Okay, I logged in and ended our turn.
Some interesting demo numbers; most teams haven't settled yet, and already someone is working a 3-food tile, someone has 2 more commerce than us, and someone has 2 more production than us. I'm guessing that maybe the extra production is an expansive player working a plains hill and building a worker or something, but who knows. The extra commerce hopefully is just the creative trait. The food is either because someone moved a square and got their rice equivalent, or they had theirs closer to them.
Some interesting demo numbers; most teams haven't settled yet, and already someone is working a 3-food tile, someone has 2 more commerce than us, and someone has 2 more production than us. I'm guessing that maybe the extra production is an expansive player working a plains hill and building a worker or something, but who knows. The extra commerce hopefully is just the creative trait. The food is either because someone moved a square and got their rice equivalent, or they had theirs closer to them.