Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW37- For Whom the Bell Trolls

The Glums are apparently entertaining guests for the next few hours, but I will do as Lewwyn does and sneak to the toilet with my laptop if needed to be back before lynch.

I think Commodore is doing some entertaining himself, and more importantly offering some genuine reads, and I think any time the Realms Beyond Town tells itself we should auto-lynch someone for reasons like this, we should at least hesitate (see: The Case of Serial Killer Ichabod).

Novice, what happened to your suspicions of Agnes? Is there nobody else you think makes a better choice than Commodore? Right now I'm seeing you wanting to lynch a seer on Day 1, and trying to drag poor intoxicated Lewwyn in after you.

Also, Jabbz danced his way to post-count lead, now he's restricting himself to making comments on Lewwyn's sobriety.

Novice, what gives you a town read on Jabbz?

Third hop on novice and I will join up. He claims I am a good automatic lynch. I counter thus:

Seriously town. Just because I am going to be apathetic and probably will vote for who ever charms me at lylo? I mean if wolves want to off me at night they at least have to burn multiple shots. And they you can cheer because they killed that nasty war reporter dude and not one of your fellow inbred yokels.

Gorerippers claim seems legit. That is, it comes pretty much out of nowhere, and I feel like scum faking it would want to dance round the issue.

I don't think we want to kill him today. Sure, it's better than lynching town, but AFAIC he's got nearly 0% chance of flipping scum, so we want to lynch pretty well anyone before him.

Definitely be wary of any claims he makes though.
How many times must I discharge my blunderbuss?

Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Gore I don't understand why you as survivor would feel yourself unneeded if you are a NK-immune seer who wins once all scum are dead.

(March 16th, 2015, 13:10)Fenn Wrote: Agreed that Jabbz's attitude is off. He starts being relatively relaxed but after the Agnes train issue comes up he suddenly goes back to his defensive self from previous games. Doesn't seem natural to me, even with his explanation later of having a cold.

The cold isn't to explain my responses, the cold=grumpy was an explanation for being a dick, the way I delivered my responses. If you look at past games, I start out pretty mellow, until people jump my shit for stuff that makes no sense, then I get aggressive. Why be aggressive if there is no reason to be, and no one to head that direction on.

(March 16th, 2015, 13:59)Rowain Wrote: Gore I don't understand why you as survivor would feel yourself unneeded if you are a NK-immune seer who wins once all scum are dead.

This. Assuming your claim is real, and it's not a cover for a SK (risky for that IMO) you are in a position to pick your side and run with it. That kind of freedom should invigorate you, not sap your will to play.

If I didn't miss something we have:

4 votes: Mattimeo ( dtay, Lewwyn, Shadeun, Goreripper )
3 votes: Goreripper ( zakalwe, novice, Rowain )
2 votes: novice ( Fenn, Gazglum )
1 votes: Lewwyn ( Jabbz )
1 votes: dtay ( Mattimeo )
1 votes: Gazglum ( Pindicator )
1 votes: Jabbz ( Agnes The Orphan )

and 3 hours to go.

(March 16th, 2015, 13:59)Rowain Wrote: Gore I don't understand why you as survivor would feel yourself unneeded if you are a NK-immune seer who wins once all scum are dead.
Or I win when all town are dead. Like I said my immunity also is not infinite. Why would I prefer the town? See above I am not needed at all. It is role madness I am sure we are all crazy supermen in our way.
(March 16th, 2015, 14:02)Jabbz Wrote: This. Assuming your claim is real, and it's not a cover for a SK (risky for that IMO) you are in a position to pick your side and run with it. That kind of freedom should invigorate you, not sap your will to play.
[Image: parrot.png]

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