Ugh. I was sick this past week, started to get better so worked extra to catch up, which got me sick again, which meant I crashed early last night, which meant I woke up to texts from boss wondering why a work assignment wasn't done, which meant I went back in to the office today, still sick, and despite the lovely DC weather we're having.
On the brightside it led to this humorous exchange with the wife, who is vaguely familiar with the concept of RB WW:
sunrise Wrote:Ok, I gotta get out of bed. I haven't posted in the WW game in over a day
sunrisewife Wrote:Oh no, I fear the other players will think you're the wolf
sunrisewife Wrote:You are the wolf, I can tell
sunrisewife Wrote:Get away from me wolf!

Anyways, I'm starting to catch up. Here are replies for action during the night phase...
I went back and checked to see who referred to Matt as a policy lynch.
Matt voters: jabbz, dtay, zak
Zak voters: Q, Dr. Saul, Brick
(Explicitly said it was not a policy lynch: Gazglum, town points)
No idea how the discussion goes from here, but my first impression is Q comes of looking pretty dicey, especially since he was actively pushing the policy lynch angle at others. Smaller dings for Brick (not loving the Rowain feud) and jabbz (right side on the Matt lynch but not loving the defense to some prodding nor his comments at me).
Small town point for AdrienIer for noting the Matt power role, surprisingly long after the lynch roll

Quick note on my own innocence: I'm happy to defend more vigorously if need be, but while I know scum can bus, to be clear...
*I got on Matt when he had one vote
*I stayed on him for the entire day
*A lot of flak was thrown at me claiming I had non-legit reasons for voting Matt
*I passed up an opportunity to re-assess my vote and potentially move it when asked
*I passed up the opportunity to shift to Zak when I could have made a tying vote
Anyways, that's purely a read through the Zak night kill roll. I'll try to post by...10:00am EST tomorrow am to comment on further developments.