page for AI Survivor Season Two
Livestream (Twitch)
Game One
Game Two
Game Three
Game Four
Game Five
Game Six
Game Seven
Game Eight
Wildcard Game
Playoff Game One
Playoff Game Two
Playoff Game Three
Next Game: Championship Game, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 30 starting around roughly 12:00pm EST
Current Bracket and Standings
Leader Draw and Map Selection
Prediction Contest Submission Form
Civ4 AI Survivor will be back again soon, ready to launch another tournament for 2015! There are plenty of questions to be answered as the AIs take to the Australian Outback for the second season. Can Justinian defend the AI crown in another repeat performance? What will fan favorites like Mansa Musa, Catherine, and Zara Yacob be up to this time? Who will win the pungent incense award for most suicidal AI? All this and more, coming soon!
Here's my current thought process. This is still in the planning stages, so feel free to make suggestions.
* I'd like to start the Survivor competition in about two weeks. I have an off day from work on Friday February 20, so I'm thinking perhaps on that day. This gives us a chance to do a less ragged start than last year (when I was essentially making it up as I went along).
* Games this year will be Livestreamed on my Twitch channel. This was requested by several folks last year, you'll have the chance to see these AI games play out in real time. There will not be written reports this year. I'm sorry about that; I think the written reports are better, personally, but I'll never have the time to do 13 full write-ups again while working full time. Apologies.
* Plan is to do one game per week. That should provide enough time to do the prediction contest and watch the weekly AI game. Remember, you don't have to watch live - everything gets permanently saved on my Twitch page.
* The tournament settings are the same as last time, I thought the format worked very well. AIs are randomly drawn into 8 games, each with either six AIs or seven AIs. Top two leaders advance to the playoffs, any surviving leaders get tossed into the Wildcard game. Then three playoff games feed into one championship game. Same as last year.
* More specific game settings: Deity AI, Standard size, Arid Climate (to match the season theme), Standard/Low sea, Normal speed, No Tech Trading, No Vassals, No Events, Aggressive AI.
Prediction Contest
The prediction Contest is back! And now even better, since Sullla has gotten much better at using Excel in the last year. We're making predictions in the following categories:
Winning Leader (5 points)
Runner Up Leader (5 points)
First to Die (5 points)
Victory Type (3 points)
Victory Date (10 points for exact, 5 points within 10 turns, 3 points within 25 turns, 1 point within 50 turns)
These are all returning categories. The one change here was to decrease the exact date bonus from 15 points to 10 points, since we had suggestions that that was a bit excessive. There's one new category this year:
Total Number of Wars (5 points for exact, 3 points within 2 wars, 1 point within 5 wars)
This is the replacement for the "Surviving Leaders" category, which turned out to be a bit of a dud. Someone suggested we guess the total number of wars instead, and that sounds like a lot more fun. Every time a war breaks out, some people will be gaining points and others losing points. Sounds like fun, especially when it's happening live on stream.
*I think it might be a good idea to set up a Google docs spreadsheet to make prediction contest entries easier. (I'll also accept them in this forum thread too.) Anyone have some advice on the best way to do that?
* I'd like to do the random leader drawing and the map creation for the first game sometime this upcoming weekend, live on stream. I'll post in this thread when that happens.
* Here's a link to my Excel file with some sample data for examples. The workload should be vastly easier now that I know how to automate everything:
* Any other suggestions for things that I'm missing (?)
This forum's been a bit quiet lately. Let's see if we can generate some more activity.