WW 36 - Horrors in Kingsport [Game Thread]
Do you mind if we just throw you from the rafters, Brick?
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
Gazglum is due for scumming.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
(February 17th, 2015, 15:47)Gaspar Wrote: Do you mind if we just throw you from the rafters, Brick? That sounds like it would hurt a lot, so I'd prefer you not to do so.... (February 17th, 2015, 16:14)zakalwe Wrote: Let me just stock up on some ammunition... zakalwe for posting links that don't load properly.
Super Importantest Tally as of post 15:
1 votes: Qgqqqqq (Fenn) 1 votes: Dr. Saul (sunrise089) 1 votes: zakalwe (BRickAstley) 1 votes: Rowain (Doctor Saul) 1 votes: Fenn (zakalwe) 1 votes: Brick (Gaspar) 1 votes: Gazglum (Lewwyn) Voting history:
So, this seems pretty pointless in terms of any ability to accurate, and we just want to create voting patterns (which should be basically random in the case of villagers, but may be meaningful in the future in the case of wolves) + the final lynch giving info.
Name out of hat: Qgqqqqq coughorijustcopiedlastgamecough
Fear cuts deeper than swords.
I think everyone missed Commodores edit. Krellin got in touch with him, I'm not playing atm.
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