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WW 36 - Horrors in Kingsport [Game Thread]

I wasn't saying your post to defend me was a joking post, I was talking about your "defensive " post.

(February 18th, 2015, 07:36)BRickAstley Wrote: So I called them out because they turned the jokey phase serious in what I felt was a non-town manner, by trying to hold your joke vote to a different standard from the rest for a bad reason.

Personally, I don't feel guilty of that, at all.

Apart from that, I like your post.
If you know what I mean.

(February 18th, 2015, 07:44)BRickAstley Wrote:
(February 18th, 2015, 03:24)dtay Wrote: I guess that's the point, force stuff, but I just have trouble with the doublethink required: "I'm doing things that don't make sense, but I need to act like they make sense so I can do things that make sense later, all while simultaneously attacking other people for not making sense despite them being aware of this same logic"

Aaaaaaaaand this is why I don't enjoy information-less Day 1s. rolleye

So you agree with dtay, or what? You're still voting for him, but I don't see anything scummy about his play so far.
If you know what I mean.

Tally as of post 73:

3 votes: Brick (Gaspar, Gazglum, Rowain)
3 votes: Qqqqqqqqq (dtay, AdrienIer, novice)
2 votes: AdrienIer (Fenn, Qgqqqqq)
2 votes: dtay (BRickAstley, Mattimeo)
1 votes: Zakalwe (Jabbz)
1 votes: Rowain (Doctor Saul)
1 votes: Gazglum (Lewwyn)
1 votes: Dr. Saul (sunrise089)
1 votes: Mattimeo (zakalwe)

Voting history:
BRickAstley Wrote: novice
Fenn Wrote: Qgqqqqq
sunrise089 Wrote: Dr. Saul [/color=#FF0000]
Gaspar Wrote: Zakalwe
Doctor Saul Wrote: Rowain
zakalwe Wrote: Fenn
Gaspar Wrote: Brick
Lewwyn Wrote: Gazglum
BRickAstley Wrote: zakalwe
dtay Wrote: Qgqqqqq
BRickAstley Wrote: dtay
Rowain Wrote: Gazglum
AdrienIer Wrote: AdrienIer
AdrienIer Wrote: Mattimeo
zakalwe Wrote: AdrienIer
novice Wrote: Gazglum
dtay Wrote: Krellin
Qgqqqqq Wrote: Doctor Saul
Qgqqqqq Wrote: AdreinIer
Jabbz Wrote: Zakalwe
dtay Wrote: Qqqqqqqqq
Fenn Wrote: AdrienIer
AdrienIer Wrote: Q
Mattimeo Wrote: dtay
zakalwe Wrote: Mattimeo
Gazglum Wrote: Brick
Rowain Wrote: Brick
novice Wrote: Qgqqqqq
If you know what I mean.

I am reassured by your petulance Mr Brick. Perhaps Doctor Saul should be looked at instead for his second post,

(February 17th, 2015, 22:27)Doctor Saul Wrote:
(February 17th, 2015, 21:03)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Doctor Saul, for reminding me of the anonymous game frown You made me think of the M-word again, and no one should ever do that to anyone.

I have fonder memories of that game, I suppose crazyeye

(February 17th, 2015, 21:55)BRickAstley Wrote: Sooooooo if you're really seriously voting for AdrienIer for his joke post just because he used a website for his random vote rather than how his stomach felt at the moment, you're pretty silly dilly I gotta say.

I read the thread twice over trying to find where Adrienler said he was sick before the aha-moment happened and I realized what you were really saying.

Which is a very content-free contribution to the discussion.

(February 18th, 2015, 07:36)BRickAstley Wrote: Honestly it was a combination a joke and a bit defensive. My first game here in itself was a rousing success, in that I had a stellar wolf game. But it's been a curse triple ever since then, because not only does it seem to predispose people towards thinking of me as scum, but it also means when I play, I always feel like a wolf in coming up with justifications for what I do (which people see as scum), and on top of that, I get insanely paranoid and defensive whenever anyone accuses me of anything.

This passage sounds honest to me. I think we should give Brick some time to find his bearings and contribute positively without being under continuous pressure. We'll still catch him if he's scum, if his last scum game is anything to go by. Just my personal opinion, of course.

I will happily policy lynch any lurker who keeps lurking.

I'd be willing to join the wagon on Q, but for now I'm staying on Mattimeo.

(February 18th, 2015, 03:23)Mattimeo Wrote:
(February 17th, 2015, 21:51)dtay Wrote: "unfair to the people who are known for being good wolf players" is irrelevant. Why would we care if a strategy is fair?
Why not read the spoiler thread, then?

Also, if you want to play more games, having a policy of "always vote for the best wolf players," also known as "always vote for the same people," is not likely to encourage them to play more games with you.


I don't see the link between the first two paragraphs and the actual vote. Is it a policy vote, or what? Fill me in, please.
If you know what I mean.

(February 18th, 2015, 07:36)BRickAstley Wrote: So I was still kinda joking, while also cognizant that if people did follow dtay's idea, I'd logically be the first to be killed. And I'm tired of all my villager games resulting in me lynched or nightkilled by day 2. shakehead

My record for the last few games as real villager: Killed Night 2 twice(35 & 33) , killed night 1 (32), vigshotted by a wolf-vig Day 1 (30) . Don't ask me for sympathy because you got nightkilled early in one of the few games you played and found as scum but let live on Day 1 in another one.

(February 18th, 2015, 07:36)BRickAstley Wrote: So thanks for bringing it up right off the bat, I always enjoy defending myself against what I did 20 games ago.

You brought your scum play up yourself with

(February 17th, 2015, 19:00)BRickAstley Wrote: Also if people listen to him remember my good wolf games are a result of lunacy and luck rather than me actually having any skill. smoke

@zakalwe While I do agree about the lurker-lynch I don't share your optimism concerning BRick.

I don't think AdrienIer is suspicious for his vote for himself plus the the reroll joke thing. It seems a bit careless and I don't know if he'd be as free with it if he were a wolf. More likely he is a villager wanted to play around and then thought better of it. Just remember guys the Day 1 mislynch is almost always the villager who does something stupid.

Can't tell about dtay yet. He had sort of the same thoughts that I did about AdrienIer and I like that, and I also think his style is very similar to what I read last game.

My dear friend Gazglum has made a salient point about Doctor Saul and his dearth of thought. One would expect a doctor to be slightly more loquacious.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

I'd also be on board to lynch Matt possibly. I think he definitely is a bit over the top.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

(February 18th, 2015, 03:23)Mattimeo Wrote:
(February 17th, 2015, 21:51)dtay Wrote: "unfair to the people who are known for being good wolf players" is irrelevant. Why would we care if a strategy is fair?
Why not read the spoiler thread, then?

Also, if you want to play more games, having a policy of "always vote for the best wolf players," also known as "always vote for the same people," is not likely to encourage them to play more games with you.


Mattimeo's post above seems to deliberately misunderstand/misstate an argument more than any other so far, and so earns my vote. I don't find it believable that dtay's argument could honestly be read as ""always vote for the same people." IMHO he's pretty clearly arguing that Day 1 votes are pretty meaningless (a position I'm favorably inclined towards) and that ignoring Day 1 entirely while lynching non-randomly is a superior play. There was already a rebuttal with "no, it's more useful to prod people Day 1...the info gleamed is actually useful" so I don't know why Matt decided to go so far down the rabbit hole and end up threatening dtay with not being able to play in future games eek

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